the eloquent peasant

Rensi then appeals to the king, telling him how eloquent the peasant is, and the king instructs him to feed the peasant - as well as send food to his wife and children – but to deny his appeal in order to keep him making his speeches. The discovery has inspired future generations of Egyptologists and archaeologists, and the objects themselves have contributed to our understanding of everything from ancient Egyptian flora and clothing to boats and furniture. Q. I met with Dr. Carol Redmount, specialist in Egyptian antiquities and a Professor at Berkeley, California and I asked her about what she observed after the latest security chaos. 128 likes. The magistrate Rensi, who first hears the case, brings it to the other magistrates who dismiss it, just as Nemtynakht predicted, as a peasant trying to stir up trouble needlessly with a landowner. The main figure depicted on the decorative box of Amenhotep II is a protective god and household guardian known as Bes. The other judges, however, consider it simply a matter of a peasant at odds with a landowner and dismiss the case. The work takes the form of a short story complete with dialogue but the speeches of Khun-Anup are given in poetry in order to provide an audience with both verisimilitude (one is hearing the eloquence of Khun-Anup first hand) and variation in form (the work is both prose and poetry) which breaks the point of view between a straight third-person narrative and the first-person petitions of the peasant. And all his wisdom will be for everlasting. We are now World History Encyclopedia to better reflect the breadth of our non-profit organization's mission. The main body is made of cedar wood, which was imported from Lebanon and valued for its quality, as suitable sources of wood were not abundant in Egypt. Jump to navigation Jump to search. It was said that he once shot four arrows through four copper targets, each one palm thick, while riding on horseback. Arguably the first Egyptologist, despite a relatively short career, he was already a hard act to follow. The box is a much more elaborate version of the types of wooden containers often found in ancient Egyptian tombs, other examples of which are on display in the Ancient Egypt gallery at the National Museum of Scotland. When this city was discovered in 1896 by the Egyptian Egyptologist, Mr. Ahmed Kamal, this was a great discovery. To compare the two, you can look at some fun emoji news headlines that the BBC put together. The white feather of the goddess Ma'at was placed in the balances opposite the heart of the soul of the deceased; if the heart was lighter than the feather, the soul could proceed to paradise and, if heavier, it was dropped to the floor where it was eaten by the monster Amut and the soul ceased to exist. His eyes see and his ears are pleased through the hearing of the repute of his son It is set in the Ninth or Tenth Dynasty around Herakleopolis. tells how the regular Egyptians used to live in the Pharaonic time because most of the habitants were regular people, farmers or workers. Merer’s log book now confirms that Ankh-haf was also involved in some of the final steps of the construction of the Great Pyramid. The oval-shaped ivory plaques depict a name of Amenhotep II within a cartouche, an oval used to encircle royal names, which symbolised eternity. Read it. English reading of an Ancient Egyptian philosophical text, composed roughly 1859 BC - 1840 BC (Middle Kingdom Period). She stands only 15 cm tall but her face is full of character. Bes is depicted as a dwarf with lion-like features and sometimes wears a Nubian-style headdress with feathers. Rarely has anyone been proven more wrong! The Eloquent Peasant in histoical and contemporqry perspective In section 2 two important claims about The Eloquent Peasant were made: first, that the tale can be read as a parable intended to teach an untutored and perhaps skeptical audi- ence that legal institutions and procedures are a reasonable way ior the state to create a measure of justice within the limits of what is humanly possille; and second, … He loaded up his donkeys and left his town to go to Herakleopolis. The Eloquent Peasant is an Ancient Egyptian story about a peasant, Khun-Anup, who stumbles upon the property of the noble Rensi son of Meru, guarded by its harsh overseer, Nemtynakht. It is known to have been in the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in 1900 (the National Museum of Antiquities later merged with the Royal Scottish Museum, to form what is now National Museums Scotland). Be not a flood against the pleader! Al Fallah al Fasih (Arabic: الفصيح الفصيح‎ translit. The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant is a literary work from the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2040-1782 BCE) which illustrates the value society placed on the concept of justice and equality under the law. Our first stories for teaching and entertainment come from Egypt. Amenhotep II led numerous military campaigns