where did the geats put beowulf's ashes

At Beowulf's request, the pyre is hung with battle gear. Had asked, strong and tall, so sailors . he sees the bottom. Beowulf responds by itemizing his father's accomplishments and reputation. a. Wiglaf and (almost dead) Beowulf kill him together. How is the enemy defeated? Aside from Beowulf’s ashes, what else was left in the walls of Beowulf’s monument? What did Beowulf do after he killed Grendals mom? Monsters blood came seeping in the lake, Geats stayed, and the Danes left, carried Beowulfs armor and praised God, and 4 people carried Grendals head. The Geats were Beowulf's clan - a seafaring tribe residing in the south of Sweden. After Beowulf dies, his followers show up. Therefore, a monument was built along the shore which served as a memorial of the great king. The Geats built the barrow as Beowulf had asked. has not been stamped out. Therefore, Beowulf must be buried on land, with the treasures of mankind surrounding his ashes, pointing the way for all men that should happen to sail over the sea. Beowulf's sword broke; but he dealt the dragon its death-blow with his dagger. what happens to beowulf's riches? He finds that the waters he passes Hrothgar then promises to shower Beowulf with treasure What did Hrothgar hear further about the Geats? Sorrowfully, they recount that their king was kind and generous to his people, fair-minded, and eager to earn praise. That’s how the Geats traditionally did battle. He was a proven hero. the heavy head of Grendel on a spear and lug it between them. Tags: Question 20 . the watchman. The Geats place Beowulf’s remains on a cliff high above the sea in a barrow that will be visible to all passing ships. Beowulf’s followers mourn his loss, recognizing the greatness of his character and remembering all that he has done. What did beowulf do when he got into the lake? its hilt, which remains solid and, grasping Grendel’s head in his that he and his men long to return home to Geatland. built him a tower by the edge of the water in Hronesness. their ship. He briefly mentions his king, Hygelac, and his people, the Geats. For example, her attack Describe what the Geats did the Beowulf's body per his request. Go on to Herot and i will watch your ship. Beowulf speaks to Wiglaf, telling him to lead the Geats. Could find it from far and wide' The warriors return to Hrothgar's court, where the Danes and Geats prepare a feast in celebration of the death of the monsters. What did Beowulf say he puts his trust into? He instructs Wiglaf to build a tomb to be known as "Beowulf's tower" on the edge of the sea. In the mound they place treasure from the dragon's hoard "where it lies still, as useless to men as it was before." That he feels no shame with a shield and sword in hand. Four men impale She drags Beowulf to her court, while a mass of sea-monsters After fifty winters pass, Beowulf,now an old man, faces his final task: He must fight How did the Geats honor Beowulf after his death? They light the fire and Beowulf's body burns while his people wail and mourn him. In keeping with Beowulf’s instructions, the dragon’s treasure is buried alongside Beowulf’s ashes in the tomb. Sure that their champion is lost, they return i now show you Grendals head and now you can sleep with no fear. There is an element of the final part of Beowulf which is overshadowed by the fight with the dragon and by Beowulf's death, but which I think is worth thinking about: the history of the dragon's treasure.. huge sword and swings it in a powerful arc. He delivers a long speech about gushing with blood. mother senses his approach. What did they do with the treasure that was left? Tried to help, Grendal was to much for them. Beowulfs king/lord and king of the Geats. a more foundational or primordial evil than Grendel himself. Only the small band of Geats, Beowulf’s kinsmen, The Geats build Beowulf's funeral pyre, stacking it high with precious armor and treasures. When he breaks the surface, the Geats are overjoyed as they advance In keeping with his instructions, the dragon's treasure is buried alongside Beowulf's ashes in the tomb. off, we never actually see Grendel die, and Beowulf regrets letting Dying, he was carried out by Wiglaf, and with his last breaths named Wiglaf his rightful heir. looks around, his sword held high in readiness. Beowulf's last gift to his people is buried. He gave some to Higlac and he honors his king, He found him and went to tower and called the dragon. 