lavenham parish council minutes

    Since the departure of the Sudbury Wardens no permanent arrangement had been made for refilling the dog waste bag dispensers, Clerk was doing this at the moment. Role of the Parish Council; The Role of a Parish Councillor; Meetings. For members of the press and public, the Parish Council meeting is being held virtually via Zoom video conference that will commence at 8.00pm. Minutes November 2016 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 10 and Babergh DC 20 10 MM DC 20 10 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conferenceSeptember 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes September 2020 What is a Neighbourhood Plan ? The Councillors of Lindsey Parish Council are summoned to an additional Council Meeting to be ... Minutes of meetings: to note that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 15th January 2020 shall be signed at the next scheduled meeting – 11th March 2020.  A report will be submitted to Robert Lindsay in respect of the funding required just in drawing up the scheme, there is no costs in turning it from a trial to permanent, and see where funding will come from. Awards for All had been tried but they are concentrating on Covid issues at this time. Contact us; Welcome to Lavenham Parish Church. Present: Cllr Madeline Gray, Cllr John Moore, Cllr Katie Jacobs, Cllr Trevor Rix, County Finance update – following the remote meeting of the Finance Working Group a summary of their recommendations had been circulated to the Councillors.       Mr O’Mahony would update the meeting on the Water Street traffic management  scheme. The office is currently closed to the public due to COVID-19. Margaret put me in touch with Jess Mason, who is starting up a Good Neighbour Scheme in Great Waldingfield, having had  a good response from people wanting to volunteer help during the epidemic.     Correspondence had been received from: Neighbourhood Development Plan revision  She had spoken to Parish Councils in the Ward about informal meetings, all but one had been keen to take part. (Proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Rushton). Meetings are open to the public.     It is felt that matters are now moving forward.Housing & Social Suffolk Tree Services, root feed to Horse Chestnut in Prentice Street car park  £70.20:   Minutes January 2017 The proposed window cannot be seen from the High Street or alleyway alongside the building.  One of the more familiar items, the Neighbourhood Development Plan review, will be partly funded by grants. The companion website, Glemsford Matters, provides details of clubs, societies, events and useful links to services. ... Lavenham Road, Lindsey, Ipswich Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 01 and Babergh DC 20 01, December 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes December 2019 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 07 and Babergh DC 19 07, June 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes June 2019 and extra meeting 26th June 2019      Finance and StrategyCheques for payment:     Mr Sheppard commented that people seemed to think that the appointment system for  visiting Household Waste/Recycling Centres was working well and could continue to be successful post Covid. Lavenham Parochial Church Council. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 08 and Babergh DC 19 08, July 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes July 2019 and not at the Guildhall.  This meeting will be opento the public via a compter link using Zoom.  If you would like to take part  email your request. Potted History ‘Our Memories’ by local folk; See & Do.  It was proposed by Mrs Twitchett, seconded by Mr Sheppard and agreed, that he is supported in this role. Cockfield Parish Council represents the first tier of local government and is responsible for the administration of the parish. This is called the precept and is collected through the District Council as part of Council Tax. I explained how we started up and put her in touch with Jane Arkley-Crouch at Community Action Suffolk. Parish Council » Meetings » Minutes and Reports. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 08 and Babergh DC 20 08 MM DC 20 08 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, July 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes July 2020 Minutes May 2016 Thursday 18th March 2021 7:00pm — 10:00pm.       Mr O’Mahony had submitted the planning application which had to comply with access standards, they have agreed that it complies. (First meeting of the new council)Agenda Minutes, April 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes April 2019  Everybody who had contributed information to the newsletter was thanked, this had been complicated by the fact that changes to the guidelines were ongoing.  