south northamptonshire spd

For further information see the Council's Local Validation Requirements [161.7KB]. For further details of this service, please telephone Development Support on 01327 322237. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>>>/Group <>>> Adopted North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031- July 14th 2016 The Forum, Moat Lane, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6AD, Supplementary planning guidance and documents. South Northamptonshire. ��%�yX�d.P]\&WLl��(|N0��E GF�����’�=i� ��؍i�W�e������pz�D���Pf��+�2!X��+���ě���Ql8X�W�A:�L�]P�h0������F�H��*�.�q�#l�7�D�D%Te�:&Bě[�� �dİ`x��gŸ@�1 � �'?���C��� South Northamptonshire Council Homepage My account and customer portal Due to annual billing the 'my account' and customer portal will not be available from 5:15pm on … ^$T�G��U�&ǐ�ץ�g�����t��mf�~"�r�(������P/�:�|�wN�Z#mY/��V�ä� ր�.�,�e��6�������7\����تv����_d�$�l��؄�b���a�q+�,� 4���В^�r�v7p[�3�@[�Ȉ�Y��a!�k��̄2;�}��Y|p�m>�T�:O�Per; ��H�jri� &���;��!��>����8rKc�t�=��cD�Њ��ڍB���r���H��k����2+�ޅ �#�k�U�F�P�dRiaik-DK%*:���kAہ�ܜ6�B��P�G��J��� ��sXH?���3\da�eY�If���K�h@�y &. review is being carried out of everyone claiming single person discount (SPD) on their council tax across South Northamptonshire. �b�q%$�}V!����!S�4 qT�O�.�/��$�V���������E���x�O >鳻�X&�wPDmm�=C��}�9�4�8s�ǀOS�,X�I��T,�m��J�1��=93s I will try to get informal officer response by the 23rd March. Air … This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will form part of the Local Development Framework for both Daventry District and South Northamptonshire Councils. Complete your Single Person Discount review form. South Northamptonshire is a constituency represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since its 2010 recreation by Andrea Leadsom, a Conservative who served as Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy until 13 February 2020. 15.6 South Northamptonshire Council has produced a Masterplan which sets out the following vision for Brackley: ' Brackley at the very heart of England, a distinctive town that serves the surrounding area and enhances the quality of life of residents; providing a vibrant town centre, quality housing, schooling and leisure opportunities, sustainable transport links and a dynamic economy. It supports the respective partner authorities, developers and others ensure that development has no significant effect on the SPA in accordance with the legal requirements of the Habitats Regulations. Every local authority has a statutory duty to have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of its functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity.1 This duty is 5.1 The alternative option is not to consider the Draft SPD and decide not to adopt it as SPD for South Northamptonshire in the future. Please use the box provided to explain why this page was not useful to you. Those South Northamptonshire is a district in Northamptonshire, England. Please select a reason from the dropdown above and then click send again. The SPD Review is a scheme used to detect those who are claiming a discount that they are no longer eligible for. Please leave your email address if you require a response from our team. There will be a public inquiry about the land East of Waters Lane, Middleton Cheney and land South of Thenford Road, Middleton Cheney. It has been developed in consultation with the four local authorities in which the Special Protection Area lies: South Northamptonshire, Northampton, Wellingborough and East Northamptonshire. �5�H���?�\-�x��s$!uv]��"SP��=,H�jX��4x,�I��FX�\(���DK�KJ��R��/I4�mHL#�D=vo�C}G�S ��GmC��Ib �c���(ݡS�NxVLe��ϋ�E3�8D%�(J� S��LiR+�kࡅ[���"*xE�S�Af���[1 �C��3��T���%���H> ڶt�>wmEAD��H�)q�V��]Ay���<8�� 4 0 obj We are therefore unable to accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information unless you have specifically checked the content with us. ĖE������ ��WF����ѐU�Dx�QGd:c��P}�r�f�M�4���nC���IyZ�f!