is humidity good for acne

As with all good things, humid weather does have its downsides. A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Dermatology investigated a skin condition called pityrosporum folliculitis which causes acne-like eruptions on the skin. Although scientists have performed numerous studies investigating the effects of seasons, altitude, and geography on humidity and acne, they have not yet identified whether humidity increases acne symptoms. While I was there I didn't change anything diet or product wise, so I'm thinking it had to have been the extreme change in humidity. I have oily/acne prone skin and during the summer my acne gets significantly worse. Research has shown that sweat remains on the skin longer in a humid environment than a less humid one. Do you have acne on your back and/or chest? A mask also traps humidity due to your breathing and sweating, which may increase the risk of acne. And yes, humidity and acne may have a relationship as extreme of anything is harmful. One with salicylic acid is good if you're prone to blackheads; benzoyl peroxide is better for inflamed pimples. Yet, these ingredients dry out blemishes and rid your skin of the spots but leaves it so thirsty that it actually ends up producing more oil to make up for the depletion. The researchers found that the prevalence of acne and other skin diseases on these islands was similar to that of other hot, humid areas of India.16, A 1983 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology investigated whether military personnel were more likely to develop acne when traveling in hot and humid areas. People who have acne-prone skin are more likely to experience an acne flare up in high humidity. Beautylish is a diverse, positive, and respectful community. Many skin diseases, including acne, often come with a disrupted barrier. However, this study relied solely on participant self-reporting, which is unreliable.3, A 2009 study published in the International Journal of Dermatology interviewed Nigerian high school students regarding their beliefs about what causes acne. disagree with someone, but be constructive—not rude. Regardless of whether humidity tends to worsen acne, proper topical treatment should work to keep you clear. It's an essential for healthy, beautiful skin.Low humidity causes dry skin, dry hair, itching and chapping. This is called participant self-reporting and is known to be an unreliable scientific method. Also, the humidity combo with the heat will open up your pores more so the dirt and stuff will be easier to clean out of your pores completely. Another group of researchers looked at data collected between 2002 and 2016 that analyzed hospital records in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Yemen. We must simply say "we don't know" until we get more data. And whether you have dry skin or an oily complexion, it's a good idea to invest in … Microbial Imbalance. Then it spends the rest of the year clogging up again. alpha hydroxy acid or AHA)... Jojoba oil is non-comedogenic (won't clog pores)... Acne prevents people from facing the world and living fully. Our customer service team in San Francisco is ready to assist you. In other words, based on the evidence we have thus far, the jury is still out on whether acne is worse in particular seasons.1-5, For example, a 2002 study published in The Journal of Dermatology interviewed 452 Indian participants about seasonal changes and acne worsening. posts, or those we deem as advertisements, spam, or plagiarism. Tucker, S. B. below. Take the time to make posts easy to understand by using proper spelling, Most children and young adults between ages 11 and 30 will have acne at some point. 5 Best Humidifiers for Acne and Eczema A humidifier in your room maintains proper air moisture thus giving your skin soft, supple, humid and smooth complexion. Skin health depends on microbes (micro-organisms) and bacteria that support the skin barrier and... 2. © 2021 Beautylish, Inc. All rights reserved. Overall, researchers have not yet identified if living in certain climates may cause people to be more or less prone to acne. Gfesser, M. & Worret, W. I. Anyone know why this is?? My skin is so awesome in the summer and terrible in the winter. When it’s very warm and humid, skin tends to get clammy and oily. Researchers must perform more reliable, carefully controlled studies investigating this association. Finally, another set of researchers looked at the data from Iranian acne patients and found no correlation between seasons and acne severity.10-12. There are different types of acne that affect newborns, infants, younger children, and adults. & García-Doval, I. I live in Arizona and though it's extremely hot here, it's a very dry heat. I accept no advertisements. This could increase the severity of acne, but it may also increase the level of permeation of skin medications that can be used to treat acne. grammar, and capitalization. This is the case sometimes in science. That has a lot to do with it , my skin gets a little oily when where I live ( Ga ) transitions between seasons... Because the humidity is changing so fast and drastically. The skin acts as an important barrier protecting the body from harm. Rihanna’s first foundation is best for normal-combo-oily skin types. Researchers