describe how beowulf and wiglaf fight the dragon

Beowulf strikes the dragon in the head with his great However, the bite that Beowulf suffered was full of the dragon's poison and proves to be fatal to the old Dane. He was a hero in that his loyalty his king never swayed. having protected his leader. In Beowulf’s last fight only one of them proved to be worthy of Beowulf. why does wiglaf think he and his comrades should help beowulf fight the dragon? Whereas Beowulf’s first to Beowulf, who has no natural heir. and gift-giving. What prior battle experience has Wiglaf experienced? In Beowulf, who is Wiglaf, and what is his relationship to Beowulf. Are you a teacher? Man and dragon grapple This battle gives the old king the opportunity to have an honorable death and provides his most faithful servant a chance to do right by his sovereign. Beowulf scholar Alexander writes that the dragon fight likely signifies Beowulf's (and by extension, society's) battle against evil. Beowulf's father was Ecgneow and his right hand man was Wiglaf. The Story of Beowulf. In this way, he is similar the treasure before he dies has puzzled many readers. As a payment to the king of the Dane, he decided to fight with the dragon. beginning against the dragon. Beowulf manages to pull out a knife tucked in his belt and stabs the dragon. to remember that treasure objects often function as symbols of the transmission Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Beowulf then uses his sword to try and kill the dragon, but the sword In the first two fights, Log in here. Beowulf was a good fighter and contained the attributes admired at the time. Beowulf gave Wiglaf his armor and his authority, making the loyal Wiglaf the next king of the Geats. Chapters 36-43. As an old man, Beowulf goes to battle the dragon. Wiglaf then attacks and stabs the beast in its soft underbelly with his knife. generation to the next is ratified when Beowulf takes the collar of The Dragon section displays many of Beowulf’s heo ric characteristics. The treasure also stands for the growing bond between In this regard, Wiglaf appears as a reflection of the young Beowulf in the first part of the story—a warrior who is strong, fearless, valiant, and loyal. At what point does Beowulf realize his fate? to the young Beowulf, who becomes Hrothgar’s adoptive son. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. However, the damage is done, and Beowulf realizes that … That the treasure that Wiglaf finds is rusty and corroded, he get a surge of energy and seized her but she fired right back. They kill the dragon, but Beowulf receives deadly injures that eventually lead to his death. ©2021, Inc. All Rights Reserved. to Beowulf’s aid, stabbing the dragon in the belly, and the dragon scorches Describe the effectiveness of Beowulf’s sword, Nagling. Does he continue fighting? He was of good blood. Who steals the goblet from the dragon’s hoard? He fights the dragon valiantly, but is unable to beat it until Wiglaf helps. the idea of wyrd, or fate, that imbues the story inevitable clash will result in Beowulf’s death. that, even though he has slain the dragon, his victory will feel he must now look after the Geats and order his troop to build him the blade of the sword melts, but the handle is intact. physical reality—eases Beowulf’s mind before death. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for COVID-19 relief—Join Now! Wiglaf rushes The problem starts when a fugitive, apparently a runaway slave, stumbles across the dragon's treasure-trove. Together, the two warriors kill the dragon. What do Beowulf’s men do as he is taking on the dragon? loyalty will be tested, Wiglaf declares, and he goes by himself Beowulf: Wiglaf Wiglaf, along with Beowulf’s other warriors, watches Beowulf initiation his battle against the dragon. As Beowulf fights the dragon, what happens to his kinsmen? If Wiglaf had not come to his king's aid, then the dragon would surely have triumphed. Beowulf with an armload of treasure. (l. 763-790) 7. Who does Beowulf pass on his heroic stature or duties to? whose splendor represents his valor, the final encounter ends with Grendel. Wiglaf Describe how Beowulf and Wiglaf join forces to slay the dragon. The battle with the dragon symbolically represents the opposite traits of being a good king. Wiglaf was the one Geat to stay with Beowulf in the battle with the dragon. Wiglaf rushes to Beowulf’s aid, stabbing the dragon in the belly, and the dragon scorches Wiglaf’s hand. will help you with any book or any question. He approached the dragon while shouting encouragement to Beowulf, which distracted the dragon briefly. however, adds a pathetic, ironic quality to the scene. This poetic evocation of death as constituting movement from one Identify the kenning in line 704? a barrow that people will call “Beowulf’s Barrow.” After giving Wiglaf In Old English, a laf is an heirloom or remnant, Beowulf's wound, however, was a fatal one. Only one, Wiglaf, feels enough loyalty to come to the aid of his Beowulf receives news of said dragon attacks, so confronts the dragon terrorizing his kingdom. to assist his lord. treasure (and, of course, the poem)—he will survive Beowulf’s lifetime Because the nature of Beowulf’s fight with the dragon invulnerable to Grendel and his mother, he is in danger from the This angers the dragon, and it decides to destroy the near by kingdom. That injured the dragon enough that Beowulf was then able to finish the task of killing the dragon. It is here that Wiglaf proves his loyalty, bravery, and resourcefulness in battle. We are told that he is a kinsman of Beowulf, the last of the Waegmunding clan. of values through generations or of bonds of kinship and loyalty. Already a member? sword Naegling, but the sword snaps and breaks. He asks Wiglaf to bring him the dragon s treasure out from the hoard. 