�z*B���ȹZ����4�2����H~]s׷57��M�;ٜ�=fjnS��l]���${Y��֦Zh�#8 <>stream The SPD was endorsed by Planning Policy Committee in February 2016 and outlines a consistent approach to both consulting Natural England and identifying potential significant effects on the SPA’s qualifying features. This supplementary planning document (SPD) sets the parking standards and design expectations that South Northamptonshire Council will use when assessing development proposals. It will be a virtual inquiry lasting 9 days from 16 March 2021 at 9:30am. }X��ѡ��abA�19W:T~��$�r{U�����n�~���T�IK���C���%� ���u���M1!Q]wYg"*��+,�f��z���WH��Aj�����%�:��"��W֠�K̕� �C�j�2cj����ٕ�d��F��$��(�ag�� Y`�S�B,B�e�����-�Q��HD��0~���$)� ��%���hI���,��\K�Wm"�R���XT6�z Waste and Recycling Rates for South Northamptonshire 2017-18 Waste Recycling Performance. endobj !��)�%�݊�A��a�ф5 ��0�3��6��$Ժ� G However, as some of the leaflets are now relatively old, parts may have been superseded by more recent planning policy advice, changes to the planning regulations or contact details. The information in these leaflets is given in good faith and was correct at the time of writing. Working closely with Northamptonshire County Council and the partner authorities the SPD has been jointly prepared by Natural England and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). The Format of the Joint Core Strategy ; The Next Stages in the Joint Core Strategy Preparation Process ; 4.0 Spatial Portrait, Vision and Objectives . The population of the Local Authority District Council in 2011 was 85,189. It is being used to inform the development management process. �.�@���;=��C3� �V3�*�ϩL�vPhP(���fAi�L*GёNl�r����vH��L�Ž�PA���c��*f�v�7�� Biodiversity SPD for Northamptonshire — August 2015 1 1. The SPA SPD has been adopted by East Northamptonshire Council as a statutory SPD. The Council requires a Affordable Housing statement to support planning applications for all schemes of 5 or more dwellings and on sites of over 0.16ha. 1.4 The purpose of this Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to outline current Council policies pertaining to planning obligations; provide 6 (1.74%) of local authorities perform better than South Northamptonshire. �>��V� d%�P۸��� )b8D�sN�^���]�l"���B .� ^�bq �5�Y��|�X���̝�dPE���FW����F�B.������"�!��MJ|R��C.���J컽. Please confirm your current details. Using the new measurements only South Northamptonshire exceeds the national and regional average. Daventry and South Northamptonshire Councils are essentially rural authorities adjacent to Northampton on its northern, western and southern boundaries. The SPD can be downloaded on the right hand side of this page. noted that Daventry and South Northamptonshire repeatedly exceed the national and regional averages for attainment of 5+ GCSEs at A*-C Grade. The information in these leaflets is given in good faith and was correct at the time of writing. Introduction Biodiversity is a key aspect of sustainable development. 2021 © South Northamptonshire CouncilThe Forum, Moat Lane, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6AD. *&j�Qb$�' �l�V�R@���Ԙ>,t�C�b�̃��H This SPD has been informed by extensive technical work, in particular a 2014 study of recreational pressure on the Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits Special Protection Area. However, the SPD lies within a broader planning policy framework, which includes for example Government guidance in PPS 22: Planning for Renewable Energy (Aug. 04) PPS1 SPD’s are subject to statutory preparation procedures under Regulations 11-16 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. ����6�p�V���A�eöZ�n��[nC��v�d��#��8��E����~A_ 1�N0mbɹY@^�d'd. Council and South Northamptonshire Council. In South Northamptonshire, Towcester town centre has been declared an AQMA and as a result an action plan has been drawn up. Its council is based in the town of Towcester, first established as a settlement in Roman Britain. 338 (97.97%) of local authorities perform worse than South Northamptonshire. If you wish to attend please register. 