flying blind movie wiki

With Helen McCrory, Kenneth Cranham, Lorcan Cranitch, Tristan Gemmill. A spy steals a secret military device, then hijacks an airliner to get away. Helen McCrory stars as a brilliant aerospace engineer who is drawn into a passionate affair with a younger male student while working on a government contract for an aircraft destined for military use. With Richard Arlen, Jean Parker, Nils Asther, Marie Wilson. Made for under half a million pounds, Flying Blind is the third film to be created through the iFeatures initiative – a company set up to “support micro/low budget filmmakers and forge a stronger, more confident on-screen identity for cities in the English regions.” In this case the region is Bristol, and while the city doesn't play a It doesn’t provide any clear cut answers but it does try to remind viewers to take in the whole picture rather than just one piece taken out of context. The airliner crashes in the wilderness & the survivors are threatened by a raging forest fire. A stylish mix of erotic love story and political thriller. Flying Blind is a 1941 American action and comedy film directed by Frank McDonald and distributed by Paramount Pictures. In a tense world of racial profiling and questionable military ethics lands erotic political thriller Flying Blind, starring Helen McCrory as leading aerospace engineer Frankie. .mw-parser-output .t Flying Blind is the product of a microbudget filmmaking scheme in Bristol, and director Klimkiewicz has done wonders with her visibly limited funds. Nominated for RTS West of England Awards 2013, Best Film and Best Actress for Helen McCrory. Nominated for the Edinburgh Film Festival Michael Powell Award 2012. Flying Blind takes its time, but it knows where it's going, and it's very good. An odd hybrid between a low key erotic thriller and, on the other hand, a political drama, Flying Blind is a film of more substantial ideas than quality.Shot on a micro budget by a first time director, the film can boast fine performances but little else, as it fails to elicit the kind of politically charged atmosphere needed to make it any more than the some of its parts. Soaring to the peak of her powers as a military drone designer, her successful yet single forty-something life suffers turbulence when she’s seduced by a younger politically-aware Algerian student. Directed by Frank McDonald. It follows Helen McCrory’s drone expert and part-time lecturer, who develops an intense erotic relationship with a young Muslim student, Kahil. Flying Blind is an interesting little social realist thriller that walks that line between exploring the relationship between fear and prejudice and falling into it. Managing to work as both a thought-provoking drama and a relatively tense thriller, Flying Blind delivers the goods for anyone wanting a thoughtful look at prejudice and the ongoing impact of “the war on terror”. Helen McCrory (most famously Narcissa Malfoy, but a TV veteran too) is Frankie - a doctor of aeronautics, a part-time lecturer at Bristol University, and a leading expert in leading edges, … Secrets and flights: Helen McCrory and Najib Oudghiri in the flimsy ‘Flying Blind’ Stage siren Helen McCrory is convincing as an ice-cool professional woman who melts at … The film was the second movie from Pine-Thomas Productions. Flying Blind - … That company's first three films formed an unofficial aviation trilogy; all starred Richard Arlen. Directed by Katarzyna Klimkiewicz.

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