have proposed that higher humidity may decrease the skin's barrier function. Know that we don't allow self-promotion, The researchers found that a diagnosis of acne was more common during the cold period of the year.9 However, in Spain, the coldest months actually tend to be the most humid. So my advice for now is to remove these acne rosacea triggers, drink lots of cold water and put some frozen e. g. peas on the skin when it is bad and wear a hat so you don’t get sun directly on the breakout. Acne may occur when the pores gets clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Humidity and Acne: Humidity itself shouldn't cause acne. But moisturizing is a good thing, even if you're acne-prone. Post topics in the appropriate category and Yes, humidity acne is possible. As Bolder explains, periods of high humidity tend to result in increased sebum production and sweat, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Al-Kamel, M. A. I had someone approach me at a party once to ask me about a scar I have on my leg. The skin microbiome. And what Noelle said haha (: Skin is weird. Further, many of the participants believed that the acne exacerbation was due to increased sweating and humidity. Flood, MD, helps his patients on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., combat acne year-round, including measures that help offset problems the excessive humidity of summer can bring on. However, some evidence suggests that short-term travel does not affect acne severity. Ghodsi, S. Z., Orawa, H. & Zouboulis, C. C. Prevalence, severity, and severity risk factors of acne in high school pupils: a community-based study. During periods of heat and humidity, you may be more prone to a form of acne called acne mechanica. :). Some studies have found a link between humid seasons and increased acne, others have found the opposite or observed no seasonal pattern at all. Absolutely. This study found that pityrosporum folliculitis occurred more often in men but not in women who lived in hot and humid climates. However, the observed increase in skin oiliness was not due to a larger amount of skin oil, but instead a thinning of the oil's consistency. Sardana, K., Sharma, R. C. & Sarkar, R. Seasonal variation in acne vulgaris--myth or reality. Excessive humidity makes you sweat like no one's business, making your skin oily and acne prone. I have oily/acne prone skin and during the summer my acne gets significantly worse. Humidity is one of your skin's best friends. Copyright © 1996 - 2020 Daniel W. Kern. Humidity and Skin Problems. Since summer is normally the most humid season, this could potentially give us a clue into how humidity might factor into acne. Narang, I., Sardana, K., Bajpai, R. & Garg, V. K. Seasonal aggravation of acne in summers and the effect of temperature and humidity in a study in a tropical setting. When the body temperature rises, the skin secretes more skin oil onto the surface of the skin. As a dermatologist, Allen A. You might think I'm crazy but I was the same way. Please help spread the word about The Regimen by telling a friend who could benefit or using social media to share your success. While you're in there, use a body wash or bar that fights breakouts. The best climate for skin is where humidity levels are regularly between 30 - 50%, and the weather is mild. Is humidity good for acne? The moisture in the air is also going to trick your body into thinking that it needs to produce more oil than normal, which can be a nightmare for people with already oily skin. From oily patches to acne and breakouts, humidity can result in a lot of unwanted conditions. Oily Skin. Thanks in advance! Please help us maintain positive conversations here by following our guidelines YouTube and Instagram are popular places to share, but anywhere is fine :-). A good rich moisturiser helps slow down water loss across the skin surface. Therefore, if there is a link between humid times of the year and acne, it is likely to be fairly weak. This lingering sweat can cause sweat ducts to clog and produce a small red bump on the skin. Similarly, another team of researchers examined data from 10,999 patients in Spain who saw a doctor for their skin conditions in 2016. does not advertise. Noelle is actually dead on. The researchers attributed this increase in acne to heat and humidity.5 However, we should note that according to their findings, the humidity in India is almost the same year-round, while the temperature increases significantly in the summer. A sub-analysis of the DIADERM national sample (Spain 2016). But hey, humidity heals cystic acne. If you ever find yourself surrounded by thirty really sweaty partygoers, parading around with their red solo cups, and are looking for a good drunk conversation starter, acne scars can be your answer. Weiss, S. C., Rowell, R. & Krochmal, L. Impact of seasonality on conducting clinical studies in dermatology. The monsoon season has a reputation to make your skin health go bad. I'm not a professional but it sounds like you have dry skin!! This 2.5% benzoyl peroxide treatment is gel-based... Overly dry skin perpetuates the acne cycle... Glycolic Acid (a.k.a. The researchers found that the majority of participants reported acne worsening during the summer season. 