50 years Iron-shaped. to him by Unferth, and lashes at Grendel’s mother’s head, but even death. her grip, but his armor, as predicted, prevents her from crushing The poem ends as it began with the funeral of a great warrior. The group returns to Heorot in triumph. He is fatally wounded being bit in the neck 9 Who kills the dragon Beowulf 10 from ENGL ENGLISH LI at University of North Georgia, Gainesville In fact, the poem frequently uses treasure as a image of the Scandinavian people’s most cherished cultural values. Hrothgar sees it, assumes Beowulf was killed, and departs for Heorot. The Geats also have unwavering loyalty to Beowulf while they are in Denmark. He asks Wiglaf to build a monument, a tomb where King Beowulf's ashes will be buried, a high tower over the old one, so sailors will see it and speak of The warriors return to Hrothgar's court, where the Danes and Geats prepare a feast in celebration of the death of the monsters. When the ship reached the beach, who came to meet them? the following morning. Golden briders, banners, cote of arms, and an ancient sword, Returned to their beds and fell asleep drunk. All the treasure he and Wiglaf took from the dragon. WHat did Beowulf tell Hrothgar to do if he died? She seems to be more unambiguously animalistic After Beowulf's monument is completed, the Geats seal his ashes within its walls and also bury the treasures won by Beowulf and Wiglaf. In Beowulf, however, the Danes, Geats, and Swedes’ collective reverence for treasure is no longer represented as a shortcoming or moral weakness. He killed 30 people while they where asleep. The Geats burn Beowulf's body in a funeral pyre, then built a tower. This leads the dragon to burn the Geats’ land and homes. Praying, sacraficing, references to God, and bible stories. separate ideas. He dies protecting his people and asks to be buried under a cairn along the shores. 3. As the poem suggests, the Geats appear to have been conquered and disappeared into history. 45. Earlier, after Grendel’s defeat, there are frequent suggestions, Back in the monster’s court, the blade of the giant’s sword begins to melt, burned by Grendel’s fiery blood. on Heorot is even appropriate and honorable by the standards of Every surrounded Herot and followed the bloody tracks to the lake. 458. Thanks for coming, ive never given this much power to someone before. Right on cue, Grendel comes lumbering in off the moors to attack the hall. The dragon is cursed again with burial at sea, just as Grendel and his mother were buried earlier in the poem. Beowulf instructs Wiglaf that, after his death, his body should be burned and the ashes brought to the dragon’s tower—which is to be made Beowulf’s tomb. The Geats fulfilled some of Beowulf's last wishes, but not all. evenness, and loyalty, contrasts him with the evil King Heremod, at its source—Grendel’s mother might be thought of as representing The seafaring Geats appear to be the invading `Danes' of whom Gregory of Tours writes concerning an attack by Chlochilaicus (Hygelac) against the Franks in 520. What did Beowulf do with the last ounce of his stregnth? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Evening. After Hrothgar and the court departed, what did Beowulf do? Also question is, what did Beowulf's men place around his funeral pyre? him get away. After Beowulf dies, his followers show up. He fought back, crushed Grendals claw, and ripped his arm off. The dragon's hoard is buried with Beowulf's ashes. The dais, because it was protected by God. How and where do the Geats put Beowulf to rest after he dies? The cairn was to be built along the shores where it would serve as a … Himself . Analysis. Thanking God, he tells Wiglaf that he wants his ashes buried in a mound on Whale's Cliff (Hrones-naesse) near the sea where passing sailors might look upon it and call it "Beowulf's Barrow" (Biowulfes biorh). him. Why? Wiglaf supervises the building of the funeral pyre. Beowulf was not greedy for gold. Beowulf tries to fight the sea-witch using only his bare hands, even amid the celebration, that the evil that Grendel represents sword begins to melt, burned by Grendel’s fiery blood. 14. how many men did beowulf take w him to fight grendel. At nightfall what did the Geats do? He spies Grendel’s to Heorot in sorrow. Besides, what did Beowulf's men place around his funeral pyre? what happens to beowulf's riches? Beowulf speaks to Wiglaf, telling him to lead the Geats. How the Geats of Sweden were related to the Goths has been debated for centuries. Beowulf's final words (2794 ff.) At what time of day did the dragon attack the villages and homes of the Geats? The blade slices cleanly him of his future security. a. Wiglaf, eventually helps Beowulf but by this time its too late because Beowulf is dying. Aside from Beowulf’s ashes, what else was left in the walls of Beowulf’s monument? He rules wisely for fifty years, bringing prosperity to Geatland. And she did not allow the birds of the air to come upon them by day, or the beasts of the field by night. Returned to their beds and fell asleep drunk. Build a tomb by the water, for my funeral flames, The famous necklace, helmet, ring, and mail shirt. Another banquet ensues, with great feasting and revelry. Destoyed, the kings throne and the roof was the only thing left. It is revealed that the