over the course of his reign, but later in his reign he seems to have achieved peace with Egypt’s neighbours. For example, the  ‘house’ hieroglyph can be used as a pictogram to write the word pr, meaning ‘house’ (left below), but it also holds the phonetic value pr, which can be used to write other words, such as pri, meaning ‘to go forth’ (right below). (2017, October 06). While other Egyptologists such as Champollion and Petrie were famed for their scholarly advances, Carter superseded them in the public imagination with a discovery borne out of perseverance and a bit of luck. With your help we create free content that helps millions of people learn history all around the world. Update March 12th: The El Hibeh expedition has put together a press release and the looting was featured on Egyptian television last night on Al Qahera Al Youm. The peasant appeals to the High Steward for justice and speaks so eloquently that the High Steward informs the king about the peasant’s surprising gift with words. As the title of the piece suggests, this peasant is particularly skilled in public speaking and convinces Rensi that he has suffered a great wrong. The Eloquent Peasant. Even the misinterpretation of hieroglyphs dates back to ancient times. A detailed list is given of everything he is carrying, and the author makes clear it is all quite valuable. In reality, deceased kings could generally expect to be treated much more harshly, as this account by tomb robbers in the Amhurst Papyrus demonstrates: “We stripped off the gold which we found on the noble mummy of this god. Doing justice is breath for the nose. When I began my work with the British Museum’s Future Curator programme, it was unsurprisingly that I got drawn into answering public enquiries about the Rosetta Stone and learning more about Champollion’s work. He beats Khun-Anup for allowing his donkey to steal an ear of barley and then confiscates all his other donkeys and his goods. The other finds included a scarab of glazed steatite, the base decorated with scroll-work and rimmed in gold, two uninscribed turquoise scarabs, cosmetic vessels in calcite, and a pottery vessels, whose form indicated the burial dated to the late 12th Dynasty. However, Abou Atia’s gang took different kind of antiquities from el Hiba, some of these have been moved to private magazines in order to be sold. Despite this initial set back, Aldred had a long and influential career in Edinburgh. Because the Bulldozer has no heart and the mafia has no conscience, they have destroyed priceless antiquities, demolished temples that were beacons for the world, desecrated tombs and looted mummies leaving them in open air. Foreign missions started to come to this area with the hope of uncovering the antiquities while local police provided a specialist protection to this site. Because of this mafia, the beautiful and the important city of Hiba has turned into a battle field that our predecessors’ skulls and bones scattered all over the ground. Rensi agrees to take the case to other magistrates to get their opinion. I was disappointed last week when the BBC and the Guardian published articles that inaccurately dismissed hieroglyphs as a more primitive form of writing than emojis. It was not just Egyptian law which was based on ma'at, however, but every aspect of one's life. The discovery undeniably advanced our understanding of ancient Egypt massively overnight, and the vast range of objects in such a hastily assembled, minor king’s tomb is but a hint of what would have been discovered in the tombs of the greatest kings of the New Kingdom. Two of the king’s names were typically written in cartouches, the birth name and the throne name. 11 Mar 2021. His heart controls his tongue, A number of similar such deities are known from ancient Egypt, but in the absence of an inscription identifying the figure specifically, he is usually referred to as Bes. Many readers won’t be able to make it to the lecture, but to learn more about Champollion, I highly recommend Andrew Robinson’s recently published very readable and informative biography Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-Francois Champollion, and Richard Parkinson’s Cracking Codes: The Rosetta Stone and Decipherment, from the British Museum 1999 exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of the Stone’s discovery. Chike Jeffers, in his 2013 article “Embodying Justice in Ancient Egypt: The Tale of… The principle part of the story is given below. Ancient factories were built around the temple and workers built their houses around these factories. It is a complete antique city, very beautiful and the only one that It took four days, using the Nile and connecting canals, to transport the blocks about 10km to the pyramid construction site, which was called the ‘Horizon of Khufu’. He has got hold of a bulldozer and hired tens of men equipped with guns and dynamite and are currently digging el Hiba looking for antiquities and gold within the tombs. (169). Very few