2. These microbes and bacteria also help prevent diseases like acne. Dermatologists suggest adjusting the humidity level of your house using a humidifier. 100% Ad-free. This increased sweating can sometimes cause our skin to breakout. the following rules. Your skin prefers more of a balanced humidity level. Thanks to its ability to... Humidity Woes. So, how does humidity cause acne? While this has not been shown to cause acne, a 2012 study discovered that skin oiliness increases in hot and humid environments. While this... 3. A moist complexion doesn't indicate oil, simply moisture. However, humidity couple with sweating and soiling of your skin more than usual certainly could worsen acne if you are already acne-prone. Therefore, to determine whether it may play a role, we must rely on studies that investigate the effect of: However, even when we look at these studies, due to a variety of conflicting conclusions, we can't definitively say whether humidity affects acne. Another possible cause is friction. After all, wearing foundation when you’re battling blemishes is definitely somewhat of a double-edged sword. If you have body acne, taking a shower as soon as possible after working out is also key. Scientists have performed only two studies, both in 2013, investigating the effect of altitudes on acne. When the body temperature rises, the skin secretes more skin oil onto the surface of the skin. Although clogging of sweat ducts is not acne, it appears similar to acne. Occupational tropical acne. They therefore predicted that lower humidity probably increases acne and other skin diseases in higher altitudes.13, A separate 2013 study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics examined the effect of altitude on acne in 6200 boys. Al-Ameer, A. M. & Al-Akloby, O. M. Demographic features and seasonal variations in patients with acne vulgaris in Saudi Arabia: a hospital-based study. Valid point, but the humidity is likely going to make your body sweat an unnatural amount, which will clog your pores and enhance the probability of breakouts. While I was there I didn't change anything diet or product wise, so I'm thinking it had to have been the extreme change in humidity. You should always use a light oil free moisturizer even for the oiliest of skin types. Grice, E. A. However, many of these studies simply involved asking young people to answer surveys. This lends credibility to an argument that heat and humidity would result in less acne since acne occurs when sebum becomes trapped inside the pore. "The use of a humidifier creates a balance in the air—and in your skin." Although scientists have not yet determined whether humidity levels affect acne severity, they have proposed four mechanisms that could hypothetically connect humidity with worsening of acne. Wiechers, J. W. The barrier function of the skin in relation to percutaneous absorption of drugs. All rights reserved. Incorporating one into your life for the sake of your skin is therefore a good idea, especially if you have dry or dehydrated skin, eczema, or psoriasis. Try Neutrogena Oil Free SPF 15 Moisturizer or my favorite, Korres Pomegranate Moisturizing Gel. Bad scars hold the potential to become good stories. One 2009 study found that a skin disease called Demodex could worsen in humid environments, so it is hypothesized that the same is true of acne.19,20. We reserve the right to remove comments and topics that don't adhere to policy for negativity and harassment. But it can happen at any age. Extreme high humidity can cause issues like excessive sweating, acne breakout and heat rash. Acne treatments can completely dry out your skin and you will want moisturizing to counteract that. Dry (low humidity) air will draw the moisture out of your skin leaving small cracks on the skins surface. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology tracked seasonal variation in acne in 171 Indian patients. Anyone know why this is?? Especially if we are lacking in natural oils (sebum) which is typical of type 1 rosaceans. A. Do dermatologic diagnosis change in hot vs. cold periods of the year? When treating acne, it is important to avoid irritation.. Now I use moisturizer a lot more and I found that my skin became less oily because I was giving it more moisture. Now add having acne-prone skin to the mix and you’re faced with a quest that can often feel impossible. And unfortunately, your butt isn’t immune to those troublesome red bumps. Skin health depends on microbes (micro-organisms) and bacteria that support the skin barrier and immune system. Researchers have not yet identified whether humidity increases acne symptoms, but some researchers hypothesize that humidity may worsen acne by: However, more research is needed to evaluate each of these possible issues in order to draw any conclusions on whether or how humidity may affect acne. When it is hot, our bodies often sweat more than when it is cool. Something about the humidity itself causes my skin to go apeshit. Acne is very common. PS: When I came back to Arizona, within literally 2 days my skin broke out and was the worse it's ever been! I had never had better skin and it all changed it less than a week! "When the ambient humidity is low, either due to A/C or heat, the moisture level in your skin decreases," says Fusco. When humidity increases, the excess moisture can promote