marine corps disbanded

It was a shocking and unexpected event, but the fact that it happened suggests a perverse streak within our nature to desecrate that which others revere in order to gain attention for ourselves. As we know, the Marine Corps is not essential for national defense; it is an expression of pride and competence by a strong people. 5-Year Member. We have seen Marine leaders testify in front of the government about the conduct of Marines constantly, this will continue to be a problem until we disband the Marine Corps. As part of Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s plan to redesign the force to … “235 years of Semper Fi, until the EFV died.” Such is human nature, and such is tragedy. There may be talk, suggestions, recommendations, etc., by those who have never served in the Marine Corps, to disband the Marine Corps, or merge with the Army, but that talk quickly turns to scuttlebutt and embarrasses those who even consider the thought. Capt. THE CORPS WAS BORN IN A BAR. Old battle colors, dusty but unstained, will be unfurled, and proud men will commit their lives to God, Corps, and Country. A vandal once took a hammer to the Pietà. Active. Ever since the Marines United scandal, the war crimes, and general unprofessionalism running rampant through their service, their attitude when confronted with any type of criticism or anything negative, their lack of respect for other services. The young officers who attempt to explain how homosexuality is an “alternate” instead of a deviate lifestyle, will quickly lose the respect of their Marines and a bit of their own honor in the process. You can contact me about this on any of these social media platforms. It is true that the future portends many littoral conflicts to which a Marine Corps should respond, but the other Services will adapt. The end of the Marine Corps' tank missions has officially begun. The United States doesn't need the Marine Corps, the Army Rangers can do their job just as easily if not better. From such a crucible may emerge a neophyte warrior who remembers that his grandfather, or perhaps his great-grandfather, had been a sergeant major of Marines. Like all civilizations that have preceded us, we are passing through the culminating point of culture and starting down the precarious slope that lies beyond. We should transfer our personnel to another Service and don their uniform. The party line will be that homosexuals are Marines, just like you. As we know, Lt. Gen. Victor H. Krulak answered that question in his book First to Fight: America does not need a Marine Corps – the other Services could manage an adequate defense without us – but America wants a Marine Corps, because it feels safe knowing that there is a band of warriors always ready to respond rapidly, against unknown odds, to any national emergency. The Continental Marines were disbanded at the end of the war, along with the Continental Navy. Ayn Rand made this trenchant observation on the subversion of virtue within a culture: When men reduce their virtues to the approximate, then evil acquires the force of an absolute: when loyalty to an unyielding purpose is dropped by the virtuous, it’s picked up by the scoundrels – and you get the indecent spectacle of a cringing, bargaining, traitorous good and a self-righteously uncompromising evil. By 1876, Congress had reduced the Corps from 3,000 to under 2,000 men. Disband the Marine Corps Mat Best started this petition to President Donald J. Trump and Seeing what Marines are doing across the globe and United States, the dishonor they are bringing to themselves and their service, I think it is about time we talk about either changes that need to happen or how the Corps needs to be gotten rid of. Though I don't agree the USMC should be disbanded, I have to say I like that I now have an article to show up all my gungho Marine friends lol. "An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." The Marines' most famous action of this period occurred in the First Barbary War (1801–1805) against the Barbary pirates. Maybe even a wheeled one as the LAV-25 is long in the tooth. The Marine Corps is cutting all military occupational specialties associated with tank battalions, law enforcement units and bridging companies, the service announced Monday. Comments Policy: reserves the right to edit messages for content and tone. Any type of service that the Marine Corps claims to provide on tactical,operational, and strategic levels the United States Army has done and has had more success than the Marine Corps has. ... Do we really need a Marine Corps? The U.S. Marine Corps was born on November 10, 1775, the … Their mission was multi-purpose, but their most important duty was to serve as onboard security forces, protecting the captain of a ship and his officers. The Continental Marines were the amphibious infantry of the American Colonies during the American Revolutionary War. Official Name Insignia Headquarters; 1st Marine Division: Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton California: 2nd Marine Division: Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune North Carolina: 