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When Andrea arrives at the prison to talk with her former group, she accuses Michonne of turning them against her. Siddiq apologizes for not telling her about Maggie sooner, explaining that she and Hershel left with Georgie to help build a new community far away.Â. Her distrust and desire to get her sword back leads Michonne to investigate Woodbury, eventually discovering The Governor's zombified daughter Penny. Suddenly, Mary arrives at the gate to tell them to go to the north border, lay down their weapons, and wait for Alpha. Michonne sets out again for another run, and asks Carl and Rick if they want anything for her to grab. When she asks why he saved Luke, he says that mercy is in short supply these days. The following morning, Michonne leaves R.J. in charge of Daryl as she leads a convoy towards Hilltop to help out the community after a tree has fallen down. In "What Comes After", Michonne along with others watches in horror at Rick's sacrifice, believing him to be dead. When Rick recognizes the man as Morgan Jones, they drag him back to the building where he has stockpiled a lot of weapons. At night, when one of the guards returns with Craig, Michonne stabs him through the chest and the group make their way into the compound. Further on, the pair arrive to an empty camp. Tara tells Daryl to kill him, but he stands down. Michonne is relieved to see Tyreese alive after his run in with a herd of walkers. Sam gets grabbed and eaten by the walkers, and Michonne watches in horror, Jessie screams and gets eaten alongside him. Rosita tags along after a failed attempt at convincing Michonne to stay. She suggests that Lydia would make Alexandria a lot safer if she just walked away. On the road, Michonne tells Daryl they're bringing Jesus back to Hilltop so everyone can have clousure and thanks him for helping her with everything. After, Michonne begins to act more like a mom to Carl and she was touched by how much Carl carried for her. Carl tells her that the items are meant for Siddiq. Michonne returns to the rusty truck in the grassy field. They encounter Rick later, who is on the run from the house because scavengers have taken over the neighborhood. Michonne, however, reveals that the tea took her family from her, and she saw hell instead. Michonne witnesses Rick falling from the Ferris wheel and runs over to help but sees walkers feasting on fresh flesh and intestines. Man, I love a gal that buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out.Negan to Rick on Michonne. In the past, Michonne and Daryl return to Alexandria with the kids as the parents rush up to greet them. Michonne tells Rick and Daryl that she "didn't find him," referring to Philip. When they are done eating and keep moving, but they find bottles of water in the middle of the road marked "From A Friend", but they think it's poison. Rick lunges out from the carnival ride and starts taking down walkers. Michonne is later listening to Zach and Daryl talk, and Zach tells her he has been trying to guess what Daryl did for a living before the turn. She then approaches the confused woman while pulling her walker pets. She closes the door before Carl notices what is inside. She wants to make the deal and let them go before the Saviors arrive. After dispatching the walker, Michonne removes its gun. He tries to encourage her as she does the same for him. Dwight heads back to the Sanctuary after the Survivors agrees to his plan. Michonne goes with Abraham, Glenn, Maggie, and Rosita to go check out the two vehicles. He throws Michonne her katana and they kill the entire herd. Daryl manages to hit her arm so she misses as the Whisperers draw their weapons. She gets emotional after remembering a similar phrase said by Rick and Siddiq years before. "Then we will find a new place," Michonne adds. She revisits Carl's letter to Negan. Siddiq argues that Michonne's not always right and her decision to cut ties with The Kingdom proves it. Before they can process the situation, whispers around them get louder and the group circles up preparing for a fight.Â. Michonne suggests bringing him to another building. Michonne explains the fire would have wiped out Oceanside and they only crossed one time, but Alpha reminds her of two other times they trespassed. Dianne and Michonne haven't interacted much, but it seems that they respected each other, as Dianne was one of the Maggies right hand men. Later, Merle walks Michonne down an abandoned road and explains The Governor's proposition. And you could be, too. Michonne initially declines, reasoning that Judith and R.J. need her right now, but Judith is insistent, telling Michonne that Rick could be trying to come home and might need help. Michonne and her children dine together and share a laugh as they are joined by Daryl. But then Ron aims his gun at Rick, blaming him for the deaths of his little brother and mother, before he is able to do anything else, Michonne plummets her katana right through his chest, killing him instantly and his dead body is devoured. That night, Michonne finds Rick in the basement cell. Carl expresses remorse over killing a boy when they lived in the prison. She joins in the meal later that night and accepts Rick's decision to bring the group to Washington D.C. Carl questions her further about it, but Michonne says she will only answer one question at a time, after they have cleared each room in the house. She continues to bang on the door, when a strange voice from a cell next to hers tells her to calm down. After the zombie virus hits, Michonne, Mike, Terry, and Andre stayed in a camp with dwindling numbers. After killing the walkers, everyone stops to watch them. Michonne attempts to convince him to turn around, saying that they could "just go back," but Merle angrily states that he can't. Daryl says he is glad Michonne is there. "She needs to be there." After Pete finds her sword and tries to kill Rick with it, ending in Reg's death, Deanna allows Rick to execute Pete, tacitly admitting that killing is necessary in some cases. Michonne charges at Dwight. Daryl declares that they have a lot more work to do. They stop at an abandoned car for the night and cook a rabbit they caught. When asked what he did to her, Virgil reveals that he made her hallucinogenic tea using Jimsonweed. But Sam starts to panic by seeing a child walker, and he begins to cry. Hope we're not boring you, Peanut. Michonne believes that Carl was telling them that there's more to building a future than simply fighting and tells her what Carl said "there's gotta be something after". As Michonne's hallucinations continue to get worse, Virgil smiles and tells her she is no angel. Michonne convinces Rick to go with Aaron and the group sets off towards the supposed community, but not on Aaron's approved road, which he claimed is the only one that has been cleared. However, they encounter the Woodbury soldiers massacred on the road and are informed by Karen that the Governor killed them