hoard had been under a spell, so that no person could open it except by the will of God. Wiglaf excoriates them for their cowardice in leaving their king to fight the dragon by himself. When Beowulf ventures into the vile lake to fight Grendel's mother, the Danes give him up for dead and leave. He had been mortally wounded by the dragon's poisonous bite. of Hygelac. As he nears the murky lake floor, Grendel’s Therefore, a monument was built along the shore which served as a memorial of the great king. What were the Danes doing at the very beginning of the story when Grendel,was outside Herot. How long does Beowulf rule as king? What did Grendal do after Beowulf to his arm? Many readers have pondered the significance of Grendel are a mixture of prayer, instruction, and farewell. So, the warriors end up building Beowulf his funeral pyre and burying the dragon's hoard with his ashes. Beowulf and the Geats lie down and go to sleep in Heorot Hall, resting and waiting for Grendel's inevitable attack. Beowulf's Last Speech Beowulf says that he would use no sword or weapon if the monster could be killed without it, but he explains that his breath will be burning hot fire pouring from his tongue. earthly rewards. The Swedish-Geatish wars refer to semi-legendary 6th century battles between Swedes and Geats that are described in the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf. and predicts a great future for him. Uncategorized. Beowulf and the Geats sail home and, ... the dragon’s treasure is buried alongside his ashes in the tomb, and the poem ends as it began, with the funeral of a great warrior. Beowulf, a thane of Hygelac, King of the Geats, heard of Grendel's deeds and resolved to come to the Danes' rescue. Click to see full answer. Wiglaf mourns bitterly the loss of his King. Grendel took. In time, Hygelac is killed in a war against the Shylfings, and, after Hygelac's son dies, Beowulf ascends to the throne of the Geats. The Geats then rise and go to Beowulf’s body. Shild, Beo, Healfdare, Hergar, amd Hrothgar, The music was to loud, and it bothered him. Whom did Beowulf blame for “bringing The Almighty’s anger down on his people”? answer choices ... Grendel has put a spell on their weapons. On What did Beowulf do when Grendal attacked him? Home Beowulf Q & A How did the geats react to beowu... Beowulf How did the geats react to beowulfs plan to go. Desiring another trophy, Beowulf chops off Grendel’s head, which gushes blood all the way up to the surface. As he dies, he asks him to take the treasure to his people, and rule well. your the best. They buried it. Little has survived of such battles in the Norse sagas, and later 11th century-13th century wars between Swedes and Geats, notably involving the Geatish clans House of Stenkil and House of Sverker, are referred to as Swedish civil wars. Beowulf's last gift to his people is buried. Beowulf then hands over most of his treasure to Hygelac, who, in turn, rewards him. What part of the hall never becames Grendals? Beowulf's sword broke; but he dealt the dragon its death-blow with his dagger. Despite his old age, Beowulf decides to face the dragon himself. At last, he notices a sword hanging on Beowulf, prince of the Geats, hears about Hrothgar's troubles, gathers fourteen of the bravest Geat warriors, and sets sail from his home in southern Sweden. They placed in the barrow rings and jewels, Rings and gems are laid in the barrow. the story between ancient war, good and evil. It is unclear whether Beowulf was killed because of the curse. The Geats sealed his ashes away in … who is wolfgar. By this time Beowulf has defeated Grendel and his mother, and has ruled the Geats for fifty years. What did Beowulf request the Hrothgar do in case the monster killed him? They all expect to die, but the narrator tells us that God is planning a victory for them. What did Beowulf do when he got to the lake? How did the geats react to beowulfs plan to go. Instead he gladly gave it away. Wiglaf excoriates them for their cowardice in leaving their king to fight the dragon by himself. The audience learns the treasure has been cursed and is to be buried with Beowulf. What did Beowulf discover as he returned to land? What is Beowulf's proof that he is a great hero? Beowulf's strong character combined with his ability to understand the culture and follow the code of his country makes him a successful warrior and king. Beowulf then requests the Geats to bury his ashes after cremating him into rock mound. Answered by jill d #170087 on 8/24/2016 11:47 PM Beowulf's plan to go? Still hopeful, the Geats remain longer and see Beowulf emerge victorious … Over Beowulf 's remains the Geats build a huge mound, visible from the sea. Click to see full answer. 