C6 – Activity – IPG – Guarda – Portugal – 29 & 30 May 2017
Place: Meeting room in Superior School of Education
Topic: Physical Disability
Pedro Tadeu, IPG;
Carlos Brigas, IPG;
José Batanero, Seville University;
Santiago Alonso, Seville University;
Mohammed El Homrani, Granada University;
Mateo Arias, Granada University;
The meetings were held at the meetings room in Superior School of Education, Communication and Sport (IPG).
During the first session, and after the welcome speech of the President of IPG and Dean of Superior School of Education, Communication and Sport, Prof. Pedro Tadeu welcome the participants for a fruitful two days work, having the chance to talk about what brought us to this local meeting: Physical Disability in the context of the use of ICT in SE.
One key factor was the possibility to visit the centre implemented in IPG of MAGICKEY (http://www.magickey.ipg.pt/) and the multiple possibilities to see in action the ICT connected
to persons that have this kind of disability, Physical Disability.
During the discussion, the investigators reach a series of recommendations on the use of ICT for this SEN and the links between them, the teachers, the students and parents.