what does wiglaf do with the treasure they had won?

He also wanted to show his victory and strength. Wiglaf adheres to the heroic code better than Beowulf's other retainers, thereby proving himself a suitable successor to Beowulf. Your IP: Wiglaf sees wonderful tapestry, jewels, gold in various forms, and a golden standard hanging over the riches, emitting a strange light like that in the cave. In Beowulf, the Warrior Code is essentially a set of battle customs, where treasures are taken as mementos from the dragon’s lair to symbolize victory for Beowulf, now a king, with some to be given to loyal warriors for their service and devotion to Beowulf. The dying Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some the dragon’s treasures so that he could be surrounded by the treasure in his funeral. The reason behind why the dying Beowulf asks Wiglaf to return treasures of the dragon to him is not only a souvenir to him but a token of the feats that he had just accomplished. I like the example you gave because it is very true! The two of them worked very well together and Beowulf knew he could not have done it without his cousin. The treasure would remind him of the heroic deed he did along side Beowulf. They both have the same concept behind it, which is proof that it happened, or that they were there. This represents honor and rebirth. Also it would have been nice if you had used a spell check.Symbolize, not Simbolize! Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some of the dragon’s treasures mainly because of the fact that he wanted a souvenir from another one of his glorious battles. Beowulf asked Wiglaf to bring him some of the dragon’s treasures because it resembled all of his triumphs and obstacles he had overcome during his lifetime. Beowulf also instructs the thane on his burial wishes which he executes very well. The reason is because he believes that a person that is still famous after his death, has achieved the highest level of fame. Together, Beowulf and Wiglaf defeated the fire breathing villain and gained the dragons treasure. The dragon is … ... A marker that sailors could see from far away, And in ten days they had done the work. I like how you said that even if he was going to die it would be a noble death, because of everything he overcomed to get there it was still honorable. Wiglaf showed courage and loyalty just like the warrior code states so he deserved to get part of the gold also, for being a good warrior and friend to Beowulf. BEOWULF HOMEWORK Canto 36 (Lines 2605-2690) Question #1 Canto 36 (Lines 2605-2690) Question #2: Who is Wiglaf and what are his credentials for heroism in Anglo-Saxon terms? He defeated the dragon for his people and defended his land like a true noble king should do. This was such a great sign of respect and honor that Beowulf noticed that he would definitly repay him for. Wiglaf recounts Beowulf’s last requests and readies the people to build his funeral pyre. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Today, we might refer to this gesture as a “token of appreciation” for a job well done. The money he wins is brought to his people just as a generous king should. Such as Grendals head when he was defeated. It’s basically evidence that they went there just like Beowulf probably wanted evidence for people to know that he really did beat the powerful dragon. I agree with Shiloh because I like how Sevara compared the treasures to postcards. With the gold, Wiglaf will never forget Beowulf and his heroic deeds. It is customary for the treasures Beowulf obtained over his life to be entombed with him as per the heroic code. Then he bade Wiglaf to bring forth the treasure from the dragon's lair, so that he might behold the riches he had won ere life was spent. Wiglaf is the only one willing to risk his life to help his ruler. 35. I agree with you in the fact that the treasure was given to Wiglaf as a sign of respect and honor. Beowulf wanted the treasures because it is a symbol of how he defeated the dragon. Beowulf knew Wiglaf was a honorable man and he could be trusted. You are completely right with the story ending as it ended as you Beowulf passed down the torch of the greatest warrior to Wiglaf. I agree with Jess in her saying that the treasure that Beowulf had buried with him was a sign of his sucess and all his accomplishments over his life time. He tells Wiglaf to look after the Geats when he is gone. Leaving the treasure buried—and presumably still to be rediscovered—is an imaginative and dramatic final flourish. It was clever how you used the example of Grendel’s head as a souvenir instead of the dragon’s treasure. Wiglaf selects seven of Beowulf's lords to go with him into the barrow to remove the treasure, which they load onto a cart and take back home for Beowulf's funeral. He stayed and helped Beowulf