the call to follow christ sermon

Simon is the key character in how he responds to Jesus. The idea of “following Christ” may prompt romanticized images of basking in the warmth of the Savior’s fellowship in a dew-covered garden. ( Log Out /  So many fish were caught that the boats were sinking. 3. Feeling as though you are never going to measure up to the standard that Scripture gives. Have you ever closed your mind, shut your eyes, covered your ears and said, “I’m not going to listen to this. I knew that Scripture that said the first shall be last, but I ignored it. While everyone is trying to get the fish in the boat without capsizing, Simon’s attention is focused on whose presence he is in. When he did this the nets caught so many fish that the nets were breaking. About Account Give. But with Jesus, they were getting steak and potatoes. What led you to feel so strongly and passionately about that subject? Share: Facebook; Twitter; Google+; Email; September 9, 2018. This was quite a test for him. Real nourishment for their hungry souls and they just wanted more and more. Awestruck by whose presence he is in. Dr. Steven J. Lawson. What does it mean to follow Christ? So how will you respond to Jesus today? Last week we started this new sermon series entitled The Call, and I shared my own personal story of how God had called me to trust, follow, and serve. Listen to MORE - Community (The Call To Family) by Grants Church of Christ Sermon for free. He forgot that Old Testament teaching to love the Lord with all your heart and soul and strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself. Like a careful surgeon, God removes the stony and proud heart and replaces it with a new heart. Today, I hope to reveal what Scripture has to say about the Lordship of Christ. He is not worthy to be in the near presence of the Lord! And when it does, do you give yourself the opportunity to stop, reflect, reconsider, and change directions based on new information, new feelings, new discoveries, or perhaps the renewal of older things God had once made plain? This is part 8 of a verse-by-verse Bible Study Series in the Gospel of Mark. And share also before you die, what is your dream, something on your bucket list that you don’t want to leave this earth without doing. (Exclamation) But…but at. As children of God we imitate our Heavenly Father by living sacrificially for others by the power of the Spirit who lives in us. Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael . Are you willing to answer the call to follow Jesus? Called: Called to Follow Christ. This is the good news of why Jesus came to earth, not to condemn but to save (. 41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ). THE CHURCH AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN Evening Service January 10, 2021 A Biblical Look at Worldviews THE QUESTION OF DEITY Something IMPLIED Something EXPRESSED Something DEFINED. Question I would like you to think about from our text is how will you respond to. Do you see your sin for what it really is before a holy God? Our thoughts about others? Like Peter, we are often stupid and selfish, and yet Jesus calls us afresh to get behind Him and follow as His students. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed." Sermon series: Questions Jesus Asked. This was something impossible to humanly comprehend. Simon replies “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! The Christ of Christmas James Merritt John 1:1-5 INTRODUCTION 1. Have you ever been blinded to what is right in front of your face? 43 The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. I had chosen this major because it had something to do with math, which I loved, because it was a field that was dominated by men, and I probably wanted to prove I was just as smart if not SMARTER than they were, and because I expected to make a lot of money and I had promised Russ that I would take care of him and we would be set for life. Mark: Jesus the King • Sermon • Submitted 2 years ago • Presented 2 years ago Single Sermon (52) Summer Series 2019 (13) Sunday AM Online Worship (47) Sunday PM Sermons (27) The Adventure of Discipleship (3) The Holy Spirit (6) Wisdom Wednesdays (46) Wisdom: A study in the book of James (6) Speakers. You’ve got to FOLLOW Christ yourself if you want to lead others to follow him, too. Put Christ before personal relationships (21-22) – Exodus 20:3; Leviticus 21:1-5; 1 Kings 19:20; Luke 9:60 And then you must be willing to follow through on your commitment. The miracle of fish helped Simon to see the spiritual reality of who Jesus really was. As believers in Jesus, how will you respond to, Master when he gives clear instruction from his word? I’m making good grades in Computer Science, but is this what I really want to do for the rest of my life, because I’m NOT really happy?”