how to fix police brutality

4. SOLUTION #3: Police must be routinely and randomly tested for steroids and other illegal drugs READ MORE We must use moderate police organizations to work with the police to stop police brutality. The “blue wall of silence” tells cops to stay quiet about other officers’ misconduct. The cause of George Floyd’s death was not a totally corrupt police system, or capitalism, or fascism, or anything like that. True police reform can’t just be about publicity stunts. Policy demands such as decriminalization of certain activities and ending the militarization of law enforcement can go a long way to ending police violence against People of Color. Mr. Floyd’s death set off a series of nationwide protests against police brutality. This intervention often produces significant systemic changes in police departments and forces them to address racial bias and reform use-of-force policies. Step one: Police must admit there's a problem. In fact, there are a number of different factors that may play a role, not all of which have to do with the underlying personality of the officer who engages in the act. The problems we are facing right now, including police brutality and racism, have very little to do with the Usual Suspects, at least according to the loudest voices on the progressive left. Police departments need to open their records to researchers if they want to understand how to fix brutality, said Beatriz Magaloni, an associate professor of political science at Stanford. Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives. Groups like 100 Blacks in … ... Communities United Against Police Brutality railed against the "warrior-cop" style of … SOLUTION #2: Require American Police to have more training than cosmetologists READ MORE. Some say that police need stricter oversight, more training, and better education. Mr. Chauvin was fired from Minneapolis police force along with … Engage in Dialogue With the Cops. “Police Dog” by Michael Pereckas, Article #5: The History of Police Brutality This article examines racism and prejudice of the 1800s and police brutality from the mid-1900s to today. Why Police Brutality Occurs . American police violence has come under renewed focus, and a debate has opened up on the nature of policing and how to fix it. Here are 17 Solutions To Tackle Police Brutality In America-SOLUTION #1: Radically diversify America’s Police Departments READ MORE. Magaloni studies police brutality in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where 5,132 civilians were killed by police between 2005 and 2014. However, federal oversight of police departments can be a significant tool for helping police departments examine and reform how their officers interact with the community. It has to be about truly making change that acknowledges and ends police violence. Much of this secrecy is ingrained in police culture. In 2005, police misconduct in New Orleans had reached an all-time high. In order to solve the problem of police brutality, it is necessary to understand the underlying factors that lead to it happening in the first place.

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