minimum energy performance leed

Comply with the mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010, with errata (or USGBC approved equivalent standard for projects outside the U.S.). Points for percentage improvement in energy performance – Cost (1-9 points NC and CS, 1-8 points Schools, 1-10 points Healthcare), New • BD+C: The equivalence applies for new construction only and does not apply to major renovations. ASHRAE 90.1-2010 mandatory requirement 8.4.2 Automatic Receptacle Control applies to 125 Volt receptacles in private offices, open offices, and computer classrooms. EcoSteel Panels contributes to higher energy efficiency and complies with the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007. Evidence shall be provided documenting that demand control ventilation strategies are sufficient to automatically detect contaminant levels of concern in parking garages (for example, Carbon Monoxide, Particulates, VOCs, etc. NC-Multifamily 3% • Path 1: LEED v4.1 projects Using the Appendix G Performance Rating Method may model a penalty in the energy model. Clarification is requested regarding the definition of a “complete lighting system” for projects where credit is claimed for lighting installed in tenant spaces within the Core & Shell project scope of work. (except Schools, The heating source for any building space would be considered “Fossil Fuel/Electric Hybrid” if the space is heated by any combination of fossil fuel and electricity. Projects applying the IARW/IACSC Guideline may apply LEED Interpretation 10237 in order to claim energy savings for refrigeration equipment efficiency as an exceptional calculation methodology. Updated Referenced Standards in v4.1 BD+C and ID+C Drafts For non-traditional fuel sources (such as wood pellets) that are unregulated within ASHRAE 90.1, use the actual cost of the fuel, and provide documentation to substantiate the cost for the non-traditional fuel source. Healthcare, Major Renovation, CS Points Healthcare buildings can earn points for superior energy performance beyond the requirement of the prerequisite. Option 1 “Whole-building energy simulation”: Demonstrate a 5% improvement (for new construction) in the proposed building performance rating compared with the baseline building performance rating (using ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2010 to make the simulation). Even seasoned professionals can miss a critical detail and lose a credit or even a prerequisite at the last minute. Voltage drop is literally the loss of electrical energy (converted to heat) within a building, therefore regulating voltage drop is no different than regulating the energy efficiency of any electricity consuming device in a building (such as light fixtures or HVAC motors). What qualifies within LEED as a surface that is “designed to be illuminated” per ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Section 9.4.3? Schools, 7% • The receptacle power density modeled for these spaces shall be the greater of 0.75 Watts per square foot (8.1 Watts per square meter) or the design coincident peak receptacle power density (if known). Comply with ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2016, with errata or a USGBC-approved equivalent standard. Our project is in the process of determining the exterior lighting power allowance for an ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G energy model. The project team is requesting clarification regarding how to model spaces where mandatory ASHRAE 90.1 receptacle controls are not implemented. • Energy Cost shall be used as the performance metric rather than TDV energy. In order to take credit for this measure as an ECM, it must be demonstrated that the proposed design goes beyond standard practice. o The ASHRAE 90.1-2010 User’s Manual default schedule for office occupancy (2,920 Equivalent Full Load Hours per year) OR Can the baseline model for refrigerated facilities be determined based on the IARW/IACSC Energy Modeling Guideline for Cold Storage and Refrigerated Warehouse Facilities as an exceptional calculation methodology under Appendix G? Under the heading "For projects using Normative Appendix G Performance Rating Method:" make the following changes: Before the section "Referenced Standards" add a new section that reads as follows: Add the following reference to the list of Referenced Standards, including the direct link to the resource: The baseline reference energy-conservation code for LEED v4 is ASHRAE 90.1-2010: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Schools It is acceptable to use the LEED Minimum Energy Performance Calculator Performance Outputs tab to report this information. 