grafana timestamp variable

+1 for this feature. @bontchev I tested on v5.3.4, seems still not fixed correctly. So if I could select from a list of 1d,2d,3d,4d,5d,6d,7d,8d,9d,10d,11d,... and use each as a time range - shift amount it would help me enormously. I think that solution should work. -3h) and absolute (e.g. This suggests that MySQL simply does not understand the UTC timestamp notation. What you linked seems to only work in queries - and cannot be used in the output of a dashboard, such that one dashboard can link to another and persist the time range between the two. Examining the generated MySQL query showed that the macro $__timeFilter(timestamp) had expanded to. The latter is configurable, but this is useless in this case, because the time zone of the MySQL server is not necessarily the same as the one of the Grafana user. 20160201T000000 $__timefilter(timestamp) expands to timestamp > fromdate and timestamp < todate where the fromdate and todate are replaced with values from the time-picker. Do you see what is happening? Just a follow up since I forgot about indexing. In telegraf (and Grafana) I get < script type = "text/javascript" > function dynamic_iframe(id, width, height) {// get timezone offset var offset = (new Date (). My problem is : Examining the generated MySQL query showed that the macro $__timeFilter(timestamp) had expanded to. It's already been suggested in #18120 to make the connect timezone configurable but default to "+00:00" which makes perfect sense to me as it handles default use case and allows special use cases too. Check the MySQL documentation for STR_DATE(), for instance, and you'll see that it has no equivalent for specifying that the time zone is UTC by appending Z to the time. which is pretty meaningless... Yup, this seems to be the issue for us as well. get ('timeSrv'). Is this possible with the current functionality? There are multiple solutions put forth, but I can't seem to find a solution for the scenario to call another dashboard from a table panel link, and include the time filter: This, and other variations, does not work. ((input:(query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'column:$templatevar'))),label:'')),row:!t),schema:split,type:filters)),listeners:(),params:(perPage:10,showMeticsAtAllLevels:!f,showPartialRows:!f),title:'New%20Visualization',type:table))\" height='", "dynamic_iframe('container', 900, 600); ". Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored. To make it fit our data I'll adjust the available intervals. $__from and $__to is now two new built-in variables. If it is undesirable change, I'll use hard coded template variable name (like "$time_range_from", "$time_range_to"), and only support g3 date format. The above query was generated at 22:19 local time. We can add new formats in new issues depending on need for specific date formats. Grafana 5.0 with Volkszaehler MySQL data source. Some issues we need to fix. Our dates are stored as timestamps, so timezone isn't relevant. @linar-jether could you please explain how exactly you used that angular directive to get the date? Thanks for doing that test , we will change this and release a patch next week. (I had opened an issue on the subject, but you closed it and didn't fix that problem, although the fix is rather trivial - I managed to figure it out despite that I don't know Go.). Grafana labels itself as “the open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring.” ... entries are composed of measurements, fields, tags, and timestamps (timestamps are omitted here – the default is the timestamp at the time of DB insertion). UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) BETWEEN $__unixEpochFrom() AND $__unixEpochTo() worked with local dates. @marefr yes, it is respecting the configured timezone (just a reminder mine is PDT/UTC-7). Regarding the time - it's a typo; a leftover from a previous redaction. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: instead of $__timeFilter(timestamp) isn't really practical because it is too slow. @timeu If you really want this feature, apply this PR to your Grafana, and build Grafana yourself. Does grafana provide timezone information in someway? element ('grafana-app'). See doc: Grafana Labs Elasticsearch. 4. should be, depends on the complexity of the implementation :), @torkelo Before start working, I want to confirm the feature spec. More precisely, when starting a dashboard (with repeating Graph panels) with variable=all, everything is OK (e.g., interval=30s) and correct time values are shown. Isn't this implemented: you could hook into the angular refresh event and automatically refresh your frame using something like this #1816 (comment). The date should be displayed as it is selected from the time range Panel, but actually I have to add GMT difference. MSSQL does not unerstands the Z time notation by simply ignoring the Z at the end of the time string. In the above example, we have a lucene query that filters documents based on the @hostname property using a variable named $hostname. inspired by and compatible with the simple json datasource - MySQL always stores datetime values in UTC internally. Thanks in advance!! now-6h Everytime you change the time range or a template variable, you need to click the refresh link. I hadn't changed anything on the panel settings or in the MySQL query that feeds it the data. I just noticed that one of the panels on my dashboard is sort of broken - it is missing the last 2 hours of data. We can add new formats in new issues depending on need for specific date formats. Here timestamp is a column in a table of the MySQL database with the format datetime. My Received Logfiles looks like: $DATE $HOST $APPNAME $PID – $MESSAGE. @shavetasidana that's intentional since the format is epoch milliseconds and epoch is always UTC. Note: The date and time is returned as "YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS" (string) or as … In case anyone gets here looking for a way to make a Kibana iFrame use Grafana dashboard's time range, here's the workaround. When the Multi-value or Include all value options are enabled, Grafana converts the labels from plain text to a lucene compatible condition. In our case we store data as timestamps. I know it's not very neat, but it's the best I could do. Additional Information: Grafana Dashboard is set to use "Local Browser Time". This issue is MySQL-specific. g1. Grafana does not require any special settings: as we noted earlier, InfluxDB “scans” the “time” variable. Trusted and loved by the community. dynamic_iframe('container', '', 640, 700); // convert Grafana's unix timestamp to a readable time format and add browser timezone offset, // now convert time range to the same format used by kibana, // remember to change 'from' and 'to' time range to use your own time variables, // you can also use template variables inside the query clause, "