iran protests 2011

On 27 January, the opposition Green Movement of Iran announced a series of protests against the Iranian government scheduled to take place prior to the "Revolution Day" march on 11 February. The foreign ministry already announced that it had "suspended an upcoming visit to Madrid by a senior Iranian diplomat." Riot police and basiji militia use teargas on protesters, with reports that one demonstrator was killed in clashes, An anti-government protest in Tehran, Iran. ", He added: "They [the west] are very retarded and think by imitating such actions they can emerge victorious.". Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has claimed victory over the ongoing unrest in the country, state media reported Wednesday, six days after nationwide protests erupted following an … They are in search of justice and equality. They are being used to ensure there is a good ratio of government forces to protesters and because the average policeman in Tehran could have some kind of family connection to the people they have to beat up. "[47], The opposition movement called for a protest for 1 March, which is the first in a series of protests dubbed the "Tuesdays of Protest". "[101][108], Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje'i, Prosecutor General of Iran, voiced his support for the actions of parliament and that he thought the opposition leaders should be "punished. [85] Spain later demanded an explanation or apology from the Iranian government about the arrest of Pérez-Cambra that included a "satisfactory response," threatening to call him home from Iran if one was not received. [89], Clashes erupted during the funeral service held for Zhaleh. [49], The official number of protesters arrested has been given as 150 by the government, but the opposition claims that the numbers are far higher, at around 1,500. [35] Karroubi reported that one of his son's homes had been raided in an attempt to arrest his eldest son, but he was not in the building at the time. [28][41], A statement released by the "Green Wave" movement in France said that the first secretary and vice consul at the consulate in Milan, Ahmed Maleki, a nephew to opposition leader Ayatollah Medhi Karroubi, had defected to the side of the opposition movement, and applied for political asylum in France where the rest of his immediate family were already residing. Upon his release, the Islamic Republic News Agency reported a "one-sentence statement from Yazdi saying he is resigning as leader of the Freedom Movement of Iran." Gul, whose country has praised protesters in Egypt, was invited by Mousavi's top adviser, Ardeshir Amir-Arjomand, to join today's "pro-Egypt" protest but chose instead to say: "When leaders and heads of countries do not pay attention to the demands of their nations, the people themselves take action to achieve their demands. He was quoted by the semi-official Fars news agency as saying: "Western intelligence agencies are searching for a mentally challenged person who can set himself on fire in Tehran to trigger developments like those in Egypt and Tunisia. "[72][73], It has been reported Iranian media has censored all coverage on protests in the rest of North Africa and the Middle East, especially in Syria, possibly in an attempt to prevent more protests. The sites were replaced with a message reading, "According to computer crime regulations, access to this Web site is denied." The government denied the claim saying things were "peaceful" although the deputy police chief admitted that special forces had been deployed. Teenage boys are notorious for that. The 2017–2018 Iranian protests refer to a series of public protests which occurred in various cities throughout Iran beginning on 28 December 2017 and continuing into 2018. [43], A video depicting opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi was released early 25 February on the news website Previously, Iran, thought to be the closest ally of the Assad regime, had remained publicly supportive of Assad’s response to the protests. "[44], The statement that opposition leaders Mousavi and Karroubi had been moved to a safe house was put at odds with a statement released by a member of the Iranian judiciary, who stated that, "The two are currently in their homes and there have only been restrictions on their contacts. [46] An advisor to opposition leader Mousavi, Ardeshir Amir-Arjomand, said in response to this charge that Mousavi and Karroubi "have become hostages in the hands of the Iranian government. Human rights activists told RFE/RL they have received reports that "there were more than 150 arrests, including a number of intellectuals, artists, and women's rights activists" and that "the rest of the activists were told to not speak to any media organization. Learn more about current daily news items about Iranian Opposition protesters right here. And on this road, no trouble, no difficulty is too hard to bear." Shortly afterward, she was reportedly released. [18][19] On 14 February 2011, thousands of protesters began to gather in a solidarity rally with Egypt and Tunisia. Protesters turned to social networking websites to spread messages and uploaded amateur videos to YouTube. He also commented that "they are very keen to display violence. They should be prisoners in their homes. [101], All forms of Iranian media were banned from covering the protests, though the demonstrators were still able to release information by utilising social media like Facebook and Twitter. [34], On 18 February, thousands of pro-government supporters called for the execution of opposition leaders after Friday prayers. Iran: protests and teargas as public anger grows over aircraft downing. Iran sees itself as an exemplar for the region for having thrown off an American-backed dictatorship. "[131] The reaction of the Iranian authorities towards the protests was strongly criticised by Amnesty International, according to Reuters. [13] Despite these setbacks and crackdowns on activists and members of opposition parties, opposition leaders such as Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi called for protests. [69], Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad released a statement saying, "It is clear the Iranian nation has enemies because it is a nation that wants to shine, conquer peaks and change [its international] relations...Of course, there is a lot of hostility against the government. Supporters of the Green movement appeared in scattered groups in various locations in central Tehran and other big cities in what was seen as the Iranian opposition's first attempt in more than a year to hold street protests against the government. However, the students also noted that the number of student activists arrested could be much higher, as families of arrested student activists have been "warned against publicizing their plights. [81], Chants of "Allah is Great" and "Death to the Dictator" were heard throughout many major Iranian cities. [132], Marvin Feuer, the director of policy and government affairs for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, stated in a seminar with the Reserve Officers Association that "despite turmoil in the region it is critical not to lose focus on Iran." ALI AKBAR DAREINI. [83][84], Ignacio Pérez-Cambra, the Consul of Spain in Iran, was arrested for a period of four hours during the early part of the day on 14 February. [49] According to the BBC news, one of the arrested was Fakhrosadar Mohtashami, the wife of former minister Mostafa Tajzadeh, who (according to a relative or hers) is being kept in Evin Prison and "has not been allowed contact with her family for the time being.

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