50,000 square feet is conditioned by water source heat pumps with a fossil fuel boiler, and 25,000 square feet is conditioned by electric heat pumps. Several LEED Pilot Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs) may be of interest to BLDG-SIM Users relevant to LEED BD&C (and in some cases ID&C) EA Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance and EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance. Updated 8/7/17 for rating system applicability. The project must provide documentation regarding the receptacle equipment controls that will be implemented for the project; and must provide justification supporting the claim that the savings over the life of the efficiency measure will be similar to those anticipated for a project compliant with Section 90.1-2010 Section 8.4.2. Model baseline systems in accordance with NECB requirements, with DX coils replaced with chilled water coils if purchased cooling is present and fossil-fired furnaces replaced with hot water coils if purchased heating is present. • The receptacle schedule modeled in the Baseline for these spaces shall have a minimum Equivalent Full Load Hours of operation no less than: LEED homes must qualify for a certain number of credit points in different resource categories (Energy and Atmosphere, Sustainable Sites, Materials and Resources). How should purchased bio-fuels (meaning it I not fossil fuel but is used in a similar manner to bio-fuel) be treated in the energy model? LEARN MORE Intelligent PDUs LEED v4.1 requires projects adhere to a compliance pathway in ASHRAE 90.1-2016. Internationally applicable as follows: The guidance applies to compliance paths using ASHRAE standards and cannot be applied to projects using an equivalent local code. This ruling supersedes the following LEED Interpretations: LI 5178, LI 2301, and LI 2026. For project percent improvement for the cost metric, on-site renewable energy may be subtracted from proposed energy cost prior to calculating proposed building performance per ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 Section G 2.4.1. o The Proposed receptacle power density modeled for these spaces shall be the greater of 0.75 Watts per square foot (8.1 Watts per square meter) or the design coincident peak receptacle power density (if known) 1. Not a member yet? In the Project Type Variations section, under Path 1. 3. 2. The purpose of this credit is to increase levels of energy performance in comparison to mandatory standards. 2 of 10 . CS-School 6% . Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both. For the purposes of this prerequisite, the mandatory provision of ASHRAE 90.1-2007/2010 Section 8.4 will be met as long as the total voltage drop does not exceed 5%. 7group / Energy Opportunities Points Option 1, Path 1 - Do not apply ASHRAE 90.1-2010 requirements for purchased heating and cooling. CI-Hospitality 4% LEED Pilot ACPs provide an alternate method for complying with the LEED requirements for the specified credit. NBI has completed the broadest study to-date of measured energy performance of LEED buildings called “Energy Performance of LEED for New Construction Buildings.” Aimed at better quantifying the actual energy performance levels of green building, the study gathered whole building energy data from 121 LEED-NC buildings across the country that had been occupied for at least one year. For projects outside the U.S., consult ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010, Appendixes B and D, to determine the appropriate climate zone. To get your plaque, start with the right toolkit. Demonstrate an improvement of 5% for new construction, 3% for major renovations, or 2% for core and shell projects in the proposed building performance rating compared with the baseline building performance rating. LEEDuser Premium membership gives you access to all credit tips, checklists, documentation samples, and more. LEED Leadership in . 7group / Energy Opportunities In the end, LEED is all about documentation. For projects located in California, can the 2013 Title 24 Part 6 California Energy Code be used to demonstrate compliance in lieu of ASHRAE 90.1-2010? (Software with a well-mixed air assumption would not be able to apply this modeling approach). Projects using one of the following two compliance paths are exempt from the receptacle control requirements: 1. Our expert advice guides our LEEDuser Premium members and saves you valuable time. CI-School 6% 15% Instead of ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G, projects in California may demonstrate compliance with the 2013 Title 24 Part 6 California Energy Code using the Performance method. • Energy Cost shall be used as the performance metric rather than site energy (versus Section C407.3 which indicates that site energy shall be used). Add the following to the bottom of the International Tips section: Add the following as a USGBC-approved equivalent standard for projects outside the U.S. Prerequisite. Where Additional Percent Savings is shown in Table 1: Table 1: Additional Percent Savings for ASHRAE 90.1-2013, Project Type1 Additional Percent Savings UPDATED on 01/05/18 for rating system version applicability and in Section (2) to clarify that not all contaminants of concern must be continuously monitored. NC-Retail (except restaurant/grocery) 5% Unfinished spaces not submitted in