12 years. through are no longer infested now that the demon has been destroyed. Beowulf falls into two parts. Had asked, strong and tall, so sailors . There have also been some attempts by scholars to separate the gēatas' in Beowulf from the people in mainland Sweden and instead identify it with other Scandinavian tribes, but these have not gotten widespread support. Beowulf bids farewell to Hrothgar and tells the old king that if the Danes ever again need help, he will gladly come to their assistance. What did all the Danes and their friends, the Geats enjoy? What did Beowulf give Hrothgar besides the trophy of Grendals head? His body was burned on a funeral pyre, and his ashes buried in … Next, Wiglaf leads the Geats down into the barrow for a tour of the treasure. answer choices . ... Where were Beowulfs ashes put? Hrothgar praises Beowulf’s goodness, 300 seconds . Beowulf’s followers mourn his loss, recognizing the greatness of his character and remembering all that he has done. how to be a good and wise ruler by choosing eternal rather than FROM BEOWULF, PART TWO from Beowulf Part Two, translated by Seamus Heaney Beowulf carries Grendel’s head to King Hrothgar and then returns gift-laden to the land of the Geats, where he succeeds to the throne. Furious at the sight of the fiend, he Little has survived of such battles in the Norse sagas, and later 11th century-13th century wars between Swedes and Geats, notably involving the Geatish clans House of Stenkil and House of Sverker, are referred to as Swedish civil wars. skin. Then the Geats built the tower, as Beowulf Had asked, strong and tall, so sailors Could find it from far and wide; working For ten long days they made his monument, Sealed his ashes in walls as straight And high as wise and willing hands Could raise them. the celebrated blade of Hrunting is unable to pierce the monster’s After the dragon is killed, Beowulf tells Wiglaf to look for the dragon's treasure and to bring it to him. Beowulf swims downward for the better part of a day before After the dragon is killed, Beowulf tells Wiglaf to look for the dragon's treasure and to bring it to him. SURVEY . Then Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth and spread it for herself on the rock, from the beginning of harvest until rain fell upon them from the heavens. Beowulf presents the head and the sword hilt to Hrothgar, assuring He presents Beowulf with twelve treasures. Always capable of surprising us, the poet turns from these digressions to one of the most beautiful extended passages in the poem, the description of the funeral pyre and the final resting place of the ashes of the great man. The Swedish-Geatish wars refer to semi-legendary 6th century battles between Swedes and Geats that are described in the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf. Mentions of Geats, Sea-Geats and Wederas in the manuscript of Beowulf: The earliest known surviving mention of the Geats appears in Ptolemy (2nd century AD), who refers to them as Goutai.In the 6th century, Jordanes writes of the Gautigoths and Ostrogoths (the Ostrogoths of Scandza) and equates them with the Getae; and Procopius refers to Gautoi.The Norse Sagas know them as Gautar; Beowulf … built him a tower where they put his ashes on the walls and buried his treasure, then rode around the tower and told stories of his feats How long did Beowulf rule as King of the Geats? Q. They then sail back to Geatland and return to the hall Hrothgar praises Beowulf In the mound they place treasure from the dragon's hoard "where it lies still, as useless to men as it was before." Beowulf returning to herot put Grendel's head on the table where the king and the queen were drinking and eating. Im here to fight Grendal, with my bare hands. Despite his urgings that Beowulf return to Denmark soon, Hrothgar The poem ends as it began..with the funeral of a great warrior. Inside they placed Beowulf's ashes and the heap of treasure he had won. ... What did Beowulf’s men do while he was fighting the dragon? Protected Brecca, fought sea monster by myself. Tidings of Grendel's attacks reached the country of the Geats. 43. Who is his loyal soldier? Beowulf returning to herot put Grendel's head on the table where the king and the queen were drinking and eating. who is Higlac. He had been mortally wounded by the dragon's poisonous bite. What did Beowulf when he heard Hrothgar sorrow? the coast, where they grant a reward to the watchman who has guarded waits on. Now it would lie with him, no use to living men, as for hundreds of years before. Click to see full answer. ... Strong and tall for all sailors around could see it. the other hand, there is less theological language attached to her 14. who is wolfgar. After Beowulf's monument is completed, the Geats seal his ashes within its walls and also bury the treasures won by Beowulf and Wiglaf. He jump in the lake with his armor on and headed to kill the monster. claws and bites at him. The hero is exultant. In Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic poem by John Lesslie Hall, Beowulf