1.2 Northampton is the largest settlement in West Northamptonshire, with a population of 200,100 (Mid Year Estimates 2007 OPCS). You can find this PIN on … 6.0 Implications Financial and Resource Implications To access your form you will need to enter your unique PIN. The West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (JPU) is a partnership of Northampton Borough Council, Daventry District Council, South Northamptonshire Council, and Northamptonshire County Council. The Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits Special Protection Area (SPA) SPD is a statutory Local Development Document (LDD). What is the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy? 2.3 This SPD will form part of the Local Development Frameworks for both Daventry District and South Northamptonshire Councils. Spatial Portrait - Where we are now ; Future Opportunities ; Spatial Vision - where we want to be ; Spatial Objectives - How we get there %PDF-1.5 A . However the Draft SPD is considered to offer valuable assistance to those making planning applications and to the Local Planning Authority itself. 2.2 South Northamptonshire Council (‘the Council’) doesn’t currently have any detailed guidance documents on Air Quality and this is becoming an increasing health concern. An Adopted SPG on 'Planning out Crime' has been developed in partnership by Northamptonshire County Council, Northamptonshire Police, and the District and Borough Councils of Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Kettering, Northampton, South Northamptonshire, and Wellingborough. For more detailed and definitive advice on whether a specific proposal is likely to prove acceptable in planning terms, you are advised to submit a pre-application enquiry. It sets out the long-term vision and objectives for the plan period up to 2029, and �!1�C$Ղ�a:s�e)|�Œ�%=�ʥ8�4��S�C��pv�A)�r�dG��XԹM:}�4 11:47 Silverstone Grand Prix: #BBCAskSuzi The document supersedes the parking advice detailed in the previous Parking SPG (March 2003). (5) For ease of use, a structure that reflects that of the Housing policies contained within I note this is after the closing date for representations. South Northamptonshire District Council Comment General Unfortunately the next available committee at SNC is not until April 11th where it is intended to take a report on this and the other draft SPD. ... Northampton and South Northamptonshire. (4) This SPD also takes into account relevant strategies and policies including the National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Practice Guidance, housing market intelligence and other relevant housing guidance. All Northamptonshire authorities have adopted the SPD or are considering it. Details can be found on the public inquiry document. The Northamptonshire Parking Standards document sets the parking standards that Northamptonshire County Council will use when assessing developments. aims of the South Northamptonshire Sustainable Community Strategy, Saved Local Plan Policies and other Council policy documents and strategies. x���]�]�qE��yT�uAH^ƖEG���V���!� &`�޺�Owu�޻���J�y���j��SJ��|�{���Ø�U���N�*{>J�y�r��W��|}��+=f/�弯o���c�T���;?J�i�9��W����.��y��s��w�r��4g��Ʋk��Wǰ3��s[W���GˌѯwW��Qk�e�|1�T�7��G����Х�G��� FΣ�:�UZy�]�B�����&~Xzz���.�K-c�Z�L&��n��x��R�fv�=�ڽ��bv����x�7�c���`���������pu���"vǾg��b~c��rq�\-��b<6��^[��z�V�����ף�M�bɏ��PwXF�'�����9,m�o�Ļ�z�Y�/ތ�*KMua���v����4tzj8}�/j����p�z� O����7�XN�Rlw K{��Ɏ3 C�>���� �RK��=�����0e�=s�DV^�gO�4j=Ù�ِјt���1���XiN�k��Ļg�Co�>1��&/�jd��D�\�C~���"�g*xCz��j0�V ����L���2x���E�%����F��l^d��`f����d�ˍ����rևA�ń瞹&�"*Ț�'�pWjmF���#g��2�6����&6 �BϿ����.6|�6G$��\�K{����m�o�Iė���'�b�kIm����H^�ۖVX�k����ԝ,� O�T��L��k'���&Yg�e&a]{ ���̅�ƚ��$���j��O��� w���1��W�� Y�a�X qo��p'�Gh3x-r�N/l2�L��``� \gl1��"�*��8$י@�8�H�Zr��BQZ�;@���t��9�������;���o��`Z{V����A}t�!���i�A��0VXf�K�&�x Daventry continues to exceed the regional average, but falls just below the national figure. the Draft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for a formal public consultation. rZ�O���n0/�����I�9l�YA��x5�]��H�I�t5�UB�Q˓k 7I�k���UE�E%p�DX(Wy5�D�&��´ f����"7,`�-��d�d9+W�\����-��~4*�Xx�|� h��i���w���MG�9v`N@�9���k��,EɮQX��pHYɾX��7l�t89.a���Dm�B`�x�|���)�c6 ��P��)�{��i��W�n�*�t�0�X��Q���H�}�p However, as some of the leaflets are now relatively old, parts may have been superseded by more recent planning policy advice, changes to the planning regulations or contact details. 5 0 obj

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