
The project will contribute to the development of internationalization at the different HEI. Specifically, the following
objectives are guidelines for the project in a short term:

1. to strengthen contacts between the involved partners by developing a website/platform with content related with ICT and Special Education;

2. to understand ways of Education in different cultures regarding SEN;

3. to use the partnership to give students, staff and other stakeolders possibilities of knowing and sharing good pratices of ICT in SEN;

4. to help developing the existing programs in SEN;

At long-term planning, the increasing of knowledge in SEN, includes:

1. start to develop of several joint master degree (JMD);

2. start to develop of internet based courses shared between the partners;

3. sharing the investigation across international congress;

3. publication of articles and books;

4. development of education curriculum in basic education courses meeting the needs state with TELESEICT;

5. changing the mentalites regarding the SEN and ICT inside each country’s belonging to the consortium;

6. opening to the entire Europe, with the goal of join the network of South America institutions;

According to what was state previously, plus the experience, the know how, the number of institutions across Europe, the silent partners connected and working in the project, the impact in participating students (directly), the university teachers and colleagues (indirectly), and others stakeolders, means a rich diversity that will provide great outputs for the future, making the project a sustainable tool for everyone! All the content  produce are available for all in partners language.