all. Afterwards, the two had seemed to be getting along. On their way back to the Kingdom, they find a beaten and bloody Siddiq tied to a tree. When the Governor and his soldiers return from a troop, Michonne listens in suspicion as he tells the residents that they have brought trucks and supplies from an army group they found dead on the road because they didn't have a safe place like Woodbury. That night, they feast inside the school gymnasium. Michonne frantically searches through the journals aboard, before discovering an iphone with an engraving of her and Judith. She greets Ezekiel, who's shocked to see her. "I was in the neighborhood," Michonne says. On the road to Hilltop, Siddiq tells Michonne she should have let Magna's group stay in Alexandria, but she says she still doesn't trust them and is only doing this for her daughter. Aaron announces that they will continue to his community in Alexandria in the morning and the next day they all leave to the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Out in the woods, Michonne and Rick scavenge for guns to fulfill their deal with Jadis. As they watch the procession of vehicles, Michonne tells Carl that this is his show; Alexandria's safety is in his hands. Later that night, Michonne comes out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and asks Rick how long she was in their; he replies with "20 minutes." Keep trying. Michonne and Rick desperately dig at the trash pile as the reanimated corpses of the Scavengers begins flooding in toward them. Michonne tries in vain to pry the door open, but eventually tires out and falls asleep. They spot a re-animated Deanna and she holds her still so Spencer can stab her head. Merle counters that she is just as much of an outsider as he is, and the two fall silent as they realize that they are not that different. He hands her the gun, but she returns it. Siddiq reveals to her that Maggie and Hershel left last fall, shocking her. After Andrea is taken care of, Merle comes to the room. Jogging is nearly as monotonous as swimming, but at least you can vary your course and change the scenery by … Enid agrees. Beth comforts Michonne while treating Michonne's injured foot from falling and fending off walkers, and they speak about loss in the new world. Michonne and Rick push through the incoming walkers, putting down several with their shields before resorting back to their weapons. While walking back to the prison, Michonne runs into Daryl and sadly informs him what Merle was planning to do. As the two continue their journey to the Feed Store in the vehicle, she talks to him about the kind of man The Governor has turned him into, and calls him an outsider to the group. Daryl declares that they're ending this now. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Michonne then accompanies Carl look for a baby crib for Judith, and a picture of Lori, because he wants his sister to know what her mother looked like. During the Alexandria Council meeting, Magna hid the fact that she was a convict in the past, which pissed Michonne off. As they leave with supplies, Michonne confides in Rick that she misses Andrea and Hershel but does not miss her katana. A tearful Michonne tells Carl that she loves him too. n. 1. a. In "Ghosts", Michonne seems to be concerned about Siddiq's state. She gradually begins to see his innocence is genuine, which earns both humorous onlooking and respect. She and Carl stay behind. On the road to Hilltop, Rick explains to Michonne that it was not his intention to kill Jadis, but rather to drive her away. Later, they come across Saviors golfing in a field. Michonne despises Gregory due to his cowardice. After the death of Glenn Rhee, Michonne had offered her condolences to Maggie and felt incredibly sorry for her. They ask who their leader is and Magna claims they're a team, while Luke explains their group used to be bigger. That's how I've been trained from the beginning and how I've created characters in the past on the stage or through my playwriting. Michonne then decides to let The Governor suffer and die and doesn't finish him off. That night, Michonne finds Carl bringing supplies to a sewage entrance. Maggie tells her people that she wants this to be the last time they do something like this. In the cellar, Daryl throws the girl in a cell and tells Henry that Jesus is dead. He seems to not be aware of the apocalypse and warns that he will call the cops. She discovers the bodies of the soldiers who were inside. Later Michonne and the group help Daryl and Maggie to secure the entrance from walkers as the storm rages outside. For all intents and purposes, she was Rick's wife. A dream where she holds him in her arms soon turns to a nightmare as he disappears while Mike and Terry slowly turn to walkers. In spite of this, Michonne personally reads Carl's letter that he wrote to Negan to him and tells him peace is possible however Negan coldly refuses to make peace and vows he will kill Michonne, Rick and all their people no matter what. Negan orders a retreat as Shiva mauls another of his men to death. Later Michonne and Daryl interrogate her, but could not get any definitive information from her. Michonne asks if she should come home but Daryl tells her to stay as long as Hilltop needs her. After Maggie agrees with Georgie's deal and she leaves, Enid talks with Michonne, expressing her skepticism of Georgie's vision. He accepts the offer and they introduce each other before shaking hands. Later on, Michonne changed her mind and decided to bring Magna to the Hilltop. Michonne is present when Rick tries to convince Gregory to fight against the Saviors. After Michonne successfully kills all of the undead, Virgil finds his reanimated family hanging from the ceiling in another room with a bunch of others, having committed mass suicide. Michonne, Maggie and Enid drive to the designated meeting spot and find two women waiting by a van. She later follows him into the woods. She then tells everyone instead of retaliating, she and a small group will meet with Alpha at the border to work things out. While the stranger begs he simply wants to get back to his family, Michonne draws her sword and demands he answers her questions. She is violently yanked into a vision where she watches Andrea get devoured instead of helping her. When he is seemingly eaten by walkers, she drops her sword and is too distraught to protect herself. Rick assumes his position at the front gate, with Jadis crouching by his feet, hidden from view. In "What Comes After" Carol is comforting Michonne, after seeing Rick "dying". So desperate for something, anything that might show you the way. Before they can move forward with their plan, the Woodbury soldiers attack the prison and she is forced to counterattack from behind the bus. Siddiq then asks what will happen to his family with him gone. ", Yumiko is not questioned by Michonne, as she is injured, although it is obvious that Michonne does not trust her.

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