microbial growth and cause an unhealthy imbalance of microbes in the skin, which may exacerbate acne. Its important then to step up your moisturising regime. Sweat evaporates more slowly because of the humidity levels in the air, and sebaceous glands work overtime due to the heat. Masks also trap humidity… I'm proud to provide the truth about acne, based on fully-referenced science, and I'm also proud to recommend a. @ Golden Slumbers: I definitely think that the pollution can flare up some people's acne, however mine flared up when I spent a week in the Virgin Islands where the air is very pure but humid, and cleared when I spent a week in Arizona where the pollution was higher than it is here. Probably not for hair as it tends to "grow" and get frizzy. I just thought that the percentage was too strong. Humidity is one of your skin's best friends. My skin has never liked hot and humid weather and is in general very sensitive but this rash like acne has definitely gotten worse during hot and humid days. It features special climate-adaptive technology that’s resistant to sweat and humidity and won’t clog pores. Researchers have performed several studies to identify if acne prevalence changes depending on where people live. Your skin probably needed a break from the heat and the cool weather cleared the skin up. The product also claims to use clean chemicals that are good for sensitive skin types and is also good to wear beneath makeup if desired. Acne most often begins in puberty. I went to Colorado during the summer last year and my skin cleared up COMPLETELY. We also may remove the profile of any repeat offender. The researchers found that only one solider developed acne after traveling to the new, more humid area. The researchers found that the tropical environment, stress, and overcrowding of the prison all contributed to the development of skin diseases, including acne. When the sun is high and the weather is humid, your skin becomes more susceptible to dirt, oil and allergens. Finding the right foundation can be a daunting process in and of itself. Subramaniyan, R. Pattern of Dermatoses Among Nicobarese in a Community Health Camp at Nancowry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. So I had a theory that the humidity and sunlight made my oily/combo skin better. This combination of conditions leads to pores clogging and pimples forming. I live in Arizona and though it's extremely hot here, it's a very dry heat. However, it is unclear if the results from studying this condition directly correlate with acne.15, A 2016 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology investigated the prevalence of skin diseases in people from a variety of ethnic groups living on a small group of islands east of the Indian mainland. As altitude increases, humidity tends to decrease. Also, the humidity combo with the heat will open up your pores more so the dirt and stuff will be easier to clean out of your pores completely. caused by inflammation of the hair follicles and oil-producing (sebaceous) glands of the skin Seasonal variations in the severity of acne vulgaris. Among patients who noticed changes in their acne with the season, 40.4% reported worsening in summer. Now thats just my skin though:/ also drink lots of water to balance your skin. & Thappa, D. M. Profile of acne vulgaris--a hospital-based study from South India. The Bottom Line: There's not much that anyone can do about humidity, so don't worry about it too much. 4  A good, oil-free moisturizer won't trigger breakouts, but will help ease dryness, flakiness, and peeling. However, the researchers did not identify if humidity or other factors--including temperature, UV exposure, or wind--contributed to less acne in the boys who lived in higher altitudes.14. Hydration: Hydration can act as a saving grace for the skin. Good Molecules Hyaluronic Acid Serum 30 ml, Good Molecules Niacinamide Brightening Toner 120 ml, Good Molecules Silicone-Free Priming Moisturizer 50 ml, UOMA Beauty Coming 2 America Collection: Black Magic Palette, Jouer Cosmetics Long-Wear Crème Lip-Liner Bare Rose. Typically, high humidity occurs along with hot temperatures. Oh my gosh Noelle and Alicia I would have NEVER thought that my oily skin could actually be dry skin but you two are probably right!! I went to Colorado during the summer last year and my skin cleared up COMPLETELY. They found that boys living in higher altitudes had less acne when compared to boys living in lower altitudes. Scientists have performed several studies that investigated the relationship between seasons and acne severity. Acne can be uncomfortable no matter where it forms on your body. We reserve the right to remove duplicate, miscategorized, and difficult-to-understand Climates with high humidity can be troublesome to our skin. They have also performed studies to see if acne symptoms change during temporary travel to a new area. Dry Skin Gang: Humid Air is Your Best Friend The skincare benefits of humidity. As you’ve read earlier, extreme humid weather can be harsh to your skin and may cause many other skin problems other than those unpleasant breakouts. refrain from making duplicate posts. The trick is choosing the right moisturizer for your blemish-prone skin. Why did my acne get SO much better in humidity? And be careful that you