. Sermons from our old website can be found in the sermon archives. Among the whooping of these men, dirty nets and squirming fish he falls to Jesus’ knees and pleads for Jesus to depart from him. Did you notice? We are told four different ways. For Simon’s livelihood as a fisherman was near by. The Gospel of Mark. Before this time, he knew that Jesus was someone he needed to submit to, but now he, who Jesus really was. Rediscover for yourself what our Lord demands of His church, and embrace the obedience that leads to true reformation and revival. When you hear someone refer to Jesus as their Master and Lord, what comes to your mind? (ESV) saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent… Repent and trust in him today for the salvation of your soul. They now see that they are damned to hell for their rebellion and disobedience to God. Scripture: Matthew 16:24 , Luke 14:25-33 , Matthew 28:18-20 , 1 Timothy 4:1-14 It’s too darn easy. Likewise, Simon is terrified and asks Jesus to leave him for he knew that Jesus was holy and he was not. I will let down the nets.” Simon has observed enough of Jesus to know how demons obey and sickness is healed at his word. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) In other words, when Jesus calls you, he not … (ESV). Matthew, on the other hand, tells us that Peter and his brother were fishing, that Christ was walking by the lake of Galilee, and that as He passed by He saw these men fishing, called them by name, and said, “Follow me” (Matthew 4:18-19). The call to follow Jesus is a call to forsake everyone and everything other than Him. That was the first part of the call: “Come follow me.” The second part of the call has to do with the reason why Jesus calls you to follow him. Jesus however, encourages Simon. Matthew Levi C. March 15, 2020. Obedience to God over man brings great blessing as you look to serve the One who died for you on the cross. Video recorded at Columbia, South Carolina. The Call of Christ. But…that key word, in spite of this he obeys his Master and pushes out to the deep and throws the nets in. For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips; and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”. What happened to Peter who was possibly only following Jesus with a half hearted attitude? ... All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Come to Jesus as his friend and go into the world telling others about the King as Saviour of sinners! Their response demonstrates what following Jesus involves: “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him” (v. 20). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus to his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. John 1:37 A Change of Leadership Occurred - John… [16] Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, [17] comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. A new MP3 sermon from Free Reformed Church of Southern River is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Lord Jesus calls His disciples to believe in Him Speaker: C Vermuelen Broadcaster: Free Reformed Church of Southern River Event: Sunday - AM Date: 10/25/2020 Bible: Psalm 107:23-32; Mark 4:30-41 Length: min. Someone may wonder if Jesus expects everyone to leave their current life and enter full time ministry? When Christ calls us to follow Him He is calling us to trust Him implicitly with our whole being. “Come, taste and see that the Lord is good,” the psalmist beckons. The Call to Follow Jesus. Take a moment now. But obedience is a key aspect of learning to follow Christ. If you are going to follow Jesus, you must put Christ first, which means putting Christ before personal comfort. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. We Must Give Up The People That are Most Dear To Us. Rather, as the coal that touched Isaiah’s lips removed his guilt and forgave his sins, so also Jesus removed the guilt and shame of Peter’s sin. The father was hot, upset because his graduate school bound daughter had… Now in 1982, it wasn’t like today. God has called you to do something very clearly, but you forget about it, or you run from it in the other direction? And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, 'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.' He knows that he should not be near the Holy One. ( Log Out /  February 21, 2021; Pastor Dennis Carrell; Following Christ, Living for God, Spiritual Growth; John; As we study John 15:1-8 we see Jesus Christ presented as the the true vine. In the same statement, he now gives Simon, as well as James and John a call to follow him into full time ministry. But God calls his blood–bought, adopted children to care for children in need. [16] Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, [17] comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. It is a reminder of our Savior's great love for us and our call to follow him! by Donnie Case | Published January 19, 2020. Called In Christ Text: Eph. Jesus encouraged Peter in his sorrow and repentant state. Will asked. I’ve attached a pdf of the written