defeat the dragon. I love the route u took with the question, about Beowulf taking Grendel’s head as a “souviner” rather then using the obvious choice of the Dragon’s treasure. With seven of the greatest Geatish thanes, Wiglaf returns to the dragon’s bier to collect the treasure that Beowulf bought with his life. i like how you compared working hard for something and reaching a goal to Beowulf’s need for the dragon’s treasure. The custom is that a king is to be buried with treasure of his people, which is supposed to be their way to return to a generous king. Lastly, the warrior code meant that the king should reward the warrior after defeating a beast with something in return. Wearing the skulls of your enemys, or hanging an animal’s trophy head is common even in the 21st century. Wiglaf goes and finds all sorts of treasures. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Beowulf knows that Wiglaf is the only warrior who conformed to the heroic standards of loyalty and valor when he came to Beowulf’s aids fighting the dragon. I think the gold was a sign of thank you but also a reminder of the slaying of the dragon. Great answer Jess. Wiglaf enters the dragon’s cave and finds a priceless hoard of jewels and gold. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Beowulf does fulfill his goal of achieving glory after death because of his tomb. Wiglaf excoriates them for their cowardice in leaving their king to fight the dragon by himself. Beowulf requests this of Wiglaf because he knew that a battle won means nothing to anyone else without the treasure as proof of victory. Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some of the dragons treasures because Beowulf feels death will be easier if he sees the hoard he has liberated. I also agree with the other reason of why Beowulf wanted Wiglaf to keep some of the treasures so that he too could be reminded of the battle. The lighthouse stands to protect the ships and so the ledgend of Beowulf would be set in stone, securing his place in the afterlife. : What words does he have for his comrades? Whenever we go somewhere, people like to take postcards with them. Click to see full answer Also to know is, what does the dragon do in Beowulf? ( Log Out /  Matt is right, where is the warrior code? (ln 2860-2861) Describe Beowulf’s funeral. Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some of the dragon’s treasures because it serves as a souvenir to his triumphs and to show the people that the evil dragon was slain. What does Wiglaf do after Beowulf dies? Wiglaf, instead of aiming for the dragon's armored head, dives under it to hit the belly. Also the fact that he probably wouldn’t be able to broadcast that he beat the dragon, since he was dying from the venom, would also be another reason that he wanted the treasure to be brought to him. However, Wiglaf warns them that their spinelessness will … Open a medieval music MIDI file wise "Wiglaf spoke wise and fluent words " ln 2632 A young kinsman and retainer of Beowulf who helps him in the fight against the dragon while all of the other warriors run away. I also agree with the way you explained the warrior code because it is true that that the king should always be loyal to his people and help them when they need it. He gives Wiglaf the gold necklace he wears and his armor, and dies. I like your comparison between how Shild was sent to sea on a burning boat with treasures, and how Beowulf had a lighthouse built in his name to protect the Vikings at sea. I like the part about fame after death. Go to Pagan & Christian elements. It is significant because Beowulf won it, he beat the dragon. What does Wiglaf do? Wiglaf corrects and rebukes the young ones for running away. In the warrior code your supposed to be loyal and have courage .And thats what exactly what he did when he stayed by Bewoulfs side the whole time. Not only did he give the responsibility to Wiglaf but he also gives Wiglaf his golden necklace from around his throat. wise “Wiglaf spoke wise and fluent words ” ln 2632 A young kinsman and retainer of Beowulf who helps him in the fight against the dragon while all of the other warriors run away. They've won - but Beowulf lies dying. He saw piles of gleaming gold, precious gems, cups and bracelets, and a golden banner. Beowulf gave Wiglaf the gold because its a sense of respect for standing by him through everything and helping him defeat the dragon. Shiloh, I like how you referred back to Beowulf’s battle with Grendel and compared it to the battle with the dragon. Be sure to include elements of the Warrior Code in your discussion. What does this tell you about Wiglaf’s character? great response but don’t forget about Wiglaf and how he received a gift from Beowulf. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62e650edbfe853cd Part of the warrior code is Reputation. The warrior code is honor and loyalty, so bringing back the belongings will be a rememberance. Ao Vivo; O Festival; Regulamento; Inscrições; Programação; Filmando S8; Edições Anteriores; Contato (ln 2860-2861) Describe Beowulf’s funeral. Also he gave some of the treasure Wiglaf because he stayed and killed the dragon with him. are a mixture of prayer, instruction, and farewell. That is what Wiglaf did. Include in your discussion the custom of keeping a “souvenir” from a successful battle, and why Beowulf may have wanted to be able to give Wiglaf some of the treasure as a memento. you sure the treasure was for ALL those triumphs? Beowulf receives a mortal wound and orders Wiglaf to bring him treasure they had won from the dragon's tower lair. He tells them that they will not have the treasure, because they have disgraced themselves. He brought forth ancient armour, and vases of gold, rich ornaments and gems and many an armlet of rare design. Higlac might think less of him. When you compete you always want other people to know that you did a good job. Wiglaf gathers some of the treasure and returns to Beowulf, who thanks God that he could... (full context) Wiglaf Speaks (Lines 2846–3109) As the ten Geatish warriors who ran away return, a grief-stricken Wiglaf attempts in vain to revive Beowulf. He gives Wiglaf the gold necklace he wears and his armor, and dies. He would also be handing over the torch of Greatest Warrior to Wiglaf. A true hero. Beowulf gave Wiglaf the gold because it’s a symbol that he was the only one that stood around and helped defeat the dragon while everyone else ran away like chickens. Wiglaf reprimands the warriors, calling them disloyal oath-breakers and... (full context) The space was large, and carpeted with treasure up to Wiglaf’s knees. i agree with what your saying about how he wants to be remembered after death and how he wanted to share his winnings with his people. Giving Wiglaf the treasure was also a sign of respect. That was a good example. But he certainly was a trusted king. He wanted to be able to relish in the victory in the afterlife. Also, Beowulf had asked Wiglaf to build a tower on the edge of the sea in his memory. He also wants to be remembered for his loyalty, respect, and trust as a king. Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some of the dragons treasures as a souvenir to show that he defeated the dragon. Therefore Beowulf is saying that the money he wins will be given to his kingdom. Beowulf’s fight with the dragon constitutes the third and final part of the epic. He asks Wiglaf to show him some of the dragon's treasure, this last prize, before he dies. The pyre is built high and decked with armor, according to Beowulf’s wishes. Beowulf could have took what ever he wanted from all of the treasures he saw after he slayed Grendel’s mother and cut off Grendels head, but he only wanted the head to show everyone that he had defeated Grendel and they had nothing to be afraid of.The head was of more valuable to him then any riches in the world. He beat the dragon and he will die as an honorable person. interesting and thoughtful response, Mike. When you work so hard to succeed you want something to prove or show what you have done. Beowulf asked for the treasure of the dragon because he was defeated. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. He tells Wiglaf to look after the Geats when he is gone. The treasure specifically resembled his victory over the dragon. It means protection of Beowulf’s kingdom. He declares that he would rather be burned to death than to abandon his king, and he rushes to Beowulf's defense. Lines 884-885: How might Wiglaf’s actions affect the fight? The poet explains that “the treasure had been won, / bought and paid for by Beowulf’s death” (2843-2844). His spirit did not break and the ancestral blade would keep its edge, as the dragon discovered as soon as they came together in the combat. Wiglaf chides them in that Beowulf had always taken excellent care of them, and always rewarded them as richly as possible. ... Why do the Geats bury the treasure they had won from the dragon? He is a hero and should be protected by thanes, but when times got bad Beowulf stepped in and took control to face the dragon one on one. Beowulf wishes aloud for a son, but concludes that Wiglaf will stand in. It is also a sense of accomplishment to him. It means that the treasure is a protection of Beowulf’s kingdom, Herot. Beowulf did not want to keep a memento for himself because he knew he was dying. I also agree with the example you used in your response. This is Beowulf’s fame after death. It would also be a sign of respect to the king, Beowulf because of the great deed he has done for his kingdom. The blood of the Dragon was poisonous and when he did bite Beowulf, he died.Wiglaf went back to fight the Dragon and later was sent back to the cave to get some of the treasure he won over for Beowulf. Explore the possible reasons the dying Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some of the dragon’s treasures. Beowulf ask for the treasures because as a worrior they did defeated the dragon. Beowulf's Kingdom and the Dragon. Beowulf wanted to die with honor. The men had then shared in the treasure once the dragon was defeated. Wiglaf gathers some of the treasure and returns to Beowulf, who thanks God that he could win such treasures for his people before he dies. He showed courage and loyalty by staying with Beowulf. The souvenir was also a token of thanks. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. He had wanted to give a souvenir to Wiglaf for him being there and abiding by the Warrior Code and assisting him in the death of the fire dragon. As an example, Beowulf rewards Wiglaf with treasure from the dragon’s lair. Seeing the treasure with Wiglaf, Beowulf made Wiglaf remembering the battle and bestowed Wiglaf the responsibility to defeat enemy to protect the kingdom like Beowulf did as well as. The last line is enigmatic: It suggests that men might still find buried treasure useful. Kings were expected to be generous and hospitable. Wiglaf standing by Beowulf’s side during the battle is an example of the warrior code. It was clever how you tied the ending back to the beginning of the poem. Another example would be by getting jewelry from your grandmother to remember her by. He also wanted to honor Wiglaf for being such a brave warrior and not running away like the rest of them did because they were scared. • How have they failed Beowulf in the most dire terms?. Because then he would truly be remembered amongst his people as the greatest warrior ever. His people built him a lighthouse for his history to be remembered and celebrated. (2625-2630) It is only with Wiglaf's help that Beowulf is able to defeat the dragon—Wiglaf's timely sword-stroke gives Beowulf the opportunity to stab the dragon in the side and kill it once and for all. Goood call Mike, you truly brought out the qualities of both Beowulf and Wiglaf and how they bring out the honor of the warrior code in each other. I like how you thought of how the treasures showed the victory when defeating the dragon, i thought of that too! The jewels from the dragon would be a symbol of Beowulf just as the lighthouse will be. Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him some of the treasure from the dragon's hoard so he can see what he is dying for. Beowulf asked Wiglaf to bring him some of the treasures from the dragons den because he wanted to show his victory and honor. The reason why he wanted to give some of the treasure to Wiglaf is because he wanted to give him a reward because when Beowulf needed his men the most, he was the only one who stayed by his side which is a perfect example of the warrior code. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. matt i like the personal connection you made with the muffins i thought it was humorous and made a valid point. Then Beowulf wanted his ashes put into the walls of a lighthouse built in his memory. I believe that the reason Beowulf asked for Wiglaf to bring him the dragon’s treasure is because the custom is that the king is buried with the donations of his people. The tower was very significant because he wanted everyone to see it and make sure that everyone knew that it was Beowulf’s tower. Change ), Bringing the 21st century into the 20th century classroom. They were both able to slay the dragon together, so Beowulf wanted Wiglaf to have some. Seeing and Showing the treasure with Wiglaf, Beowulf wanted to betow Wiglaf the responsibility to defeat enemies to protect the kingdom, Herot, like Beowulf had done as well as. Beowulf gave Wiglaf a mommento so that he will not be forgotton and also because Wiglaf was someone that Beowulf was able to trust. page 120. You are correct on that they are both great heroes and I could not agree with you more. The young hero did as was asked of him. He had wanted to be buried with some of these treasures. Wiglaf scooped up a bright banner, and vases, urns and cups, filling them with jewels and coins. In Beowulf, gold, treasure, and gifts are less important for their economic value than their social value.In fact, gold can be seen as a symbol of social interaction: a lord rewards loyalty with gold, and in doing so inspires further loyalty. Beowulf would not have to prove his victory because he will have been dead when his people learn of the victory. Now these same men are being asked to return the treasure for burial. But the horde of treasure was cursed and Beowulf told Wiglaf to create a lighthouse and burn him with the treasure there. Beowulf decisions that he made with his treasure definitly follow the warrior code. He also gave him his gold-covered helmet, his rings, and his mail shirt, and ordered Wiglaf to use them well. Beowulf also requested that Wiglaf got the other half of the treasure, because he helped to defeat the dragon. you answer is very good but do you remember that Beowulf says the money is for his people and not for him. i agree with why Wiglaf was given a token but i disagree with why Beowulf wanted the treasure. The treasure was a sign of winning a battle. The golden cup or plate is a very important souvenir in this book. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. I like how you mentioned that he would be rememberd as a trusted king, i did not think of that. I like how you incorporated the tower in your answer, i forgot how significant that was to Beowulf’s wishes. What is his reason for this? He wants to be remembered for his bravery ,his loyalty and trust as a king.He wanted everyone to know how he risked his life to save everyone.He gave Wiglaf some of the treasure because he was brave and stood by him the whole time . It will help you remember the times you had with that person and what you did with them and the memories it brings. Page 46. Beowulf gave Wiglaf some of the treasure as a memento because he was following the Warrior Code and giving Wiglaf, the person helping him defeat the dragon treasure to show his appreciation. Beowulf says, “Boats in the darkness and mist, crossing the sea,will know it.” One more significant thing is he gives Wiglaf his necklace from around his throat. Wiglaf brings some of the treasure to his leader who is near death. Elise, I like how you mention how the treasures will be burned along with Beowulf just like Shild in the beginning. Wiglaf rises to the most significant role in the poem, as he achieves a level … This is just evidence of the reality that history is always repeating itself. This exemplifies the honor code to show that Wiglaf honors Beowulf and is willing to keep his story alive and keep the legend about. • He also tells Wiglaf to tell the brave Geats to build him a tomb. Just like the beginning of the poem where Shild was burned on the boat with his treasures, Beowulf would have liked the same. Beowulf tells Wiglaf to get the treasures. 10. Also he wanted to leave some of the treasures with Wiglaf because he was the only brave one left of Beowulf’s men that stood by his side no matter what. Lines 858-861: What does this passage reveal about the relationship between a chief and his followers? No one else stayed with Beowulf when he was fighting besides Wiglaf and that is why it is significant. He tells him how he has taken the dragon’s life, but the gold is ours now. Wiglaf went back to fight the Dragon and later was sent back to the cave to get some of the treasure he won over for Beowulf. Beowulf hands off the torch to Wiglaf who takes it with pride and carries through with the warrior code. I like the example you gave about how a gold plate is passed down from family to family! Even if he was going to die he knew it was a noble death. Beowulf orders Wiglaf to go into the barrow, look at the treasure, and bring back some of it for him to see before he dies. Any insights on how your ideas relate to the warrior code? The treasure was his reward from the victory and he wanted to die with it. treasure. Beowulf wanted the treasures of the dead dragon as a souvenir because this represented what he had accomplished when he was alive. Something like a golden cup or a golden plate would be loved by the family who owned it for a long time. 48. Courage too, I didn’t think of that but it’s true. Built pryre, gold and body put in it, and set on fire (ln 3010-3014) What happens to the treasure? They hurl the dragon’s body into the water. Beowulf wants Wiglaf to have some of the treasures because he is the new hero. A personal example would be when me and my friend one at a game, we would get victory muffins. It is just as saying if someone went on a really great trip they would want to bring back a souvenir from where they went. 9 400 …Wiglaf went quickly, keen to get back, excited by the treasure; anxiety weighed on his brave heart, he was hoping he would find the leader of the Geats alive where he had … While the other warriors ran away trembling with fear, Wiglaf stayed by Beowulf’s side to help him fight. He also wanted partial of the treasure as a reminder that he slayed the fire Dragon. It is respectful, and a “souvenir” to show everything they’ve done to honor them. Beowulf's final words (2794 ff.) That hurts it, giving Beowulf time to draw his dagger and slice the beast in half. Wiglaf obeys Beowulf's dying wish and goes down into the barrow, where he finds amazing piles of treasure, all of it rusting and decaying.

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