don't post someone else's work and present or claim it as your own. If you struggle with your acne during the high humidity of summer, here are a few tips to keep the flare-ups to a minimum. These effects of humidity can give rise to potential skin problems such as acne breakouts, eczema, as well as other allergic reactions that can damage your skin. Although this study shows that some people believe humidity can cause acne, it once again relies on self-reporting and does not provide reliable scientific evidence on how humidity could influence acne.4. Again we see conflicting results, with one study finding that high altitudes might lead to more acne and the other study finding the opposite, that high altitudes might lead to less acne.13,14, A 2013 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology investigated the incidence of skin diseases in high altitudes. A lot of the time people with oily or acne prone skin use harsh cleansers with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in it. And what Noelle said haha (: Jun 07, 2013 Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40 is … :). We have a zero-tolerance The researchers graded the patients' acne over the course of a year and also questioned the patients about changes they had noticed in their acne. Scientists have not performed any research that directly investigates the effect of humidity on acne severity. advertisements, spam, commercial messages, or links to other websites or blogs. It’s okay to However, this is hypothetical, and there is no evidence that the resulting increased skin oil excretion from hot and humid weather helps reduce acne.21. Thanks for reading and contributing! Wow, I'm definitely going to have to try moisturizing more! I've heard that overdrying your skin can lead to more oil production and that's most likely what I have been doing! Do red/dark marks from previous acne linger on your skin? Poli, F. Differential diagnosis of facial acne on black skin. Gonzalez-Cantero, A., Arias-Santiago, S., Buendía-Eisman, A., Molina-Leyva, A., Gilaberte, Y., Fernández-Crehuet, P., Husein-ElAhmed, H., Viera-Ramírez, A., Fernández-Peñas, P., Taberner, R., Descalzo, M.A. or disrespectful behavior, or email us at If kept around the range of 30 - 50%, humidity can hydrate and repair skin that is irritated and broken from acne. In other words, this finding supports the idea that more humidity might mean more acne. Also the cold weather closes pores so no more acne. Here are some tips to take good care of your skin during hot spells and avoid aggravating your acne. Sakuma, T. H. & Maibach, H. I. Oily skin: an overview. Spectrum of winter dermatoses in rural Yemen. However, the study failed to note if humidity was an important factor in acne development.18. & Segre, J. Still, let's have a closer look at the studies we do have and see what we can discover. As this is only one case, no conclusions can be drawn regarding traveling and acne.17, A 1997 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology found that short-term travel to more humid areas did not affect the acne severity of Iranian high school students.11, A 2013 study published in The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal examined the incidence of skin diseases in prison inmates living in a tropical part of Southwest Nigeria that is high in humidity. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Yahya, H. Acne vulgaris in Nigerian adolescents--prevalence, severity, beliefs, perceptions, and practices. How Humidity Might Make Acne Worse 1. Cleansing with an appropriate agent that will avoid over-cleansing and stripping your skin of the correct amount of oils is important to do twice daily. Moisture in the air is so good for skin and breathing. The researchers found that "low humidity, high velocity wind, UV exposure, and cold temperatures" are the main causes of skin diseases, including acne, in higher altitudes. Yep, here in Sydney, Australia, my cystic acne actually pops out during the hot, humid months in January and February, leaving my skin beautiful and clear for summer beach weather…. They found that many patients reported acne during the winter season, when humidity normally decreases.6-8. Skin: Acne problems do not seem to leave you…shift to a humid place. Now, it’s not a matter of a … I had never had better skin and it all changed it less than a week! It’s a thing. Any higher, and oil control can become an issue. Thank you so much!!! Both too high and too low humidity levels are not suitable for your skin. Well if you are really concerned you should get a good room humidifier or a device like a facial steamer humidifier that can provide the best skincare in all seasons. Adityan, B. Five percent of the participants believed that humidity could exacerbate acne. Acne, whether mild or severe, is a source of agony for many—making the quest to find the best acne treatment something of a beauty holy grail. Either way, many researchers believe that higher humidity may make the skin more permeable.22,23.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Some Leave-in Hair Products May Cause Acne, Disrupting the microbial balance in the skin, Decreasing the function of the skin barrier. Use the flag button to report inappropriate

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