the CS rating system shall use the CS values. © Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved. Whole Building Energy Simulation may model a penalty in the Proposed model for the spaces where mandatory ASHRAE 90.1 receptacle controls are not implemented. Projects using one of the following two compliance paths are exempt from the receptacle control requirements: 1. assume building is not connected to a. Not a member yet? The same rates are to be used for the baseline and proposed buildings, with the following exception: If the fuel source is available at a discounted cost because it would otherwise be sent to the landfill or similarly disposed of, the project team may use local rates for the fuel for the baseline case and actual rates for the proposed case, as long as documentation is provided substantiating the difference in rates, and substantiating that the fuel source would otherwise be disposed of. • Multifamily high-rise and dormitory projects are not eligible for this alternative compliance path. More Energy & Atmosphere Credits. Greenhouse gas emissions: The total greenhouse gas emissions, in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents, shall be calculated for the baseline building performance rating and for the proposed building performance rating, and the percentage improvement shall be determined using carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. Fundamental Refrigerant Management - EAc1. ASHRAE 90.1-2010 mandatory requirement 8.4.2 Automatic Receptacle Control applies to 125 Volt receptacles in private offices, open offices, and computer classrooms. OR Reset the minimum supply air temperature to satisfy the cooling requirements of the warmest zone, as stipulated in NECB Section CS-Warehouse 0% and NO2) and modulate airflow such that contaminant levels are maintained below specified contaminant concentration as identified in ASHRAE 62.1-2010 Addendum d. Evidence shall also be provided that contaminant sensors are placed in space in an appropriate manner for detection of contaminant in question, included in the building commissioning plan upon installation, and then calibrated yearly following installation. Baseline system fan power shall be calculated at 0.3 watts per CFM. New LEED v4 prerequisites for energy and water use. Path 2: Projects must demonstrate that the project has implemented efficiency measures that will achieve an equal or greater reduction in receptacle energy consumption, and will persist for a similar timeframe to those achieved by ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Section 8.4.2. Spreadsheets and forms to give to subs and other team members. When using Appendix G, the Performance Cost Index (PCI) shall be less than or equal to the Performance Cost Index Target (PCIt) in accordance with the methodology provided in Section Water source heat pumps with fossil fuel boiler Specifically, the requirement in Standard 90.1 to limit voltage drop to not greater that 2% for electrical feeders and 3% for branch circuits (section 8.4.1) has proven to be problematic for large projects which often contain feeders of extended length. In the end, LEED is all about documentation. Examples of actual submissions from certified LEED projects. ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE . Where standards conflict, follow the more stringent of the two. The following conditions (where applicable) must be met: The baseline for this category are the minimum criteria for ENERGY STAR® qualified homes. The following pilot alternative compliance paths are available for this prerequisite. Document the additional energy consumption of the project building associated with removing the vestibules from the project. The minimum cost necessary to achieve any number of points in the “Optimize Energy Performance” credit were calculated, such as a minimum cost of $842,500 to obtain 16 points, and $476,684 for 5 … The narrative would also need to justify that the simulation software is capable of addressing the conditions required for the calculation. Clarification is requested regarding when a building heat source in Table G3.1.1A should be identified as "Fossil/Electric Hybrid" versus "Electric". LEED is changing all the time, and every project is unique. Construction To achieve this goal, GSA assigns specific energy. The magnitude of the cost premium to satisfy the 90.1 criteria in tall buildings, as compared with New York City Code requirements, can be equal to the total of all of the other cost premiums (hard and soft) associated with achieving LEED certification (at the Silver or Gold level) for a medium to large project in New York City. Manual subtraction of the energy cost savings associated with vestibules as conservatively estimated by PNNL-20026 “Energy Saving Impact of ASHRAE 90.1 Vestibule Requirements: Modeling of Air Infiltration through Door Openings”. o Detailed justification shall be provided supporting an alternate schedule. Energy savings Water OR 15,000 square feet is conditioned