occurrences of his name had been found before the discovery of his tomb, but it is possible that an object in our collection may have been amongst the very earliest a bright blue bezel finger ring stamped with the throne name of Tutankhamun. The Champollions’ reformist ideals and dangerous support for Napoleon over the monarchy certainly adversely affected their careers. The intact burial assemblage in which it was discovered was excavated at the site of Harageh by Reginald Engelbach and Battiscombe Gunn for the British School of Archaeology in Egypt. They manage to convey some very basic ideas, but only really work if you’re already familiar with the news stories to which they allude. [1] [2] It is set in the Ninth/Tenth dynasty around Herakleopolis. And precise are his lips when he speaks. The stela (large inscribed stone slab) of Amenhotep II at Giza tells of his strength and endurance: Strong of arms, untiring when he took the oar, he rowed at the stern of his falcon-boat as the stroke-oar for two hundred men. The scholar was Jean-François Champollion and his paper was the first truly significant breakthrough in the decipherment of hieroglyphs. Nemtynakht has a piece of cloth laid on the path, the ends of which touch the water on one side and the barley on the other, and tells Khun-Anup he cannot walk on it. Bibliography However true that may be, it does not address the problem of reconciling a literary work which focuses on the importance of justice with the central plot device of that work which denies justice to the main character. The story begins with a peasant, Khun-anup, and his donkey stumbling on to the lands of the noble Rensi son of Meru. Ancient Egyptian representations, such as a cosmetic jar in the form of a girl (BM EA 2572) and a tomb relief depicting the daughter of Ukhhotep III at Meir, depict fish pendants being worn by girls at the end of plaits. 190 years ago today, on the 27th of September 1822, a young scholar delivered a paper just eight pages long and rather unassumingly titled ‘Letter to Monsieur Dacier’, but which would completely change the world’s understanding of ancient history. Postpone one difficulty, it develops into two. World History Encyclopedia. Professor Vyv Evans, Professor of Linguistics at Bangor University, was quoted as saying: ‘As a visual language emoji has already far eclipsed hieroglyphics, its ancient Egyptian precursor which took centuries to develop’. Although some of the stolen Tutankhamun objects were recovered, many remain missing today. I was astounded. One of the discoveries that led Howard Carter to find Tutankhamun’s tomb was a find made ten years earlier by Theodore Davis of another tomb in the Valley of the Kings, KV58, which contained gold foil, probably from a royal chariot, and faience furniture knobs decorated with the name of Tutankhamun’s successor Ay. The "insolence of office" has always been with us, and the Egyptians knew all about it. Davis mistakenly ascribed this tomb to Tutankhamun and declared ‘I fear that the Valley of the Tombs [i.e. Elephants were not native to Egypt and ivory was imported or given as tribute from further south in Africa. These heartbreaking images bear witness to a heartless attack on Egyptian history and human dignity. The veneers of ebony, a highly-prized dark hardwood, probably came from the land of Punt with whom the Egyptians traded. © National Museums Scotland. Further research on the chariots found in Tutankhamun’s tomb will be presented at the First International Chariot Conference in December later this year. "The Eloquent Peasant" (Ancient Egyptian: Sekhti-nefer-medu, "a peasant good of speech") is an Ancient Egyptian story that was composed around 1850 BCE during the time of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt. In the story, a peasant named Khun-Anup is beaten and robbed by Nemtynakht, a wealthy landowner, who then tells him there is no use in complaining to the authorities because no one will listen to a poor man. This Egyptian news video (click here to view) reports on looting in El Hibeh. The Tale of The Eloquent Peasant. View Homework Help - 4. License. Like any process of reading, it is a dialogue.’. The letters demonstrate that the inscription on the Great North Museum: Hancock’s mummy, Bakt-en-Hor, was amongst the earliest hieroglyphic texts read by Champollion, and offer new insights into the early process of his decipherment. These speeches, the king instructs, should be written down and brought to him and then the peasant will receive justice. El Heba contains an exceptional collection of antiquities extending from the Pharaonic dynasties to the Coptic and Islamic Periods. Later, after Rensi has ignored his requests repeatedly, Khun-Anup's petition becomes more pointed. For example, this one which is apparently ‘One in four people don’t know the dodo is extinct, a poll finds. Unfortunately I knew, some people called me and told me about these crimes happened in Al Heba, then I called the people at the inspectorate office