THE PARISH COUNCIL -2016 LAVENHAM PARISH COUNCIL SPRING NEWSLETTER 2017 Of the 537 people who voted some 91 per cent voted in favour of the adoption of the Plan. Report Babergh DC BDC 1704, Minutes March 2017 The newsletter provides an update on policing during the present pandemic. Suffolk County Council - Highways contact points, June 2020 copy of the County newsletter, Constable’s County. Lavenham's Neighbourhood Development Plan Payroll & quarterly PAYE to HMRC £1,247.11: The proposal is at the rear of the garden facing a modern development. Kinex, phone account June  £37.82: They will now be required to follow this document in deciding planning applications in Lavenham. Other matters brought to the Clerk’s attention were reported to other Agencies: Lavenham is a village, civil parish and electoral ward in the Babergh district, in the county of Suffolk, England.It is noted for its Guildhall, Little Hall, 15th-century church, half-timbered medieval cottages and circular walks.In the medieval period it was among the twenty wealthiest settlements in England. The summary of crimes reported within the parish of Lavenham, listed on, has been updated recently to show crimes reported in May, there had been 5 crimes: Anti-Social Behaviour x 3; Criminal Damage & Arson x 1; Violence & Sexual Offences x 1. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 04 and Babergh DC 20 04Coronavirus (COVID-19) - video conference, March 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes March 2020 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 06 and Babergh DC 20 06 MM DC 20 06 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) - video conference, May 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes May 2020 Agenda for Council and Planning. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 09 and Babergh DC 18 09, August 2018Agenda, Planning List, Minutes August 2018 Provision of off street parking is supported, the proposal complies with Policy D1 of the LNP in terms of style and materials and detailed plans to protect the existing trees on site. DC/20/02512 -  74 Church Street Lavenham   Mrs Maybury thanked Mrs Twitchett for helping Great Waldingfield. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 10 and Babergh DC 17 10, Minutes September 2017 and will continue to monitor fly tipping in the area. Welcome to Lavenham Parish Church The Church is currently open to the public each day for private prayer. Â, June 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes June 2020 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 12 and Babergh DC 20 12 MM DC 20 12 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, November 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes November2020 Enquiries to be made as to whether wood from the oak gates removed when the new front gates were fitted could be used for repairs to the kissing gate.     There had been much publicity around the unpopular efforts, jointly by SCC and Babergh following consultation with the Parish Council, to extend the pavement areas to enable safer use for social distancing pedestrians, this had been resolved with the help of Mr Lindsay. Minor alterations to layout of B1 (A) units.OperationsFormer Gas Works Site – there is some movement at last. Full Council Meeting - Zoom Meeting. DC/20/01858 6 Market Place, Lavenham – Listed Building Consent granted for Reinstate original front door to 6 Market Place. Carried.     Review is necessary to ensure that the NDP complies with the Joint Local Plan and the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework), adoption of the JLP has been delayed and this in turn will delay the review of the NDP. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 07 and Babergh DC 20 07 MM DC 20 07 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference PWLB Lending Facility, loan repayment due 16/07/20  £3,759.79 (LED street lighting replacement), A letter to the Bank requests the transfer of £9,000.00  between accounts. Contact the clerk and she will invite you. The public toilets are being tested for the presence of Legionella and will be allowed to open once a negative result is confirmed. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 03 and Babergh DC 19 03, February 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes February 2019 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 07 and Babergh DC 17 07, Minutes June 1st and June 29th 2017 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 08 and Babergh DC 17 08, Minutes July 2017 Parish Matters: to receive updates on items raised at previous meetings. It was suggested that there should be some consultation with residents of the streets leading off Lower Road where traffic had increased. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 05 and Babergh DC 18 05, Minutes April 2018 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 04 and Babergh DC 18 04, Minutes March 2018 Matters to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council Apologies: Cllr Nunn sent his apologies. The Tenter Piece bid requires a further resident’s survey for their views on the proposed project, urgently if the bid is to go forward at the same time as Prentice Street. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 01 and Babergh DC 18 01, Minutes December 2017  Contact made with Babergh, idverde had cleared the bottles and cardboard etc. Householder Planning Application - Erection of a two storey front extension and single storey rear extension. This was adopted by Babergh District Council to be made on the 20th September.     