with fossil fuel radiant heaters. The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. The following buildings would be modeled with an electric heat source for the Baseline Case since the heating source serving the majority of spaces is electric-only: NC-All Other 2% Additionally, all projects using this method must provide a narrative explaining how infiltration and exfiltration of air through building entries is addressed in the design. • The receptacle power density modeled for these spaces shall be the greater of 0.75 Watts per square foot (8.1 Watts per square meter) or the design coincident peak receptacle power density (if known). Points The main focus of the changes and updates in LEED v4 was on building performance and environmental impact. On each BD+C v4 credit, LEEDuser offers the wisdom of a team of architects, engineers, cost estimators, and LEED experts with hundreds of LEED projects between then. o The LEED EAc1: Optimize Energy Performance form Comply with the HVAC and service water heating requirements, including equipment efficiency, economizers, ventilation, and ducts and dampers, in Chapter 4, Design Strategies and Recommendations by Climate Zone, for the appropriate ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide and climate zone: For projects outside the U.S., consult ASHRAE/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2010, Appendixes B and D, to determine the appropriate climate zone. The following conditions (where applicable) must be met. Points are awarded according to Table 1 and Table 2. Even seasoned professionals can miss a critical detail and lose a credit or even a prerequisite at the last minute. ***Update 11/9/20: This ruling is now applicable to LEED v4.1 BD+C and ID+C projects. and energy consumption for equipment listed in Tables 1-4 of the LEED-NC for Retail EA Credit 1 credit requirements (documented in Upload EAp2-4). Model existing components consistent with ASHRAE and LEED provisions. NC-School 6% The results show that projects certified by the USGBC LEED program average substantial energy performance improvement over non-LEED building stock. lighting occupancy sensor controls, lighting daylighting controls, automated receptacle controls, etc. The following modeling requirements apply: LEED EA Prerequisite 2 – Minimum Energy Performance. Calculators to help assess credit compliance. Yes, projects applying Option 1: Energy Performance Compliance, and regulated by ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 or IECC 2015 may document achievement of LEED v4.1 BD+C EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance and EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance as described below: Comply with all mandatory provisions of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 or IECC 2015. Where the local code does not require vestibules or allows alternatives, can the project team take a penalty for not including vestibules in the design model? LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance Page 6 of 13 Save Form Version 3.0 Copyright © 2009 U.S. Green Building Council. The project team is requesting clarification regarding how to model spaces where mandatory ASHRAE 90.1 receptacle controls are not implemented. See the pilot credit library for more information. Healthcare EA P1 – Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems (prerequisite) EA P2 – Minimum Energy Performance (prerequisite) EA P3 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management (prerequisite) EA 1 – Optimize Energy Performance; EA 2 – On-Site Renewable Energy… Defining the baseline for energy performance. See all LEEDuser forum discussions about this credit », Unsubscribe from discussions about NC-v4.1 EAp2, Prescriptive provisions of Sections 5 through 10, Normative Appendix G Performance Rating Method. Documentation should be sufficient to justify the energy and cost savings numbers reported This approach would achieve the direct intent of the voltage drop requirement of Standard 90.1 in regulating the energy efficiency of power distribution systems, but through the inherent trade-off methodology of Appendix G would allow projects the flexibility to eliminate a disproportionate cost premium that is otherwise incurred by a prescriptive requirement. Total points have been divided equally between the metrics of energy cost and greenhouse gas emissions. Variable air volume system with gas furnace preheat and electric reheat Maintain the same FWR (as defined by NECB, including doors) for the Reference as exists in the Proposed Design, up to the prescribed maximum. EA Prerequisite 2 – Minimum Energy Performance REQUIRED Intent: To reduce the environmental and economic harms of excessive energy use by achieving a minimum level of energy efficiency for the building and its systems. New off-site renewable energy as defined in EA credit Renewable Energy may be subtracted from proposed greenhouse gas emissions prior to calculating proposed building performance. Demonstrate