and informed them. Nevertheless, research continues today on the objects, and in addition to Joyce Tyldesley’s recently published general interest book, publications in the past few years include works on the various chairs and seating furniture found in the tomb, Tutankhamun’s footwear, and DNA testing performed on his mummy. Some do, but most symbols actually hold phonetic values and represent sounds. The cemeteries there date to various periods ranging from the earliest period of Egyptian civilisation to the Coptic Christian era. To The Eloquent Peasant on English Wiki For several years now, it is deprecated and bad habit to use templates like {{Inkscape}} or {{ValidSVG}} without more options. If you need to contact someone during the development period, please get in touch via email. He will be of good reputation forever, Initially he could see nothing in the flickering candle light, but he described how as his eyes adjusted to the light: ‘The details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold everywhere the glint of gold. Egyptian Cattle Herdby Jan van der Crabben (CC BY-NC-SA). It is known from multiple fragmentary copies that have survived to modern times, suggesting that it was probably a great favorite that would have been copied over and over again. World History Encyclopedia, 06 Oct 2017. (169). Retrieved from Ancient History Encyclopedia has a new name! An Egyptologist's blog about everything ancient Egyptian. Champollion’s achievements were certainly the work of a genius but he also worked unbelievably hard, which probably contributed to his sudden death at age 42, and his great grammar and dictionary had to be published posthumously by his brother. 1 I'm struggling with the sentence structure. Carter urged Petrie to take the young man on excavation with him, but Aldred was deterred when Petrie requested that his father contribute to financing the excavation! Books Knowing how famous Tutankhamun is today, it is hard to believe that a hundred years ago he was almost completely unknown, even to Egyptologists. The palace was in silence, hearts were in mourning.”. Having died barely out of his teens, Egypt was left without a royal heir to inherit the throne, his only two children having been still born and interred with their father. Non-existence was more terrifying to the ancient Egyptians than any kind of 'hell', and so this was a powerful incentive for one to live one's life in accordance with ma'at. Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. At the end of the story, after the scribes have recorded Khun-Anup's petitions, they are presented to the king and "they pleased his majesty's heart more than anything in the whole land" (lines 132-133, Lichtheim, 182). Khun-Anup is outwardly ignored by Rensi, but the king has commanded that the magistrate provide the peasant with food and drink – as well as his family back home – while his scribes record Khun-Anup's speeches. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Khun-Anup cries out for justice, but Nemtynakht tells him to be quiet; no one will listen to the complaint of a peasant against a landowner. Emojis vs. Hieroglyphs: why is ancient Egyptian writing still dismissed as primitive almost 200 years after its decipherment? Although it may seem a contradiction, the decision of the king would be in keeping with ma'at in that it would lead to greater harmony for a greater number of people. Over a hundred fragments make up a personal log book recording the daily activities of a team led by the inspector Merer, who was in charge of a team of about 200 men. Show more. In some ways the late start proved quite useful because it offered the opportunity to explore in the book some of the great stories that hadn’t made it into the exhibition. A. This scarab gives the names and titles of Amenhotep III and his wife Tiye and celebrates the fact that between years 1 and 10 of his reign the king shot a total of 102 lions! The fragmentary box is richly decorated with exotic materials from different areas of the ancient Mediterranean, signifying the extent of the king’s empire and its wealth. Excavations at the Red Sea site led by Pierre Tallet from the University of Paris-Sorbonne, and Gregory Marouard from the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute, have revealed the remains of dismantled boats used for trade and mining expeditions stored in remarkable galleries, measuring up to 34 metres in length, carved into the rock cliffs. All of these had been robbed, although they still contained a large quantity of gold leaf, probably lost from wooden coffins, and eight ceramic vessels. Cyril Aldred wrote that he and Bernard V. Bothmer of the Brooklyn Museum had argued over the head for years without reaching finality. These were circulated with short inscriptions to celebrate the pharaoh’s successful hunts, marriage, and building projects. It’s recorded that a royal widow of that period, probably Tutankhamun’s, wrote in her desperation to a foreign ruler, the