sermon, which is slightly different from this text. He obeyed Jesus in spite of everything he knew to be true from his experience. The Call to Salvation Jesus picked up the message of repentance where John left off and carried it to completion. Competitive. This just does not happen. Christ does not call us to follow an ethical mandate that exists prior to and apart from the call. John recognizes Jesus as the Sacrificial Lamb - John 1:29-36 John purposefully directed his disciples attention to another leader greater than Himself, the Messiah Jesus Christ. Jesus is worth the cost. So many fish were caught that the boats were sinking. Only in the awesome glory of a holy God does it reveal our sinfulness, but Jesus says “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” Can you imagine the the body language of Simon in that boat? When he did this the nets caught so many fish that the nets were breaking. Jesus once said, “Everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). So for Jesus as the Messiah, how did those in our passage respond? Today’s text reveals for us the beginning of the call of Jesus’ disciples. Remember brothers and sisters, wherever you are at in your walk with the Lord, he is gracious, merciful and kind like no other King. At the top of my class. However, what Jesus does call each one who is saved by his mercy and grace is to pick up their cross and follow him full time wherever we are at. The Call to Follow Christ: 6 Disciplines for New & Growing Believers is a foundational discipleship resource that will guide new and growing believers to understand and begin implementing six disciplines into their daily lives. Jesus says to the second man Follow meref. 1:10 (5-9); Eph. Never even seen one. Has that ever happened to you? Note: This is an actual transcript from the audio recording (errors and all). Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls. Sermons. What grace, what mercy, what love that this King has for his people! Sermon: Follow Your True Star: The Light of Christ (1/3/2021) Update: 2021-01-03. He is thus humbled and afraid. Full Service Video. Now in light of this revelation, they transitioned from a half hearted following of Jesus to now being fully committed. Jesus walks up to Philip and tells him exactly what he needs to do. Arthur Pink "Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden—and I will give you rest. B. For these first disciples, they saw the preciousness of Jesus, worth more than all the silver and gold in the world. It's a call to a radical abandonment. Series: Single Sermon. Now they see their desperate need for a Saviour to save them from what they deserve. He is a dead man. In high school, I was voted “Most Likely to Succeed.” My husband Russ was named “All-Around Comet” for being so athletic, but I was given the distinction given to nerds and brainiacs, and I’m still very proud of that because I was one of the top female geeks in my graduating class of 166. Jesus Calls Us to Follow Whatever the Cost - Second Sunday in Lent ... “You are the Christ” (Mark 8:29). In Christ’s Call to Reform the Church, John MacArthur takes you through a careful study of Jesus’ message in Revelation to seven first-century churches. I had forgotten that call God had placed in my heart as an 8 year old to follow Jesus and share his good news as an evangelist. C. Last week, we began a new sermon series on the life of the apostle Peter that we are calling “The Touch of the Master’s Hand.” 1. He is much like Isaiah who cried out “Woe is me! Simon cares little that the boat is sinking. Leave It. One child wrote a letter to his aunt that went like this: Dear Aunt Sarah: Thank you for the Christmas present that you sent to me. The All-Demanding Call Matthew 9:9 Sunday - PM OnePassion Ministries. I am undone! How will Simon respond after a long night fishing and catching nothing? What does that look like? Is this not the same kind of obedience that causes people to leave the safety of home to go to the mission field like North Korea? Jesus finishes his teaching and instructs Simon Peter to go out into the deep to catch fish. This was the Son of God in his boat. 40 One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. Me? The Gospel of Mark. Do these titles mean something to you? For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Fear of rejection? The call of Christianity is to follow someone: Jesus Christ. ( Log Out /  3. Following Jesus is foundational to what it means to be a Christian. Simon did not need to fear Jesus. I have always liked being number 1. B. Matthew 4:18-20 THE FIRST WORDS TO PETER 18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. Or is it what we crave for each day? They called the other boat to help. sin for what it really is. There are costs to following Jesus. 