a Percentage improvement in the Proposed Building Performance beyond the Baseline Building performance in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2013, Appendix G. Calculate the Baseline Building Performance, Proposed Building Performance, and Percentage Improvement using metrics of cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Examples of actual submissions from certified LEED projects. Yes, projects applying Option 1: Whole Building Simulation, and regulated by ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 may document additional energy performance improvement under LEED v4 EA credit Optimize Energy Performance as described below. Equivalent performance Improvement = % better than ASHRAE 90.1-2013 + Additional Percent Savings. ECMs must be approved by the Rating Authority. Provide for the same chiller heat recovery requirements as applies to ASHRAE. Building Type* The LEED-New Construction (NC) rating system has a possible 17 of 64 total points under the category of “Energy and Atmosphere” in LEED-NC version 2.0/2.1 (buildings certified under LEED-NC v1 were not included in this study). Minimum Energy Performance - Pre3. Note: though it does not need to be addressed specifically in the narrative, the project team must confirm compliance of all ASHRAE 62.1 mandatory measures, including the measure addressing “Buildings with Attached Parking Garages” requiring limitation of vehicular exhaust into adjacent spaces. 2. building stock to reduce its energy use by 35. percent by 2010, compared with a 1985 baseline. Table 1.4 must be completed for both the portions of the building complying with the IARW/IACSC Guideline as well as those following the standard ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G requirements o Detailed justification shall be provided supporting an alternate schedule. ASHRAE 90.1-2010, Appendix G, at the bottom of the section with the title "Energy Rates" in italics, insert the following guidance for projects where no tariffs or rates are available from the. Proposed and reference (baseline) outside air rates shall be modeled as per ASHRAE 90.1 – 2010 (G3.1.2.6). The ASHRAE 90.1-2007 User's Manual states that a fossil/electric hybrid source "refers to a system with any combination of fossil and electric heat, and the baseline system for this is a fossil fuel system". LEEDuser Premium membership gives you access to all credit tips, checklists, documentation samples, and more. LEED mandates a minimum level of energy performance. The project must provide documentation regarding the receptacle equipment controls that will be implemented for the project; and must provide justification supporting the claim that the savings over the life of the efficiency measure will be similar to those anticipated for a project compliant with Section 90.1-2010 Section 8.4.2. 50,000 square feet is conditioned by electric heat pump systems. 3.5 Supply Air Temperature Reset (VAV) Calculators to help assess credit compliance. Refer to the Related Resource “Default Deduction for Vestibules” for the specific percentage subtraction required based on project type and climate zone. For LEED credit compliance, our team plans to follow ASHRAE 90.1-2010 modeling. The U.S. Green Building Council announced that beginning on April 8, 2016 all new projects registering for LEED 2009 must meet increased minimum energy performance thresholds.The energy standard and modeling requirements in LEED 2009 are not changing, and buildings may use the same methods and standards to meet the requirements. Fundamental Commissioning of Buildings Energy Systems - Pre2. The following modeling requirements apply: 1. Yes, in locations where the local code does not require vestibules or revolving doors the project team may choose one of the two options below. The same percentage cost improvement in energy performance is required to meet the Prerequisite, and the same points for cost percentage improvement in energy performance are applicable for the Credit. This feature available to logged-in users only. This LEED Interpretation pertains to the requirement to limit voltage drop for Energy & Atmosphere Prerequisite 2 for Minimum Energy Performance. Thus, for residential buildings the allowable voltage drop of 4% is twice the allowable voltage drop of 2% as required in 90.1. Note: The baseline and proposed receptacle energy consumption for these spaces must be modeled identically if using this approach; the project is not eligible for any further receptacle savings in these spaces using the Exceptional Calculation Method. Points 1 Mixed use buildings shall use the weighted average Additional Percent Savings based on the gross enclosed floor area associated with each building type. 90,000 square feet is conditioned by a variable air volume system with electric reheat, and 10,000 square feet is conditioned with fossil fuel furnaces 7%, CI-Retail (except restaurant/grocery) Our project is located in California and subject to compliance with Title 24 2019. If