best food waste campaigns

Learn more about the EU’s work on food waste prevention by watching the video below: Update: “Latest Eurostat data (2018) indicate that 33 million people cannot afford a quality meal (including meat, chicken, fish or vegetarian equivalent) every 2nd day, rather than 43 million as indicated in the video”. Wasted food is an economic issue: It is estimated that at the retail and consumer levels in the United States, food loss and waste totals $161 billion dollars. State and local governments can incorporate food waste prevention and education campaigns, and implement municipal composting programs. Here’s some “food” for thought: The United States is the global leader in food waste, with Americans discarding nearly 40 million tons of food every year. 7-Eleven Bring Your Own Cup Day. "Education campaigns can be a low-cost way to make consumers aware of food waste, but they may have smaller impacts on waste behavior. ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE - How to implement new educational campaigns against food waste: An analysis of best practices in European Countries ( Food waste is a global problem and action is needed to reduce it. Use up leftover bits and pieces in Jamie’s oozy cheesy pasta recipe, or try melting it on pizzas or in quesadillas. A 2016 review of studies on food waste found that 88m tonnes of food is wasted every year in the EU – that’s 173kg per person and equals about 20 per cent of food produced. It has been estimated that, by 2050, greenhouse gas emissions from food loss and waste could reach 5.7–7.9 Gt CO 2 e annually (WWF (pdf, 1Mb)). The policy brief is based on the REFRESH report "Policies against consumer food waste: Policy options for behaviour change including public campaigns". Ensure that food isn't wasted anywhere along the supply chain. Once wasted food reaches landfills, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. ... Food waste is more of a problem than most people realize. Find out the ways we are taking action. Now the government has presented a concept to end food waste … Our Campaigns. With one-third of food produced for human consumption lost or wasted, and millions still going hungry, the UN’s food-related agencies are shining a spotlight on the issue: on Monday, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published its annual State of Food and Agriculture report with findings that could lead to a reduction in food loss and waste, and, earlier in October, Food loss and waste occurs throughout the value chain, from farm production, handling and storage issues, to packing and distribution at the factory and, finally, during consumption by the consumer. People in Germany throw away hundreds of tons of food every year. Food waste is a systemwide problem, and solving it will require a systemwide response. SO many brands are doing it right. You can’t eat mouldy soft cheese, but it’s ok to cut the mould off hard cheese. With an estimated contribution of 53%, the consumer is the primary contributor to food waste across the food chain in higher income countries. Are you hesitant to open a box or can if the "use by" date has already passed?. 3. ‘Best before’- food is at its best and can be eaten after this date as long as it has been stored correctly. ‘Display until’- a stock control message for retailers. 3 Check date labels and know the difference between: ‘Use by’- food has to go. Being on top of animal welfare issues and where possible choosing organic are other approaches that we’ll cover in our push to get people eating more sustainably. The ‘Food Waste Scorecard’ has been produced by Feedback, a UK charity campaigning for a better food system. Our partnership work includes the business collaboration called Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH), which focuses on achieving Sustainable Development Goal target 12.3 of the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which aims to halve per capita consumer food waste and reduce food losses along the value chain.

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