yielded to a wound which he sustained during his battle with a dragon, which was defeated. Beowulf seizes the Take care of my men and take care of my armor. evil has been eliminated with Grendel, the evil must still be eradicated Describe the building of the tower? Asked by Shelia H #547833 on 8/24/2016 11:10 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 8/24/2016 11:47 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. how many men did beowulf take w him to fight grendel. It opens in Denmark, where King Hrothgar’s splendid mead hall, Heorot, has been ravaged for 12 years by nightly visits from an evil monster, Grendel, who carries off Hrothgar’s warriors and devours them.Unexpectedly, young Beowulf, a prince of the Geats of southern Sweden, arrives with a small band of retainers and offers to cleanse Heorot of its monster. You can view our. Wiglaf recounts Beowulf’s last requests and readies the people to build his funeral pyre. Beowulf requested his men to cremate him and bury his ashes under a rock mound (cairn). What did Beowulf do with Hrothgars treasures they had brought from Denmark? Beowulf had a ship outfitted for the journey, then chose fifteen warriors to accompany him. Beowulf bids farewell to Hrothgar and tells the old king that if the Danes ever again need help, he will gladly come to their assistance. where they put his ashes on the walls and buried his treasure, then rode around the tower and told stories of his feats Beowulf’s struggles to overcome the monster are thought to symbolize Anglo-Saxon … Run away because they are scared and feel that he won’t survive this battle because he is not young anymore. corpse lying in a corner. When they Beowulf and his men climb to the dragon’s lair. When the story closes, Beowulf gets to return to his father, knowing his mission is fully accomplished. In the beowulf. Tell of the beggining of Beowulfs battle with the dragon. Back in the monster’s court, the blade of the giant’s Despite Beowulf's own greed that motivated him to fight for the treasure, however, it still makes him greater than the dragon, which moved "at sunset" and in darkness, as all the monsters did. Before the ship sailed away, what did Beowulf give the coast guard? On land, the Danes lose hope when they see blood well What kind of battle-shield does Beowulf take along with him for his battle with the dragon? Lead my people, build a tower in my honor. Wiglaf sends a messenger to a nearby camp of Geat soldiers with instructions to report the outcome of the battle. and less a symbol of pure evil than he is. Beowulf, a warrior and headman of the Geats (a Swedish tribe), engages him in combat and mortally wounds him. but she matches him blow for blow.  Beowulf is a story of a hero of the Geats where he fights three different monsters. 10 day, treasure, and Beowulfs ashes. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Sparknotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Send my armor back to Higlaic. sheild, great king; gift from god, wins wars and glory of Denmark. He asks Wiglaf to build a monument, a tomb where King Beowulf's ashes will be buried, a high tower over the old one, so sailors will see it and speak of Many critics have seen Grendel as the embodiment of the physical and moral evil of heathenism. a. During Beowulf’s reign over the kingdom of Geatland, a slave steals a jeweled cup from a dragon’s lair, which awakens and angers the dragon. What boast does Beowulf make about his upcoming battle with the dragon? A light appears, and Beowulf In the poem Beowulf, the loss of their leader Beowulf means that the Geats will be vulnerable especially because of the many enemies that Beowulf killed. Afterward, Beowulf retires to get some much-needed rest. He also tells the other Geats about Beowulf's last wish: a barrow built on top of his funeral pyre that will serve as his memorial. What do we know about Beowulfs early life? Beowulf then requests the Geats to bury his ashes after cremating him into rock mound. In lines 1128 – 1132, what message does the scop leave with his audience? As the anonymous messenger indicates towards the end, the old curse will probably punish the Geats since they left much of the treasure undestroyed in the burial mound. What Pagon and Christian influences are found? knows that he will never see Beowulf again. the wall, an enormous weapon forged for giants. They were put to death in the first days of harvest, at the beginning of barley harvest. Beowulf thanks God for allowing him to rid the Geatish people of the dragon. Therefore, a monument was built along the shore which served as a memorial of the great king. Grendel’s horrible mother avenges her son’s death but is also defeated and killed by Beowulf. What did Beowulf ask Wiglaf and the warriors to do? decapitates Grendel as a final repayment for all of the lives that Having previously left his father in Sweden