Local businesses were commended for the way they were coping with guidelines and regulations to ensure the safety of their customers. Members are usually elected for a four year term and occasionally, when a vacancy occurs mid-term, a new member may be co-opted by the Council. Tuesday 6th April 2021 7:00pm — 10:00pm 100.6 Members considered the representation from Anthony John Ranzetta who  She is supportive of the Head and Governors at Lavenham in feeling that it will be best both for the school and staff if the pupils can return to school. The church in its setting Inside the church 2018 Harvest Celebrations. The Council has 9 members, elected every four years, and is supported by a Clerk who is the officer in law and the financial officer. This is the official website of Glemsford Parish Council - it includes Council membership with contact details, agenda's, minutes, other documentation in the public domain, news and information regarding the Village Hall. By using our website you are consenting to our use of cookies. 3. By an Act of Parliament it is authorised to raise and spend public money in the parish. Information/newsletters from SALC, CAS and the Collaborative Communities COVID 19 Board had been circulated to all Councillors. It describes Church, Guildhall, Little Hall (along with the village itself our three main tourist attractions),Village Hall and Parish Council matters, as well as the activities of local clubs and societies. GREAT WALDINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on ... Post Office Stores, Lavenham Road, The Heath – Councillor Knight had a successful Meeting (pre COVID-19) with the Owner of the Stores on behalf of the Parish Council, … by Mr Sheppard, the minutes of the meeting held on: I wish them all the best with their future plans and that all goes well.     District Councillor’s Reports, Mrs M Maybury and Mr C Arthey   Lavenham Life is the parish’s monthly magazine. County Councillor’s Report, Mr R Lindsay (report follows the minutes) The Council was elected in May 2019 and will serve for 4 years until the next election.  Working parties, possible 4 maybe 6, of volunteers will be tasked with reviewing the various areas of the existing Plan and the proposed revisions will then have to progress through the same stages as the original. Public Forum – none of the members of the public wished to speak. lavendon parish council here to serve the community The village of Lavendon is situated at the very north of Buckinghamshire, close to the borders of Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire. Minutes of meetings: to sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 12th September 2018 as a true and accurate record. Parish Council » Meetings » Minutes and Reports » Parish Council Minutes 2 July 2020. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 02 and Babergh DC 20 02, January 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes January 2020 Planning Advisory Committee - Zoom Meeting. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 21 02 and Babergh DC 21 02 MM DC 21 02 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, ADDITIONAL MEETING 21st January 2021Agenda, MinutesCoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, January 2021Agenda, Planning List, Minutes January 2021 rooflights in valley. No issues, recommend approval Planning Decisions Received: The public may attend these meetings and may ask questions during the 10 minute public sessions that are scheduled close to the beginning and end of each Parish Council Meeting. Minutes October 6th 2016 This wasn’t intended as an approval but as a comment as we  The current estimate of the cost of the review is £20,000 over a two year period, £7,500 could be allocated from funds this year, possibly repeated next year.  Our contractors are doing a good job with grass cutting and general maintenance but some areas outside this need extra attention. DC/20/00697  The Black Barn, Hall Road, Lavenham  - Non Material Amendment approved; addition of 2 no. Matters arising and update of outstanding issues  Parish Council. The Parish Council plays an important role in providing services such as allotments, cemeteries, village halls and community centres. Minutes of the meetings along with the County and District Councillors' reports are published in the Lavenham Life magazine and can be downloaded from the links below. Mr Reeve talked through Table B, costs and financing of infrastructure projects, including use of the Babergh and Parish CIL monies.     The fifth newsletter is in the process of being delivered. Minutes March 2016  Bottle banks have now been emptied, as have other storage containers. Minutes and Reports; Award; Contacts; Finance. Date of next meeting:  The next meeting will be held on Thursday 6th August 2020.Â. Suffolk Tree Services, new tree watering at Cemetery x 19 £228.00.     Mr Arthey mentioned Mr Reeve’s involvement in a Zoom meeting with Babergh officers this afternoon when several areas of concern had been covered. Mr R Lindsay, Suffolk County Councillor  Mrs M Maybury and Mr C Arthey, Babergh District Councillors for Lavenham Ward. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 02 and Babergh DC 19 02, January 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes January 2019 The Parish Council; Lavenham Community Land Trust; Lavenham Remembers… Friends of Lavenham Airfield; Lavenham Village Information Point; Lavenham Life Magazine; Lavenham Dementia Alliance; Useful numbers; History. Â. Dr Posner proposed, Mr Lamont seconded, that the financial transactions are approved. Holbrook Parish Council. Monks Eleigh Parish Council Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 28th September 2020 at the Village Hall and remotely via Skype at 7.30pm Present: Cllrs Angela Forrest ... Lavenham 85 % percentile 34.4 mph 36.4 mph 34.8 mph 34.3 mph % speeders from Lavenham 14.2 % 22.9 % 15.7 % 13.5 % % speeders from Holbrook's Parish Council currently has eleven councillors. There are a number of garages extant at the rear of the terraced properties so that the proposal does not conflict with the existing location. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 21 01 and Babergh DC 21 01 MM DC 21 01 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, December 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes December 2020 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 09 and Babergh DC 19 09, August 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes August 2019 by Mr O’Mahony, sec. Staff are working from home and can be contacted on the above telephone number or … There is no impact on the listed building or the Church Street terrace. Held on Thursday 2nd July 2020, commencing 7.30 pm.In response to Government measures prohibiting gatherings, announced on 23rd March 2020, this meeting was conducted remotely.Present:  Mr C Reeve, Chairman Mr J O’Mahony, Vice-Chairman. DC/20/02222  -  28 High Street  Lavenham  To receive a report from District Councillor Bryn Hurren iii. Thursday 25th March 2021 7:00pm — 10:00pm. The Church is currently open to the public each day for private prayer. March 2021Agenda, Planning List, Minutes March 2021 with Lavenham Parish Council, the clustering of the affordable houses, the noise levels from the adjacent garage and the implementation of noise reduction measure between the site and the garage. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 09 and Babergh DC 20 09 MM DC 20 09 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, August 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes August 2020 Householder Planning Application - Erection of a garage with vehicular access via Tenter Piece and home office over. Minutes June2016 Carried. A nearby resident with concerns about the build up of bottles and other material on the ground around the bottle banks, which were full to overflowing.     Information had been circulated to all Councillors, at this stage just to alert everyone to the amendments etc. If you would like to know how we use our cookies or how you can block cookies in your browser please click on our cookie policy. Net free funds stand at £122,491, of this £111,360 is earmarked for various projects.   The vacancy will be advertised. Police Matters – Go to: for the June 2020 copy of the County newsletter, Constable’s County. Minor fenestration changes. Some money has been earmarked for a Cemetery ‘clean up’. You can also download our Annual Governance and Accounting Statements. The costs comes in design specifications and replacement signs.Social Distancing safety measures – the scheme implemented by SCC bore little resemblance to the scheme which had been drawn up and agreed with the relevant parties and the Parish Council had received many complaints from residents, by phone, email and face to face.  This will be an item on the August agenda, responses have to be sent by 17th August. Listed grade 2 in the Conservation Area. Karzees, temporary toilets delivery, hire 3 weeks + 1 day, additional cleaning  £720.00:   Â. The councillors resolved that the Little ... LITTLE WALDINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 26th January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Parish Room Application for Listed Building Consent - Installation of a Conservation Velux Window to 1980’s extension. Following consideration of the recommendations made by the Planning working group it was proposed by Mr O’Mahony, seconded by Mr Lamont, that approval should be recommended in all three applications. The Parish Council wishes to support the ambition to plant 2,000 trees around the village next winter (approximately one per member of population).     Mr Lindsay gave a verbal update on his circulated report and highlighted the Suffolk Local Outbreak Control Plan on which he had been briefed by Stuart Keeble the Director of Health for the County.  The Parish Council meets (Ordinary Parish Council Meetings) in the Village Hal… Information and news about Lavenham and Lavenham Parish Council.  Following the issue with the interceptor tank, which NG appeared to know nothing about, an email has just been received from Environmental Consultants with a BNP Paribas work sheet for emptying and clean said interceptor tank. Reports Suffolk CC (none due to election) and Babergh DC 17 05, Minutes for 6th April and 13th April 2017 Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Due to the restrictions this, to the public via a compter link using Zoom.