FaceMOUSE: Innovative Assistive device for Cerebral Palsy

Since 2004, when he achieved his degree in Informatics Engineering, Simone Soria is involved in developing innovative mouse assistive devices, in particolar FaceMOUSE Technology, which is an assistive device for cerebral palsy and other disabilities. FaceMOUSE was born from actual life experiences of Eng. Soria and from day to day challenges he faces for himself and the people he helps. Working at high levels of customization on the specific needs, FaceMOUSE and A.I.D.A.’s staff are at the forefront of innovation in the field of mouse assistive devices. The work of customization is the result of a thorough evaluation of the motorial and intellectual capabilities of the person, performed by Eng. Soria and A.I.D.A no-profit organization.



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