total articles in iran constitution

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the freedom, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of the country are inseparable from one another, and their preservation is the duty of the government and all individual citizens. Given the weighty responsibilities that woman thus assumes, she is accorded in Islam great value and nobility. The candidates for election to the Parliament. (Nahj al-balaghah, Kutub, No. The country’s 1979 constitution put into place a mixed system of government, in which the executive, parliament, and judiciary are overseen by several bodies dominated by the clergy. This rule must be executed by the government with due care, after investigation and furnishing necessary evidence in accordance with the law of Islam. In order to ensure Islamic equity and cooperation in chalking out the programs and to bring about the harmonious progress of all units of production, both industrial and agricultural, councils consisting of the representatives of the workers, peasants, other employees, and managers, will be formed in educational and administrative units, units of service industries, and other units of a like nature, similar councils will be formed, composed of representatives of the members of those units. Delhi Police Constable Exam Analysis Shift 1 27 Nov 2020 Out – Get First Shift Analysis Here! The mode of the formation of these councils and the scope of their ‘functions and powers are to be specified by law. Indian Constitution Quiz. From this viewpoint, the economic program of Islam consists of providing the means needed for the emergence of the various creative capacities of the human being. Despite his exile from Iran after his protest against the humiliating law of capitulation (which provided legal immunity for American advisers), the firm bond between the Imam and the people endured, and the Muslim nation, particularly committed intellectuals and militant ‘ulama’, continued their struggle in the face of banishment and imprisonment, torture and execution. All the articles of the Indian constitution English are very important for any kind of competitive examination. The Islamic Consultative Assembly cannot enact laws contrary to the usual and Ahkam of the official religion of the country or to the Constitution. The powers and duties of this organization will be determined by law. But before the establishment of the first Guardian Council, however, it lies with a supervisory body to be constituted by law. Ministers will be appointed by the President and will be presented to the Assembly for a vote of confidence. Never treat them like a predatory beast intent on devouring its prey; because they are of two kinds: Either your brethren in faith, or your fellowmen in kind. The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran must be an Islamic Army, i.e., committed to Islamic ideology and the people, and must recruit into its service individuals who have faith in the objectives of the Islamic Revolution and are devoted to the cause of realizing its goals. 3- Issuing decrees for national referenda. A closed session may be held in emergency conditions, if it is required for national security, upon the requisition of the President, one of the ministers, or ten members of the Assembly. The Islamic consultative Assembly is constituted by the representatives of the people elected directly and by secret ballot. It has been amended 103 times; the latest amendment became effective on 14 January 2019. Languages of the Supreme Court, High Courts, etc. Article 65 After the holding of elections, sessions of the Islamic Consultative Assembly are considered legally valid when two-thirds of the total number of members are present. With due attention to this goal, the Constitution provides the basis of such participation by all members of society at all stages of the political decision-making process on which the destiny of the country depends. Therefore, you should be familiar with important articles and information related to it. Any request for such direct recourse to public opinion must be approved by two-thirds of the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. This principle contrasts with other economic systems, where the aim is concentration and accumulation of wealth and maximization of profit. 53), … And God will not grant the unbelievers any way of domination) over the believers. In order to attain the objectives specified in Article 2, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has the duty of directing all its resources to the following goals: 1- The creation of a favorable environment for the growth of moral virtues based on faith and piety and the struggle against all forms of vice and corruption; 2- raising the level of public awareness in all areas, through the proper use of the press, mass media, and other means; 3- free education and physical training for everyone at all levels, and the facilitation and expansion of higher education; 4- strengthening the spirit of inquiry, investigation, and innovation in all areas of science, technology, and culture, as well as Islamic studies, by establishing research centers and encouraging researchers; 5- the complete elimination of imperialism and the prevention of foreign influence; 6- the elimination of all forms of despotism and autocracy and all attempts to monopolize power; 7- ensuring political and social freedoms within the framework of the law; 8- the participation of the entire people in determining their political, economic, social, and cultural destiny; 9- the abolition of all forms of undesirable discrimination and the provision of equitable opportunities for all, in both the material and intellectual spheres; 10- the creation of a correct administrative system and elimination of superfluous government organizations; 11- all round strengthening of the foundations of national defense to the utmost degree by means of universal military training for the sake of safeguarding the independence, territorial integrity, and the Islamic order of the country; 12- the planning of a correct and just economic system, in accordance with Islamic criteria in order to create welfare, eliminate poverty, an (i abolish all forms of deprivation with respect to food, housing, work, health care, and the provision of social insurance for all; 13- the attainment of self-sufficiency in scientific, technological, industrial, agricultural, and military domains, and other similar spheres; 14- securing the multifarious rights of all citizens, both women and men, and providing legal protection for all, as well as the equality of-all before the law; 15- the expansion and strengthening of Islamic brotherhood and public cooperation among all the people; 16- framing the foreign policy of the country on the basis of Islamic criteria, fraternal commitment to all Muslims, and unsparing support to the mustad’afiin of the world. Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran. Table 1. There are to be two hundred seventy members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly which, keeping in view the human, political, geographic and other similar factors, may increase by not more than twenty for each ten-year period from the date of the national referendum of the year 1368 of the solar Islamic calendar. After experiencing the anti-despotic constitutional movement and the anti-colonialist movement centered on the nationalization of the oil industry, the Muslim people of Iran learned from this costly experience that the obvious and fundamental reason for the failure of those movements was their lack of an ideological basis. In case of death, dismissal, resignation, absence, or illness lasting longer than two months of the President, or when his term in office has ended and a new president has not been elected due to some impediments, or similar other circumstances, his first deputy shall assume, with the approval of the Leader, the powers and functions of the President. Drafts and bills will be approved in accordance with the code of procedure approved by it, except in cases where the Constitution has specified a certain quorum. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the affairs of the country must be administered on the basis of public opinion expressed by the means of elections, including the election of the President, the representatives of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, and the members of councils, or by means of referenda in matters specified in other articles of this Constitution. The revision of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whenever needed by the circumstances, will be done in the following manner: The Leader issues an edict to the President after consultation with the Nation’s Exigency Council stipulating the amendments or additions to be made by the Council for Revision of the Constitution which consists of : 2- Heads of the three branches of the government. (1) The worst minister for you is he who has been a minister to vicious (governors) before you and who has collaborated with them in sins. Responsibility for the supervision of the election, of the President lies with the Guardian Council, as stipulated in Article 99. The body responsible for determining such deviation, as well as the manner for dissolving the councils and re-forming them, will be specified by law. Also, check some useful questions from the below-given FAQs that are generally asked in the competitive exams. (The Prophet’s hadith, from al-Qurtubi. At its enactment, it had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules. This book presents documents on the five-month long negotiations which preceded its enactment on 17 October 1949. The councils may not be dissolved unless they deviate from their legal duties. When an urgent government or members’ bill is placed on the agenda of the Assembly, the members of the Guardian Council must attend the Assembly and make their views known. Important Articles of the Constitution of India have always been a crucial part of GK and Current Affairs. Languages recognized by the Constitution. During the Occultation of the Vali al-Asr (may God hasten his reappearance), the Velayah and leadership of the Ummah devolve upon the just (‘adil] and pious [muttaqi] faqih, who is fully aware of the circumstances of his age; courageous, resourceful, and possessed of administrative ability, will assume the responsibilities of this office in accordance with Article 107. But the people, aroused, conscious, and resolute under the decisive and unfaltering leadership of the Imam, embarked on a triumphant, unified, comprehensive, and countrywide uprising. Provision has therefore been made for the creation of a judicial system based on Islamic justice and operated by just judges with meticulous knowledge of the Islamic laws. The freedom of expression and dissemination of thoughts in the Radio and Television of the Islamic Republic of Iran must be guaranteed in keeping with the Islamic’ criteria and the best interests of the country. The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran may grant political asylum to those who seek it unless they are regarded as traitors and saboteurs according to the laws of Iran. On 12 and 13 Feb 1979, the world witnessed the collapse of the monarchical regime. 7- Three representatives from the judiciary branch. Accordingly, while scrupulously refraining from all forms of interference in the internal affairs of other nations, it supports the just struggles of the mustad’afun against the mustakbirun in every corner of the globe. His is the responsibility for implementing the Constitution and acting as the head of the executive, except in matters directly concerned with (the office of) the Leadership. Whenever an individual suffers moral or material loss as the result of a default or error of the judge with respect to the subject matter of a case or the verdict delivered, or the application of a rule in a particular case, the defaulting judge must stand surety for the reparation of that loss in accordance with the Islamic criteria, if it be a case of default. 53), (3) Your assignment is not a bait but a trust lying on your neck. Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran Adopted: 24 October 1979 Effective: 3 December 1979 Amended: 28 July 1989 Preamble The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran advances the cultural, social, political, and economic institutions of Iranian society … Tells the provisions related to the disqualification of the members of Parliament and State Legislatures on the ground of defection. These principles signify that any particular state will encourage the welfare of people by giving them basic provisions such as food, shelter, and clothing. The power to make any subsequent change or a review of this law, or approval of all the provisions concerning the duties of the experts is vested in themselves. The Assembly must investigate his complaint and give a satisfactory reply. It has now grown to 448 articles in 25 parts, 12 schedules with 5 appendices, and 102 amendments. Accordingly, it is the duty of the Islamic government to furnish all citizens with equal and appropriate opportunities, to provide them with work, and to satisfy their essential needs, so that the course of their progress may be assured. Public gatherings and marches may be freely held, provided arms are not carried and that they are not detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam. In order to safeguarding the national interests and preserving the Islamic Revolution, the territorial integrity and national sovereignty, a Supreme Council for National Security presided over by the President shall be constituted to fulfill the following responsibilities: 1- Determining the defense and national security policies within the framework of general policies determined by the Leader. Under Articles 123 to 130 of the Constitution, the President has the following duties; 1) He approves the laws passed by the Parliament and has the duty to enforce them; 2) He signs the international treaties and agreements as the representative of Iran; and 3) He appoints the ambassadors introduced by the foreign minister. 62), (9) No one can establish the rule of God except he who does not compromise (regarding his duties), does not seek to conform with others (at the cost of Islamic principles), and is not after ambitions and desires. The official flag of Iran is composed of green, white and red colors with the special emblem of the Islamic Republic, together with the motto [Allah-o Akbar]. After the demise of the eminent marji’ al-taqlid and great leader of the universal Islamic revolution, and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatullah al-‘Uzma Imam Khumayni – quddisa sirruh al-sharif – who was recognized and accepted as marji’ and Leader by a decisive majority of the people, the task of appointing the Leader shall be vested with the experts elected by the people. The award of state decorations is a prerogative of the President. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ total articles in our constitution ? Southern California News Culture Music Lifestyle Iranian-American Iran Law Iran Environment Iran Football Weather Forecast Iran … The President is obliged to sign legislation approved by the Assembly or the result of a referendum, after the (related) legal procedures have been completed and it has been communicated to him. The President, within the limits of his powers and duties, which he has by virtue of this Constitution or other laws, is responsible to the people, the Leader and the Islamic Consultative Assembly. (2:75), (2) O believers, fear you God; and give up the out-standing . Regarding the basic rights like the right for education, the right for dwelling and the right for employme nt and so on, women have been included by using the general terms such as “everyone”. The judge is bound to endeavor to judge each case on the basis of the codified law. Prohibit hoarding, for the Prophet (S) also forbade it, so that trading may take place freely and in accordance with the criteria of justice, at prices which are not unfair to the seller and the buyer. Iranian citizenship is the indisputable right of every Iranian, and the government cannot withdraw citizenship from any Iranian unless he himself requests it or acquires the citizenship of another country. The country’s 1979 constitution put into place a mixed system of government, in which the executive, parliament, and judiciary are overseen by several bodies dominated by the clergy. The Directive Principles mirror the reconstruction program declared by Gandhiji during the National Movement. The mass-communication media, radio and television, must serve the diffusion of Islamic culture in pursuit of the evolutionary course of the Islamic Revolution. The interpretation of ordinary laws falls within the competence of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. (2:278,279), (3) Ali (A) said: “The Apostle of Allah (S) has cursed all five involved in a usurious transaction: the creditor, the debtor, the two witnesses, and the one who records the transaction”. The annual budget of the country will be drain up by the government, in the manner specified by law, and submitted to the Islamic Consultative Assembly for discussion and approval. (Nahj al-balaghah, Kutub, No. Share . Consequently, the confinement of the executive power within any kind of complex and inhibiting system that delays or impedes the attainment of this goal is rejected by Islam. As a part of this process, it is only natural that women should benefit from a particularly large augmentation of their rights, because of the greater oppression that they suffered under the old regime. This aspiration was exemplified by the nature of the great Islamic Revolution of Iran, and by the course of the Muslim people’s struggle, from its beginning until victory, as reflected in the decisive and forceful calls raised by all segments of the populations. The nature of each of these councils, together with the manner of their formation, their jurisdiction, and scope of their duties and functions, is determined by the Constitution and laws derived from it. Twenty years after the "Islamic Revolution" the human rights situation in Iran remains poor. Healthcare in Iran is based on three pillars: the public-governmental system, the private sector, and NGOs. CONSTITUTION OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. Greater Iran and Beyond | Caspian Sea Region Mideast Resource Gudie Persian Gulf Region. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is an expression of the cultural, social, political and economic foundations of Iranian society, is based on the principles and norms of Islam, in accordance with the authentic aspirations of the Islamic community. The widespread solidarity of men and women of all segments of society and of all political and religious factions, played a clearly determining role in the struggle. The Rights of the People. To fulfill his dream, some ideas were incorporated in Directive Principles to manage the state through article 36 to article 51. Political and press offenses will be tried openly and in the presence of a jury, in courts of justice. An overview of Indian Constitution Parts and … The cooperative sector is to include cooperative companies and enterprises concerned with production and distribution, in urban and rural areas, in accordance with Islamic criteria. The war, which lasted eight … So don’t make him your confidant, for such are helpers of sinners and in fraternity with oppressors. India Post Result 2020 Out – Stepwise Process to Download GDS Result! the Prophet or the head of the Islamic State) belong mountains, valleys, forests, and all lands untilled and without owners, the lands of (dethroned) kings which were in their possession but were not seized from others (everything usurped is returned to its original owner), and he inherits everyone who dies without leaving an heir.” (Wasail al-Shiah, al-Anfal, Bab 1), (7) Muhammad ibn Sinan relates from Abu al-Hasan (A) that when asked about (the owner ship of) water (resources) of valleys, he said: The Muslims jointly share the ownership of water, fire and pasture.” (Wasa’il al-Shiah, Ihya al-amwat, Bab 5), (8) Do not appropriate to yourself that in which all the people have an equal share. Legislation setting forth regulations for the administration of society will revolve around the Koran and the Sunnah. Legislation approved by this body, after going through the stages specified in the articles below, is communicated to the executive and the judiciary for implementation. The Council of Ministers or interpolated minister must be present in the Assembly within ten days after the tabling of the interpolation in order to answer it and seek a vote of confidence. If, however, some of the candidates securing greatest votes in the first round withdraw from the elections, the final choice will be between the two candidates who won greater number of votes than all the remaining candidates. In the event at least one-third of the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly interpolate the President concerning his executive responsibilities in relation with the Executive Power and the executive affairs of the country, the President must be present in the Assembly within one month after the tabling of the interpolation in order to give adequate explanations in regard to the matters raised. Any text in any regional constitutions or any other legal text that contradicts this Constitution shall be considered void. (Wasail al-Shiah Adab al-qadi, Bab 3), Asbagh ibn Nubatah narrates from Amir al-Muminin, (A) that he stated in a decree: “If the judges make any error in cases involving death penalty or amputation, the compensation lies with the public the treasury of Muslims”. Any change in the figures contained in the budget will be in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law. Allocations related to the Management and Control of scheduled areas and ST (scheduled tribes). The scope of the duties of this Corps, and its areas of responsibility, in relation to the duties and areas of responsibility of the other armed forces, are to be determined by law, with emphasis on brotherly cooperation and harmony among them. (5:44), (3) …And whoso judges not according to what God has sent down – they are the unjust. (Nahj al-balaghah, Hikam, No. Tabriz. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, al-‘amr bilma’ruf wa al-nahy ‘an al-munkar is a universal and reciprocal duty that must be fulfilled by the people with respect to one another, by the government with respect to the people, and by the people with respect to the government. In case half of the members of the Council of Ministers are changed after the government has received its vote of confidence from the Assembly, the government must seek a fresh vote of confidence from the Assembly. It includes –. 110), (10) The Prophet said: When your rulers are righteous, when your rich are generous, and when your affairs are decided through consultation, then life would be better for you than death; but if the wicked among you are your rulers, when the wealthy among you are misers, and when your affairs are in the hands of your women, then you would be better of dead than alive”. Iran - Iran - Government and society: Iran is a unitary Islamic republic with one legislative house. Seat allocation in the Rajya Sabha to the states and the Union Territories. (Wasail al-Shiah Ihya al-amwat, Bab 17), (1) No indeed; surely man waxes insolent, when he considers himself rich. US State Department Human Rights Reports 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996; US State Department Reports on Religious Freedom in Iran 2000 - 1999; Amnesty International Reports; AIUSA Page on Iran; Human Rights Watch Reports; Stiffling Dissent 2001 HRW report Iranian Refugee Alliance Publications. In the event, during this period, any one of them is unable to fulfill his duties for whatsoever reason, another person, upon the decision of majority of fuqaha’ in the Nation’s Exigency Council shall be elected in his place. 164), (8) But what made me concerned was that the affairs of this community should fall into the hands of incompetent men and debauchees, who would grab the public property (mal Allah) as their own, take the servants of God for their slaves, declare a war against the righteous of the community, making the vicious their allies. Such leadership will prevent any deviation by the various organs of State from their essential Islamic duties. (Nahj al- balaghah, No.232), (10)… Surely the earth a God’s and He bequeaths it to whom He will… (7:128), (11) Al-Sakuni related from Abu Abd Allah (A) that the Prophet (S) said, “Whoever is the first to plant a tree or dig a valley, there being nobody to do so before him and thereby revives a piece of waste land, it belongs to him.

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