Â, Coronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conference, Coronavirus (COVID-19) - video conference, Suffolk County Council - Highways contact points, Planning Applications for consideration at the meeting on Thursday 4th March 2021, Parish Council Minutes 21 January 2021 Extra Meeting, Planning applications list 3 December 2020, SCC County councillors report 3 December 2020, District Councillor's Report 3 December 2020 MM, District Councillor's Report 3 December 2020 CA. Public Forum: i. Minutes July 2016 While opening hours are variable the church is likely to be open between 10:00am and 4:00pm. All normal Parish Council rules apply. GREAT WALDINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on ... Lavenham Road, The Heath – Erection of detached annexe – Following the vote, the Council recommended approval, (proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Francis). Planning Planning Applications Received: February 2021Agenda, Planning List, Minutes February 2021 The Minutes – Prop. HomeShred, confidential shredding 10 bags £124.90. There will be the normal Democratic 10 minutes for questions. There were considerable criticisms of the one-way system in Lower Road especially, and it was felt that there had been little, or no, consideration of the public’s views. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 05 and Babergh DC 20 05 MM DC 20 05 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) - video conference, April 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes April 2020 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 12 and Babergh DC 19 12, November 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes November 2019 Dr Posner felt that something more permanent should be put in place, perhaps with a volunteer rota, and that sponsors should be sought for the bags. Roles. The minutes of 6 th February 2018 were signed as correct. GREAT WALDINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13th May 2019 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm Signed _____ Date_____ Series Page 514 Great Waldingfield Parish Council adopted the General Power of Competence on the 13th May 2019 Present: Cllrs John Steele (Chairman), Barry Abson, Kerry Francis, Clare Kiely, Roger  Mr Reeve asked for any questions in respect of the process to be sent to him.     Mrs Maybury reported that the recycling bins in the Church Street car park had now been cleared, Public Realm are coordinating collections and monitoring fly-tipping around the bins. To receive a report from Count Councillor James Finch ii. Contact Us; FAQs; Lavenham Forum The proposal has no impact on the Listed Building, presents no harm to the  street scene or properties in the vicinity. 79.6 The Chief officer advised the Committee that the distribution of the affordable     An overlay of how the Church Street toilets might look has been circulated, this includes new standards following the Covid experience. MINUTES OF MEETING OF ASSINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Held in Assington Village Hall on Monday 29th January 2018 SIGNED_____ DATED_____ Assington Parish Council adopted the General Power of Competence on the 18th May 2015 The public meeting was closed. Mr Lamont referred to Table A and the amount allocated to ‘Contribute to SCC traffic schemes’, it was explained that it might be necessary for the Parish Council to contribute towards specific individual signs or perhaps planters to ensure that the scheme is sympathetic to the historic location. APPLICATION SHOULD BE MADE IN WRITING TO THE CLERK TO THE COUNCIL AND DELIVERED OR POSTED TO MRS MAGGIE FLINT, LAKENHEATH PARISH OFFICE, PEACE MEMORIAL HALL, HIGH STREET, LAKENHEATH, SUFFOLK IP27 9EW or  Arrangements will be made to straighten the gatepost so that the gate does not catch on the ground. Finances for 2019/20; Finances for 2018/19; Finances for 2017/18; Finances for 2016/17; Water Street Weight Restriction; Housing; Planning; Neighbourhood Plan. Welcome: Chair Cllr Sumner welcomed everyone to the meeting. 4th June 2020 were approved. Minutes May23rd 2016 Mr Lindsay pointed out that there had been no requirement for consent or to give notice, the scheme is under a three-week review when variations can be agreed. Removal of Leylandii hedge remnants. CHILTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 8th May 2017 at Gt Waldingfield Village Hall Signed _____ Date_____ Chilton Parish Council adopted the General Power of Competence on the 12 May 2015 Series Page 316 Present: Councillors Keith … Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 06 and Babergh DC 17 06, Minutes May 2017 4. Screwfix, 4 x padlocks for temporary toilets  £31.96:   Matters arising and update of outstanding issues The Council is now able to fill the vacancies by co-option. Galleries.  