Hittite king: ‘My husband died. The cultural understanding of class distinction informs the entire story of the wronged peasant. Much more can be conveyed since the script includes numerals, has phonetic symbols to spell out names, and has a grammatical structure through the use of word order, adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns. Police have withdrawn from all the antiquities sites leaving them to thieves who do what they like. I do not have a son. When Champollion later failed to acknowledge a debt to Young’s early insights, his relationship with English scholars grew even frostier. One of the most interesting recent finds has taken place at a site far away from Giza, at Wadi el-Jarf, where archaeologists have been excavating the oldest known port in the world, dating back about 4,500 years to the time of the pyramids. Mark, published on 06 October 2017 under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. While this may seem to be the same as an author's use of dialogue in a short story, the significant difference is in the form of the poetic passages and the identity of the speaker: an uneducated peasant was not thought capable of mastering rhetoric. The learned man takes care for his soul This suggests that the outer casing of the pyramid was being completed at the very end of the Khufu’s reign. A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. Despite these advances, last year, the legacy of Carter’s discovery was threatened by the looting of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. I will be presenting a work-in-progress, but I hope to finish this very soon and publish the letters. One of the finest examples, a gold pendant in the form of a catfish (A.1914.1079), resides in National Museums Scotland. The steward reports the plea to the pharaoh (king) who is intrigued. In the reign of Lord of the Two Lands Nubkaura, Son of Ra Amenemhat II, given life forever, there was a peasant named Sekhti, who lived near an oasis in the Western desert. But it’s not entirely surprising. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. User language; en-N: This user has a native understanding of English. Despite what the media might lead you to believe, we actually know quite a lot about the Giza pyramids and their construction, but new discoveries are constantly expanding our understanding. Object enquiries are now a routine part of museum work, so it was rather delightful to instead find the museum itself applying to someone else to interpret its objects! But your affairs are crooked! The subject of the peasant's speeches is the Egyptian concept of Ma'at. Luckily the Griffith Institute Archives in Oxford, which I’ve written about previously more fully here, has digitized the thousands of record cards, photographs, and diaries from the excavation and made them publicly available online. are now demolished. Continue reading “Reports of Looting in El Hibeh”, “Ancient Egypt Transformed: Middle Kingdom Egyptian Objects on Loan from National Museums Scotland to the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, “Emojis vs. Hieroglyphs: why is ancient Egyptian writing still dismissed as primitive almost 200 years after its decipherment?”, “Oldest papyri ever discovered document pyramid building, or More reasons why the aliens did not build the pyramids”, “Treasures from Harageh Tomb 72 at National Museums Scotland”, Ancient Egypt Transformed: Middle Kingdom Egyptian Objects on Loan from National Museums Scotland to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Show less. Last modified 2009-08-18. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. Continue reading “Treasures from Harageh Tomb 72 at National Museums Scotland”. The whole area is covered by holes that these looters have made, the temple, most of the houses and tombs dated to 1700 B.C. Many scholars have had different opinions on who our mystery pharaohs are what do you think? As a joyful symbol of good luck, Bes is sometimes shown dancing and playing the tambourine, while his protective role is evident from his rather fearsome appearance, which was intended to scare off potential dangers and evil spirits. Tale of the Eloquent Peasantby The Trustees of the British Museum (Copyright). The misconception of hieroglyphs as ‘picture writing’ began with the 4th century Greek grammarian Horapollo, who encouraged speculation about their mysterious symbolic significance. As most of you’ll have noticed from the Google doodle posted today, May 9th 2012 is the 138th birthday of Howard Carter, the archaeologist celebrated for discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun. They were immortalised in an extraordinary wooden statuette, which was excavated in a tomb at Beni Hassan in Middle Egypt thousands of years later. While the Ministry of Interior is busy with the battle over whether to allow beards or not, while other activists are jostling to impose their opinions in the media throughout Egypt and while the elite are busy with these