building owners want to retrofit their projects to be LEED certified, the LEED Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M) rating system would be applicable in most cases. There are also three prerequisites for fundamental building system commissioning, minimum energy performance, and CFC ), or for biofuels not qualifying as on-site renewable fuel sources that are purchased, the actual energy costs associated with the purchased energy must be modeled in EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance and EA Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance, and the renewable fuel source may not be modeled as "free", since it is a purchased energy source. NC-Office 5% Table 2. As an example of a higher density regions attempting to resolve this issue, the New York City Electrical Code has adopted the National Electric Code model language as mandatory for all buildings and also included an exception for residential occupancies within buildings to limit electrical feeder voltage drop to 4%, and the combined voltage drop of both feeders and branch circuits to not more than 5%. 1. Schools, Under this approach, the 90.1 criteria (2% for feeders and 3% for branch circuits) would included in the Energy Cost Budget model, but the Design Energy Cost model would be allowed to include the actual voltage drop that will be implemented in the project design. To get your plaque, start with the right toolkit. If ASHRAE 62.1-2010 Addendum L is applied using the IARW/IACSC Guideline, it must be applied consistently throughout the project submittal. Healthcare) All relevant ASHRAE 90.1 Section 9.4 Mandatory Provisions must be designed, installed, and commissioned in the tenant space within Core & Shell project scope of work. Therefore, the predominant heating type for the building shall be determined based on the percentage of building area served by Electric-only heating versus “Fossil Fuel” and/or “Fossil/Electric Hybrid” heating. Unregulated loads should be modeled accurately to reflect the actual expected energy consumption of the building. The following modeling requirements apply: use U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional grid mix coefficients to calculate, use hourly emissions profiles from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT), use the provincial (where available) emissions factors reported in the National Inventory Report, submitted by Canada to the United Nations Framework Convention on, use national grid mix coefficients from the International Energy Agency, ISO 52000-1:2017: Greenhouse gas emission factors for each building energy source shall be determined consistently with ISO Standard 52000-1:2017 and published for the country or region where the project is located, Exception to Mandatory Measures requirements: For ASHRAE 90.1-2016 mandatory controls provisions that are quantified in the Appendix G Performance Rating Method, (e.g. AND All Rights Reserved. Data center space must always be considered “All Other”. and Environmental Design Projects registered after June 26, 2007 • Must achieve two points in EAc1 using energy simulations or one of the prescriptive paths • For Option 1 - Whole Building Energy Simulation • New buildings - minimum 14% energy savings • Existing buildings - minimum 3.5% energy savings Packaged terminal heat pumps with outside air tempered by fossil fuel furnace LEEDuser’s Documentation Toolkit is loaded with calculators to help assess credit compliance, tracking spreadsheets for materials, sample templates to help guide your narratives and LEED Online submissions, and examples of actual submissions from certified LEED projects for you to check your work against. o The LEED EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance form (Note: Emergency back-up heating refers to heating that runs when the primary system fails or needs to be shut off in an emergency, and does not refer to a backup system which may be used to provide additional capacity as needed.). 3% All buildings, new and existing, applying for LEED certification must meet the EPA ENERGY STAR ® rating of at least 60. If the Proposed Design’s SRR exceeds 5%, scale down the skylights in the Reference case accordingly. 3.9 Premium Economizer Performance Additionally, all projects using this method must provide a narrative explaining how infiltration and exfiltration of air through building entries is addressed in the design. o The LEED v4 Minimum Energy Performance Calculator ( (or a document with equivalent information) with Baseline inputs updated to refer to Seattle Energy Code. (Software with a well-mixed air assumption would not be able to apply this modeling approach). CI-Warehouse 0% • In addition to the documentation requirements established by the Seattle Energy Code, all required LEED documentation must be provided (and must include the same information as is required for ASHRAE 90.1-2010, with all baseline and proposed inputs shown) including:

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