Carried. Meetings are open to the public. Tier 2 Rules November 2020 Rules Lavenham Newsletters Repeat Prescription by E-Mail Family Lockdown Tips Post Office General Information Public Safety During the Recovery Phase Parish Council Roles Meetings Award Contacts Finance Water Street Weight Restriction Housing Planning Neighbourhood Plan Tenter Piece Projects Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 03 and Babergh DC 20 03, February 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes February 2020 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 09 and Babergh DC 17 09, Minutes August 2017 Additional Planning 22 August 17 Although the trees will probably be free, stakes and guards will have to be purchased. Ground Floor J Clarke, welcomed the following Parish Councillors – D Reynolds, A Forrest, P Day and A Keitley-Webb, and the Parish Clerk Nicola Smith. 3 members of the public. 2. 3. Clerk advised that Lavenham Parish Council had recently been made aware (TIC staff member had made at least one Parish Councillor in Lavenham aware) Consultation on New Model Code of Conduct These tables and summaries will be updated every 3 months, as will the income and expenditure summaries.     Dr Posner said that at a previous meeting he had asked to be endorsed as liaison Councillor with the Woodland Group but this had somehow been overlooked. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 11 and Babergh DC 17 11, Minutes October 2017 By using our website you are consenting to our use of cookies. JPB Landscapes, (June grass cutting £928.75, street cleaning £1,253.33, grave works £45.00)  £2,227.08:   The Lavenham Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been prepared by Lavenham Parish Council and will be used to help guide and shape future development in the parish. Minutes of the last full Parish Council Meeting held on the 14th September 2020 – The Council received, considered, and agreed/approved the Minutes following the vote.  Also the schedule showing CIL monies due to the Parish and when it might be expected these will be received. Zoom, monthly fee for remote meeting £14.39:   Reports Suffolk CC SCC 20 11 and Babergh DC 20 11 MM DC 20 11 CACoronavirus (COVID-19) -  video conferenceOctober 2020Agenda, Planning List, Minutes October 2020 Lavenham Parish Council is the first tier of elected representation in local government. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 03 and Babergh DC 18 03, Minutes February 2018 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 11 and Babergh DC 19 011, October 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes October 2019 The problems were brought to the attention of Babergh/Mid Suffolk and SCC and assurances were received that the mistakes would be rectified. DC/20/02492 -  6 Butfield Lavenham  Reports Suffolk CC SCC 17 12 and Babergh DC 17 12, Minutes November 2017 Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 11 and Babergh DC 18 11, October 2018Agenda, Planning List, Minutes October 2018 Direct Debit: Total Gas & Power, electricity supply to Prentice Street toilets £43.30 (to be taken 07/07/20) Mrs Twitchett reported: We have still been quiet this month, with only 2 bookings this last week for appointments. If you would like to know how we use our cookies or how you can block cookies in your browser please click on our cookie policy. What’s On in Lavenham; Things to do; Contact. Lavenham Press, printing Covid 19 newsletter 5  £144.00:   Alterations to layout of apartments 2 and 3. The fact that some drivers were ignoring the no entry signs made the road even more dangerous for pedestrians who were not expecting to meet traffic travelling in both directions.Prentice Street toilets/CIL bids/Tenter Piece – the Tenter Piece and Prentice Street toilets CIL bids have been submitted., the Prentice Street bid can go ahead to Cabinet perhaps in September.  We have just received the new West Suffolk Hospital parking permits, these now have the car number plates on them, of those Good Neighbour volunteers who usually do these Hospital trips. Tuesday 23rd March 2021 7:00pm — 10:00pm. It is essential reading if you want to know what goes on in the village. Minutes December 2016  It is accepted that this is a sensitive, historic location and signage should be kept to a minimum, also appropriate materials must be used.           Â, The Minutes – Prop. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 10 and Babergh DC 19 010Agenda, Planning List, Minutes September 2019 by Mr Sheppard, the minutes of the meeting held on: 4th June 2020 were approved. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 19 06 and Babergh DC 19 06, May 2019Agenda, Planning List, Minutes May 2019 Minutes April 2016 MONKS ELEIGH PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING OF 13 MARCH 2017 The Parish Council Meeting was held on Monday 13 March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. meeting is scheduled to take place as a  video conference Your Parish Council The Parish Council is the first tier of local government and consists of a number of elected councillors from the Parish, supported by the Clerk. Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 12 and Babergh DC 18 12, November 2018Agenda, Planning List, Minutes November 2018 Minutes August 2016 by Mr O’Mahony,  sec. Council and Carroll Reeve, Chairman of Lavenham Parish Council, which were held to understand the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan (NP). Reports Suffolk CC SCC 18 02 and Babergh DC 18 02, Minutes January 2018

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