3rd Marine Division: Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler The Spanish marine corps was founded in 1537 and is the oldest still-active marine corps in the world, while the Netherlands marine corps, founded in 1665, is the second-oldest. America felt good knowing that men of character, who shared a warrior ethos, stood ready to do its will. As individuals, institutions, and cultures, we are all sometimes vulnerable to tragedy through no fault or volition of our own. Advice to Graduating Millennials: Don’t ... Free Love, Divorce, and Homosexuality as... How Wisdom Helps People Destroy the Dict... Amazon Synod: The Trojan Horse of Libera... TFP Rosary Campaign to Restore America Blog, By 2030 three battalions will be disbanded, and some reflagged: 1/8th becoming 2/2nd, 2/8th becoming 4/6th, 8th Marine HQ and 3rd Btn disband. It will be the intervening years, when there wasn’t a Marine Corps, which will validate for all time the motto itself. We have always perceived that the threats to our honor were external to our borders and could be countered with courage, zeal and competence. I think Heinlein had it right in his book, Starship Troopers. During naval engagements Marine sharpshooters were stationed in the fighting tops of the ships' masts, and were supposed to sho… It wasn’t until 15 years later, on July 11, 1798, that President John Adams signed into law … The Marines can operate on their own while the other three focus on their primary given roles, allowing a Joint Operations Command structure to flow willfully and naturally. This is a list of United States Marine Corps divisions. Too many valiant men have fallen in honor for us to allow the term “Marine” to be degraded in a futile attempt to lend dignity to practitioners of unnatural acts. We never suspected that the threat to our ethos would come from within our Nation and be sanctioned, however indirectly by the American people. It is better to wear proudly the uniform of another Service than to see the Globe and Anchor progressively defamed. Died: Jan. 6, 2011, in a Pentagon news conference. This can be seen also in the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course that has purposely made unrealistic standards to create a environment to set qualified female officers up for failure. By disbanding now we preserve more than a tradition of honor and service – we preserve a remnant of hope for a future generation. He went on to retire from the Corps after 21 years of service with the rank of Colonel. It is time to case the battle colors and ask Congress to disband our Marine Corps. For such an undeserved indignity to be heaped upon such a noble institution, with but a whimper of protest, would betray the untold thousands who bought with their blood the honor we enjoy. Comments and opinions expressed by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of The cognitive dissidence that this simple, yet official, lie must engender will tug at the credibility and ultimately rend the integrity of our Corps. The Pietà in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy.Photo courtesy of Stanislav Traykov. We are esteemed by our countrymen and feared by our enemies. In intellectually opposing individuals or organizations promoting the homosexual agenda, our only intent is the defense of our hallowed Armed Forces, the family, and the precious remnants of Christian civilization – The American TFP. Yet we are constrained in our efforts by the very nature of the political system that they fought to defend, and we recognize that, while this tragedy should not happen, it is ultimately not our decision to make. The salient difference between the current reality and the proposed policy is that now the homosexuals lie to the Marine Corps. I will speak about this more on my YouTube channel and Facebook page (MBest11x), in conclusion the Marine Corps has failed our country is obsolete and has created and sustained a culture of misogyny and bigotry that has shamed the Department of Defense and the United States of America. Born: Nov. 10, 1775, in a Philadelphia tavern. Due to their efforts, and despite Army opposition, Navy defection, and waning support by the Marine Commandant, the law codified the specific roles and functions reserved to the Corps … Perhaps now is the time to recognize that although America might, for the first time need a Marine Corps, it no longer wants one. Soon we will find that to accommodate homosexuals, the Marine Corps must lie to Marines, and they in turn to one another. The Marine Corps is pledging to manage the reductions in a "measured and responsible way," said Maj. Craig Thomas, a spokesman for Manpower and Reserve Affairs in … America will get both the Government and the Military Establishment that it deserves. Our dead are remembered, and those who once wore our uniform, are forever entitled to claim the title “Marine.” We are indeed a unique and proud brotherhood of warriors. Treaty of Paris (1783) / Marines disbanded October 4, 1783 The 1783 Treaty of Paris … will not publish comments with abusive language, insults or links to other pages. Survival may become a dim prospect, and ancient virtues and values will be recalled. Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 362, known as the “Ugly Angels,” were declared fully operational capable on Feb. 28, 2020, signifying that the Marine Corps’ newest MV … (Youtube Channel), (Twitter Page), (Facebook page). Lt. Gen. David Berger told lawmakers this week that Marine Raiders are vital to U.S. Special Operations Command. U.S. Marine Corps Raiders with the 3d Marine Raider Battalion take a break during training at Eglin Range, Fla., May 22, 2018 (U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Joseph Pick) The … In addition to that the Marine Culture and mindset makes them difficult to work with, this can prove fatal in an operational environment. The cuts will remove … It would be better to disband the Corps than see it dishonored and its virtues and values destroyed. The sorry fact is that this will not be a gross betrayal by a dark and sinister force – rather it will be a culmination of banal evils from a progression of noxious ideologies. Eventually, what will happen is that, not the Marines disbanding, but the Army. We have displaced faith in Providence with confidence in technology. Though prayer and reason might yet triumph, it is clearly time to fight and prepare. There is a historical precedent for arguing to disband the Marine Corps. There is still much here that is worth defending. But the 2,700 Marines already assigned to MARSOC do more to benefit U.S. Special Operations Command than they do the Marine Corps, Wood wrote. On 30 December 1943, Marine Commandant Thomas Holcomb ordered the 1st Marine Parachute Regiment to be disbanded, and along with the Marine Raider units, it … America is our home and the home of our families. United States Marine Corps Color Guard, Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C. Goodbye tank battalions and bridging companies, the Corps is making hefty cuts as the Marines plan to make a lighter and faster force to fight across the Pacific to confront a rising China. Soon, we must again answer an important question that has frequently been asked in the past: Do we really need a Marine Corps? *                         *                         *. Critics claim that homosexuals already lurk in our ranks. If he is confident in his fellow warriors, loyal to his country, resolved on victory, uncompromising in integrity, and dedicated to both innovation and tradition, then he may have the audacity to claim the title “Marine.” Once again, America will want an elite corps of honorable men to do the difficult today and the near impossible tomorrow. Our customs are steeped in tradition, and our traditions have been respected and honored by successive generations of Marines. That the vandal could not himself have created an object so sublime did not mean that he could not, with a stroke of a hammer, indelibly mar its beauty or offend its admirers. They will certainly adapt better to amphibious warfare than the Marine Corps will adapt to recruiting sexual deviates. The Marine Corps has fielded tanks for 97 continuous years, receiving six M1917 six-ton tanks from the U.S. Army in 1923. The Corps is axing all of its tank battalions and cutting grunt units. The Marine Corps is simply glorified (wannabe) Army Rangers with a toxic culture of misogyny and bigotry, not to include the rampant hazing that happens in basic training and follow on schools. This article is reprinted courtesy of the Marine Corps Gazette and copyright is retained by the Marine Corps Gazette. The extraordinary successes that Marines have achieved in battle have earned for our Corps a reputation that is the envy of every other Service and that is unequaled in modern history. By publishing timely articles dealing with this subject, we have no intention to defame or disparage anyone. case the battle colors and ask Congress to disband our Marine Corps. The Marine Corps is the world's 911 force, and has sealed their legacy as such. YUMA, Ariz. — A Marine Corps search and rescue squadron in southwest Arizona will disband amid safety concerns, military officials said. Seventy years ago, on 26 July 1947, a small band of U.S. Marines celebrated the signing of the National Security Act. This is an attempt by the Marine Corps to get a lighter, smaller off the shelf armored fighting vehicle. In preparation for the Quasi-War with France, Congress created the United States Navy and the Marine Corps. The Army has long sought the Marine Corps as its own, and in many of the world’s navies there are naval troops. © 2021 The American TFP. Here lies the United States Marine Corps. - … During the Revolution, Marines had fought on land and sea, but at the close of the Revolution the Marine Corps and the Navy were all but disbanded. The Corps was formed by the Continental Congress on November 10, 1775 and was disbanded in 1783. Plea to Disband the Marine Corps Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - Former Marine, Cpl., 1470086 (This letter was sent to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Quantico, VA.) A disgusting article appeared in the Contra Costa Times, on March 5, 2012 (page