cases, there is a mafia is devoted to looting antiquities what the ancient Egyptian civilization left us. The peasant then came to entreat the chief steward Meruitensi, for the first time, and said: "Chief steward, my lord, you are greatest of the great, you are guide of all that which Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. I hope that the book Pharaoh: King of Egypt will be an enjoyable introduction to ancient Egyptian kingship and some of the amazing objects in the British Museum’s collection (and it’s only £9.99!). Continue reading “Ancient Egypt Transformed: Middle Kingdom Egyptian Objects on Loan from National Museums Scotland to the Metropolitan Museum of Art”. Al-Fallah al-Fasih) The Eloquent Peasant is a 1970 Egyptian short film, based on the tale of The Eloquent Peasant dates to the Middle Kingdom (c. 2040 – 1782 BCE). Ancient Egyptian names generally took the form of phrases that described their owner in positive terms, often in relation to a god or goddess. While this may be true, the presentation of the story – the form the author chose to work in – would also have contributed to its popularity. These depictions of foreigners in the tombs of wealthy Egyptian officials may have been intended to lend prestige and clout to ‘overseers of the Eastern Desert’, or they may have evoked ritualistic connections to the goddess Hathor, mistress of foreign lands, who was an important deity in Middle Egypt. The tale of the Eloquent Peasant is a story from the Middle Kingdom, about 1800 BC. When Rensi brings the matter to the king, telling him of the peasant's eloquence, he is told to deny Khun-Anup the justice he seeks in order to encourage him to keep making his petitions; this command would seem to be at odds with ma'at. In addition to these small finds, the museum also holds two somewhat mysterious statue heads, which certainly date roughly to the era of Tutankhamun, but over which scholars have debated for decades. We really need to feel shame. The king does provide the peasant with justice right away in providing for him – Khun-Anup is simply unaware of it – and also shows he has every intention of dispensing justice regarding the theft – as does Rensi – but needs to delay that decision to the one for the greater good of the many. 4000 years ago, a learned Egyptian scribe penned this advice: ‘Do not be proud because you are wise! Moreover, it was these objects that suggested to Carter that Tutankhamun’s tomb must be nearby. Procursus: This is probably the most famous story we have from ancient Egypt. Go in and measure the grain that we still have in our storehouse,............bushel." So the Ministry of State for Antiquities has found no one to protect them and it looks as though the Ministry believes that their only possibility is to protect the Egyptian Museum. Directed by Chadi Abdel Salam. The aim of both the exhibition and the book is to juxtapose the ideals of kingship with the more complex realities faced by Egypt’s rulers. The box of Amenhotep II features a number of other decorative elements in addition to the main figure of the god Bes. 72), which at first appeared to have suffered the same fate, but they were soon to discover a hidden chamber that the ancient robbers had missed. b) have both the peasant and the workman sold into slavery c) tell the peasant to go home and stop bothering people d) award to the peasant all of the property of the workman, even including his offices e) appoint the eloquent peasant as his personal spokesman in upcoming commercial negotiations to be conducted in Memphis f) no answer He asked me to debunk the ever-popular aliens-built-the-pyramids-theory, which I blogged about here back in 2007. By cracking a code that had defeated scholars for hundreds of years, he revealed the key to ancient Egypt’s secrets, opening up over three thousand years of history and one of the world’s oldest civilisations. Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, “Can you see anything?” It was all I could do to get out the words, “Yes, wonderful things”.’. Submitted by Joshua J. Compare an equivalent ancient Egyptian news-vehicle: the commemorative scarabs of King Amenhotep III. Re-visiting the topic prompted me to write a short update about some of the recent discoveries that further prove the true origins of the pyramids. Kindle Edition. He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. The decorative box of Amenhotep II was probably used to hold cosmetics or expensive perfumes. The peasant Hunanup decided to go down to Egypt to bring back bread for his children. Newcastle was home to an enlightened scholarly community community at the time (the city’s Literary and Philosophical Society was host to the first public room to be lit by electric light, as well as many other scholarly achievements), as well as having rather radical political leanings towards social, political, and religious reform, including strong support for the French Revolution.

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