to serve a foreign people, we now see him offer his life to save them from not one monster but all of them. The Geats return to again, saying that he has united the Geats and the Danes in ties Beowulf then requests the Geats to bury his ashes after cremating him into rock mound. Beowulf wields Hrunting, the sword lent A funeral pyre is built and mounted various battle equipment by the Geatish warriors and the Wiglaf. One Geat woman in particular mourns Beowulf's death, singing a lament in which she anticipates the destruction of the Geat nation by invaders. As he dies, he asks him to take the treasure to his people, and rule well. When the Geats return to the surface, Wiglaf orders the building of … They discover also the fearsome, fifty-foot-long corpse of the dragon. It was made by giants to fight underwater. All the treasure he and Wiglaf took from the dragon. i will feel you ships with treauser. In lines 1128 – 1132, what message does the scop leave with his audience? His iron sheild melts and breaks the sword and Beowulf is ready to give up. of friendship and loyalty. No one faulted him for this decision. 44. What did Beowulf’s comrades do in this battle? Then the Geats built the tower, as Beowulf . Who was the man that was taken? through the Grendel’s mother’s neck, and she falls dead to the floor, i did it. up from the depths. The fight between Beowulf and the dragon takes place towards the end of the poem. to meet him and unfasten his armor. His body was burned on a funeral pyre, and his ashes buried in … Only the small band of Geats, Beowulf’s kinsmen, waits on. Grendals mom came. The Geats fulfilled some of Beowulf's last wishes, but not all. Beowulfs king/lord and king of the Geats ... who was the strongest of the geats. Therefore, a monument was built along the shore which served as a memorial of the great king. They cremated it and made a tomb and put his ashes in the tower. Hrothgar presents Beowulf with more treasures, and they embrace, emotionally, like father and son. Over Beowulf 's remains the Geats build a huge mound, visible from the sea. the warrior culture, as it marks an attempt to avenge her son’s What took place the next after Grendals attack? put them in the tower and buried them in the sand, 12 guys rode around the tower, telling stories about beowulf. malice than to Grendel’s. That the remaining threat proves instead to be the Upon reaching their destionation, what did they do first? monster’s mother suggests, perhaps, that although an instance of The Geats are greeted by the members of Hrothgar's court, and Beowulf boasts to the king of his previous successes as a warrior, particularly his success in fighting sea monsters. Hrothgar presents Beowulf with more treasures, and they embrace, emotionally, like father and son. I won. Beowulf seizes It is a fitting end to the warrior who worked to protect his people the chance for rest, though still ably serving a purpose. morning, he has Hrunting returned to Unferth and tells Hrothgar and in herrited Herot. He asks Wiglaf to ensure that his body is burned on a sumptuous funeral pyre erected at the coastal headland, and the site is to be known as Beowulf's Barrow. As the coastal guard first approaches the Geats, he asks about Beowulf's lineage (251) — the same question that a visitor might expect in the Greek epic, The Odyssey, composed some 1,500 years before. Then the Geats built the tower, as Beowulf . Figuratively, Beowulf’s role as a messianic character comes full circle when he faces Grendel’s Mother. She lunges at him and clutches him in What new trouble aroused? Dying, he was carried out by Wiglaf, and with his last breaths named Wiglaf his rightful heir. These hints may lead the reader to suspect What did Hrothgar see written on the hilt of the sword? How many men did he choose to take with him? In death, Beowulf achieves a kind of immortality, and the Geats honor him as a great, beloved ruler. Similarly, it is asked, what did Beowulf's men place around his funeral pyre? and his mother—whether they are part of the same evil force or represent two walls of tower. Beowulf seizes its hilt, which remains solid and, grasping Grendel’s head in his other hand, swims for the surface. other hand, swims for the surface. Ironically, Beowulf dies thinking that the treasure he has won will benefit his people; instead, the Geats burn or bury all of it with Beowulf. After the pyre burns down, the Geats build a barrow over it. The dragon's hoard is buried with Beowulf's ashes. He gathered all of the geats and headed to Herot. What happened to the gold. For miles it could be seen, standing high on the cliffs above the sea. arrive at the hall, the Danes gawk at the head in horror and amazement. What did Beowulf do when he saw all the treasure Wiglaf had brought? that Grendel himself is still alive—though Beowulf rips his arm

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