A6, 3-5-12), bylined by a one Leonard Pitts, Jr., Miami Herald columnist. We can preserve our reputation, and that of those who have preceded us, by not compromising our values as a Corps. While homosexuality is a tragic reality, and those who indulge in its indignities deserve prayerful compassion, they are not fit to lead men in battle. Culture vandals may debate this issue, but as Marines we know this intellectually, morally and viscerally. Crusader 6., This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. The Marines conduct on social media reaches far past the Marines United scandal, you constantly see Marines on social media in uniform act unprofessionally with posting lewd photos of themselves alongside them in uniform. Seeing what Marines are doing across the globe and United States, the dishonor they are bringing to themselves and their service, I think it is about time we talk about either changes that need to happen or how the Corps needs to be gotten rid of. Ferez-vous la même chose ? All rights reserved. We enjoy a wide, but inevitably temporary, advantage over potential adversaries in our technological capability, and so we grow both prideful of our position and forgetful of the very values that ennobled our success. But some of America has changed its mind and now seems to regard virile virtues as a vestigial encumbrance upon a society that prefers dissolute equality over honest distinction. Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower both attempted to do away with the … We are not moved by personal hatred against any individual or wish that any language used be perceived as such. On 11 July 1798, President John Adams approved a bill that recreated the Corps, thereby providing the rationale for this day being commemorated as the birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps. It's … And so we find ourselves at a crossroads as an institution. The official emblem of the Marine Corps – the Eagle, Globe and Anchor. Contact Us | Search | Site Map | Fundraising Disclosure Notice | Privacy Policy© 2021 The American TFP. Tragedy is not inevitable, but the confluence of political opportunism, ethical narcosis, and moral malaise that dominate and subvert American culture have ripened the opportunity for our political leadership to do what no enemy has done in 217 years – sully the reputation and honor of our proud Corps. All rights reserved. They will inherit an unblemished tradition, and what will provide the continuity between our Corps and theirs will be a common motto: Semper Fidelis! Wood's call to disband the command comes after the Marine Corps released its 2020 budget request, revealing plans to increase the number of MARSOC billets. La personne qui a lancé cette pétition a décidé d'agir. Worries from industry leaders about MARSOC’s demise stem from a March Heritage Foundation report authored by retired Marine Lt. Col. Dakota Wood. Marine Corps, U.S.: 1865–1914 Following the Civil War, the Marine Corps survived a period of relative doldrums, including downsizing and even attempts by naval officers to disband the Marines, whose major role was as guards of ships and naval yards. We dare not tarnish the reputation of our Corps. The behavior is promoted by unprofessional "veteran" sites like JTTOTs, Just the tip of the spear, mendleton(mens only Marine group), just to name a few. So getting rid of them wouldn't be to hard, would save money, and overall give the United States Department of Defense a more professional image. For the civilian, this may be but one of the many irreverences that he has endured as a member of the declining culture, but for the Marine it is a violation of a sacred trust. There will be time in the future, as there has always been in the past, when America will be threatened. Sanitized terms like “sexual orientation” may serve to obfuscate the gross realities of a perverse lifestyle to a jaded public, but Marines living in a barracks will rightfully question leadership that discredits by association the sacrifices they are willing to make. When the Revolution ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the Marines, like the Navy, were disbanded. Arthur Corbett was a student at the Naval War College at the time this article first appeared in the January 1993 issue of the Marine Corps Gazette. Institutions like the Marine Corps are not built upon deceit. Marines are an incredulous lot by nature, and brutally honest in their observations and decisions. The result will be the same, only the intent is more benign. Marine Corps Search and Rescue Squadron in Yuma to Disband The U.S. Marine Corps has announced that its search and rescue squadron in southwest Arizona expects to be disbanded amid safety concerns. God has blessed us richly in the past with remarkable strength in both institutions, but now we choose to go it alone. Marine Corps history is replete with examples of uncommon valor and common virtues. Wood's call to disband the command comes after the Marine Corps released its 2020 budget request, revealing plans to increase the number of MARSOC billets.

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