2. Knowing that Jesus is the Lord of our lives, what does this mean for us today? Thus, to hear and proclaim the Sermon on the Mount as a witness to Christ is to respond in obedience. Anything less is sin, but thank God he is gracious to us and patient with us, even in our sin of delaying to follow Christ when he calls. Does it call us to repent of our pride and self righteousness and be humbled before the Lord? He didn’t have to worry about making Jesus unclean. Now prior to meeting Christ, Paul’s priority was on being a good and faithful Jew, the best Jew, the most ambitious Jew, the #1 Jew of all Jews. 19 "Come, FOLLOW ME," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." In writing to the Corinthian church, Paul taught that everyone who is called to Christ is also called to serve. You can trust the One who calls, because he is faithful and just. The Call to Follow. Jesus promises us new and eternal life when we give our lives to Him, and following Him and living His mission will bring us the greatest joy in life. Will you hear and take to heart the gracious words of Jesus? Maybe this morning you feel absolutely miserable, feeling guilty and ashamed. During that Spring semester I took off college to care for him, I had a lot of time to think. (PAUSE). And what it means to follow him is laid out in these three brief encounters in Luke chapter 9, verses 57-62. Have we recognized how wicked our tongues can be? Paul examines why it is so hard to follow Jesus by looking at Peter's rebuke. Fortunately for us all, God has a higher, ultimate standard for each of our lives. Breaking Away to Follow Christ A while back Will Willimon, Dean of the Chapel down at Duke University, got a call from an upset parent, a VERY upset parent. Bible > Sermons > Matthew 16:24. I achieved. Church, when you hear those tender and loving words of grace and mercy for Simon to not be afraid. (vv.1-3) Jesus' MISSION (vv.4-7) Peter's TRUST (vv.8-10a) Peter's CONFESSION (vv.10b-11) Jesus' COMMISSION. With his brains and intellect, he quickly moved up the ranks of Judaism. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Two brothers are fishing, and the catch is good. If I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Text: John 1:43-51 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: John 1:43-51. I had never touched a computer. Notice how Jesus does not say let’s go fishing, but rather let’s go catching. 42 He brought him to Jesus. So what does it mean to follow Christ? We must be … “Open Your Bibles to John” 1:43 Come and Follow ( ) Come and See ( ) Come and Believe ( ) This passage, which records Jesus’ call of His first disciples to salvation, pictures the balance of salvation taught throughout Scripture. ( Log Out /  Be The Gospel (Part 3) We often think that since his call is powerful, ours must be weak. To determine if we are truly following Jesus, we must use biblical guidelines. While Simon thinks that he is not worthy to be of any good for the kingdom, the ways of Jesus are counter to human selfish thought. Think about your background and experiences. Isaiah was filled with fear at the sight of the Lord because he was a sinful being. Is anyone else here like that? Sermons > The Call to Follow: The Upside-Down Life. It’s not enough just to say the words. For Simon, he did what was contrary to human wisdom. As Jesus concludes the "Sermon on the Mount", he descends the hill and is accosted by a leper: "When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. I. Picture the scene with me. Fear of failure. These are different from many of the currencies to which we gravitate: attendance, appearance, participation and practice. Jesus summed up His entire Gospel message into just two words “follow Me”. Christ the King 1; Christ's Light 1; Christmas 2; Church Community 6; Comfort 1; Communion 1; Compassion 1; Conflict 2; Courage 2; David 1; David and Goliath 1; Death 1; Decision 3; Desire 1; Discipleship 9; Easter You don’t have to be afraid. And, again, the third man says I will follow you, Lordref. He knows enough about Jesus to know that he should address him as “Master”. While we are not told how much time has passed since Jesus left Capernaum, he obviously is back in the region. Following the Call of Christ Rev. Yes, it really was in the Law before Jesus reiterated it during his lifetime. Do you say “not a chance, no one will rule me.” Do you stop to think about what this actually means to have someone else rule over you? John tells us that Peter was called by Christ through the preaching of John the Baptist, who bore witness that Jesus was Christ, the Messiah (John 1:37). We got briefly introduced to Simon in the last passage where he brought Jesus for lunch who healed his mother-in-law. Follow Grants Church of Christ Sermon to never miss another show. The cross - it is so much more than a piece of jewelry, a work of art, or a decoration on a steeple. Back to Sermons. He is more than worth the cost. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Is it a good reminder for us to die to our selfish ambitions and follow Jesus whole heartedly like Peter? Share. By the voice of conscience. As his disciples, help us to take our cross and follow … We must count the cost and follow him. Bruce Buchanan - August 2, 2020. We got briefly introduced to Simon in the last passage where he went for lunch and healed his mother-in-law. Follow FBC Benbrook Sermons to never miss another show. 4:18-19). This series on The Call is focused on the Life and Message of the Apostle Paul. Paul’s zealousness and passion blinded him to what God had called him to be and to do. And so like Paul, I strived. You must be willing to follow Christ’s commands. Are we humble servants of, Lord? No, Christ calls us through the tumult, through our achieving and striving, through our hopelessness and fears, through our ignorance and through our knowledge, Jesus calls, “Come on Sinner. Is it asking the Spirit to give us obedient desires? “Follow me.” Simple, straight forward, and … But here’s the thing. “Is there more to life than I have planned? What have you placed as your number one priority? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Secure your calling and election by faithful growth to maturity, 2 Pet. I couldn’t see that gray was also one of the colors in my crayon box. And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, 'I will; be clean.' His Lord! We live our lives as full time Christians as we follow Jesus in the power of the Spirit for the glory of our great God. He is with you and I till the end of the age. Has that ever happened to you? The feast of Epiphany (“manifestation”) is a celebration of God’s glory revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Calls Us To Follow. A sinner can be of use in your kingdom? Home » Sermons » Called: Called to Follow Christ. J. D. Graves. For those whom Jesus inwardly calls to himself, the Spirit cuts or pierces the heart that was dead. May this word bring encouragement and healing to your soul that Jesus loves you deeply. Simon, broken and humbled, filled with a godly grief over his sin is feeling as low as one possibly can. Jesus put you before his comfort. Woe is me! A Sermon For You A Ministry of Huckaby’s Evangelism Today’s Sermon Title "Following Jesus" By- Evangelist Gary Huckaby Read with me from the book of Mark 1:16-20, and you will see from where we get out title to this message today. Salvation takes place when seeking souls come in faith to the Savior who… Peter does not make Jesus unholy. What is something that you feel so strongly about that you have trouble listening to another’s point of view on the subject? Simon, probably with tears running down his face with guilt and shame hears the sweet words of the Good Shepherd. While we are not told how much time has passed since Jesus left Capernaum, he obviously is back in the region as Simon’s livelihood as a fisherman was near by. "Me?" Called to Follow Christ. By His Word. I play to win, and it’s not that I’m a sore loser, but I LIKE to win. This new heart beating with the Spirit of God now hears and sees Jesus for who he really is…the Saviour. Speaker: David Emery Passage(s): Acts 9:1-5. Christ’s Call To Matthew: “Follow Me ” Matthew 9:9-13 . All ministry is the Lord’s work: God assigns the tasks and uniquely gifts a variety of individuals to work together to fulfill His plan, for His glory. ~ Christine Longhurst. B. When you hear someone refer to Jesus as their Master and Lord, what comes to your mind? This was something impossible to humanly comprehend. We are all called become mature followers of Christ. Not only did the disciples immediately respond in obedience to Jesus’ call. (PAUSE). Share with a different person this time, sitting on the other side of you or around you. To truly follow Christ means we do not follow anything else. Jesus told his disciples [1] that it was good for him … 1. Change ). He would now be catching men in the net of the good news of Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John. Crumbs for Dogs; Fit for Service; Battle for the Heart; A Call to Remember: The Lord's Supper; Go Tell It on the Mountain ; Scriptures: Luke 9:57-60. gather a group of followers called disciples to follow in their footsteps and learn their teachings. This would be to separate the commandments from the Lord who commands. Jesus, makes Peter holy. In school, at home, at work or on the field. You must be willing to put Christ first in your life. We are two confessional Lutheran (Christian) congregations who are committed to proclaiming a changeless Christ to a changing countryside. Being a devout man, he spent much time in prayer trying to discern what God wanted him to do. As I mentioned last week, the people who went to the synagogues to hear God’s word had never heard teaching like Jesus did with authority. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” 44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 2. The Call to Discipleship is a Call of Assurance, Rom. Let us respond to our Master, Lord and Friend with a hearty “Yes, I will follow you my King!” Amen! Follow me.”. We all need to hear this blessed reminder each day. The present you sent to me for Christmas was almost as good as the one I really wanted! Scroll to top One week is devoted to each of the six disciplines to ground new believers in habits that will last a lifetime. Do you say “not a chance, no one will rule me.” Do you stop to think about what this actually means to have someone else rule over you? In Isaiah, that glory is proclaimed for all nations and people. By sickness. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. However, Simon obeys and pushes out to the deep and throws the nets in. Let us be strengthened by the gospel of grace, to help the weaker believer with patience and kindness in their walk with Jesus to the glory of God our Father. As the disciples demonstrated, no one can follow Christ by the strength of his own willpower. In verse 26, Jesus says, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not To bring bibles into Cuba at the risk of being imprisoned? Preacher: James Hammack. “Look at me and see how worthy I am to serve the King (PAUSE).“, This is not God’s way. The call to follow is also the call … Jesus Christ—I Am the True Vine . TO FOLLOW CHRIST? Paul had a top of the line education and was a passionate zealot for God, or so he thought. I learned. They left their fishing business to follow Jesus and proclaim the gospel to save a great harvest of souls for the kingdom. You have to BE a disciple of Christ yourself if you’re going to go out and MAKE disciples of Jesus Christ. SERMON Following Jesus - The Cost of Discipleship Psalm 16; Luke 9:51-62 Fred Mollon, Elder June 26, 2016 Skyline Presbyterian Church “Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.” Sounds kind of silly to be starting a sermon … Intro Text - Title - Called to Follow in the Steps of Christ Background the apostle Peter was addressing the issues or persecution which was a common experience of the saints in his day Peter was exhorting submit to authorities despite the suffering because Christ also suffered Christians - the believers… Today’s text reveals for us the beginning of the call of Jesus’ disciples. “Come follow me,” Jesus said. By the death of friends. February 3, 2017 Foster Care as the Way of Christ Close. You could almost imagine Jesus saying this with a Harry Klassen twinkle in his eye. To stand up to the homosexual agenda and risk fines and hatred for being a so called intolerant bigot? The Call to Follow Jesus the Christ This message concludes The Serving Savior: An Exposition of the Gospel of Mark 1-8 sermon series, given by Pastor Marc Ramirez at Fellowship Church in Dallas, PA… Play! “Wake up, O Sleeper, Rise from the Dead” Let’s close by looking at this miraculous process in action in 2 Corinthians 4:4–6. As we continue our journey through Lent, Fr. As Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, He called Simon Peter and Andrew to leave their occupation as fishermen and follow Him (Matt. While our individual “calls” he’s placed on our lives may look different, we all share the same definitive, critical call. You don’t have to shape up or ship out. This is one of the most magnificent verses in the all the Bible. In the presence of such purity and holiness, it exposes who he was as a sinner. The self righteous, pious Pharisee might think he is worthy because of his memorization of the law, or because he gives a tenth of everything, or because he prays long public prayers. Here is the veteran fisherman, knowing full well that fish in the daylight will swim away from the nets. In the same way, you will become more and more like Jesus as you purposefully follow Him in the weeks to come. Paul was a real rule-follower of the Law, doing exactly what his religion and in his opinion, his God dictated. Do these titles mean something to you? Go on in the power of my Spirit for I am with you till the end of the age. These sheep had been starved by the opinions of the rabbis of the day. Church, no matter where you are in your spiritual maturity, be encouraged by the gospel! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The fame of Jesus had spread throughout the region. 2. Simon is the key character in how he responds to the call of Jesus. Likewise for you and I, he says to you when you feel discouraged “Don’t be afraid of me, I love you and I have a mission for you. Is spending time alone with God boring? Maybe Peter was thinking of Psalm 2, where the Christ testified: “I will tell of the decree the Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten You” (Psalm 2:7). It would certainly seem that the call of Christ is powerful indeed. This audio sermon and transcript is entitled 'The Call To Follow And Fish', and is from the ministry of David Legge, a Christian preacher and Bible teacher from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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