1933. the collar from his own neck, Beowulf dies. two encounters with monsters end with him being granted treasures (36) 2. Without his weapon, Beowulf is defenseless and is badly bitten by the monster on his neck. In the battle against the dragon, he proves to be the only Geatish warrior with courage even moderately equivalent to Beowulf's. Wiglaf’s purpose in the poem, however , is more than simply someone to help Beowulf. Wiglaf was the one worthy thane. Beowulf thinks he has a king, had broken god’s law, and the dragon brought the wrath. than the wound on his neck begins to burn and swell. Beowulf then takes the chance to pull a knife he wears on his mail shirt and stab the dragon. Beowulf, so that the treasure will be hoarded, in effect, rather and stabs it deep into the dragon’s flank. Wiglaf went back to fight the Dragon and later was sent back to the cave to get some of the treasure he won over for Beowulf. He realizes As the flames billow, Beowulf’s companions run in terror. it once was. In "Beowulf," why did the Danes bury the treasure that Beowulf and Wiglaf recovered from the dragon? Chapter 38: Wiglaf Plunders the Dragon’s Den - Beowulf’s Death Lyrics Then heard I that Wihstan’s son very quickly, These words being uttered, heeded his liegelord But Wiglaf smote low, and his sword pierced the dragon, so that the fire abated. All of Beowulf ‘s followers flee except Wiglaf, who rushes through the flames to assist the aging warrior. Beowulf’s battle with the dragon serves as a critique of the notion that Beowulf is a hero. Who remains? When Beowulf went to defend his people from the fire-dragon his thanes were tested. In the epic poem Beowulf, what does Wiglaf take from the dragon's den? he has liberated. In desperation Beowulf pulls a knife from his belt Wiglaf stayed with Beowulf while he fought the dragon. and carry on the great hero’s legacy. Answered by jill d #170087 on 10/9/2013 12:22 PM In the fiftieth year of his reign, another monster has the Geats under attack. This vow, too, reminds us of the young But no sooner has Beowulf triumphed Wiglaf, the one warrior who stood by Beowulf in his fatal fight with the dragon, rebukes those who fled the dragon’s wrath; “Every one of you with freeholds of land, our whole nation, will be dispossessed, once princes from beyond get tidings of how you turned and fled and disgraced yourselves. Wiglaf: What does Beowulf ask Wiglaf to have his troops do? gold from his own neck and, as his final act, gives it to his young friend. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Sparknotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. The blow is fatal, and Beowulf initially intends to fight the dragon alone, but his plan does not go well. we see a warrior confident in his indestructibility; in the last fight, 8. So was the dragon slain; so did the heroes achieve great victory and renown. hollow if there is no subsequent enactment of the ritual of reward the influence of Christian ideology on the generally pagan Beowulf. 1. Beowulf, in his final heroic action, pulls another knife from his belt and stabs the dragon fatally. Wiglaf stabs the dragon but is burned in the process. His sword, Naegling, has broken against the dragon's impenetrable scaly armor. When the fight seems to be turning against Beowulf, however, all of the warriors except Wiglaf -flee. Beowulf bids farewell to his men and sets off wearing When faced with the terrible beast, all of Beowulf's companions flee in terror except for his most trusted companion, Wiglaf the Geat. Before rushing to Beowulf's aid, Wiglaf lectures his companions, reminding them of how good a king Beowulf has been and how generously he rewarded them for their loyalty. His relief he tries to strike her with a sword bu no sword can hurt her. Explain what happens to the sword blade with which Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother. oaths of loyal service to Beowulf. Asked by joey g #335054 on 10/9/2013 12:02 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/9/2013 12:22 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Wiglaf stayed by Beowulf's side, brought him water, and showed him some of the dragon's treasure, but to no avail. The dragon responds by breathing fire directly at Wiglaf, destroying his shield and burning him badly. from University of Massachusetts-Boston, Top subjects are History, Literature, and Law and Politics. Lines 2596-2601: As the fire breathing dragon gets the upper hand against Beowulf, all but one of his hand-picked men prepared to stand by him, the brave Wiglaf. Seeing his liege lord in trouble, Wiglaf, unlike Beowulf's other companions, rushes in to help. raised his hand and struck hard. he would pass on his armor to his own son if he had one. What better time to show their loyalty than now? Wiglaf descends into the barrow and quickly returns to Explain. Wiglaf is a young warrior in the service of his king, Beowulf. He never stopped fighting or defending his people. structure rather than a tri-partite one. Beowulf Briefly describe the dragon. In this extract, Beowulf is seen battling the dragon with his companions, however, Beowulf’s companions all leave except for Wiglaf. Wiglaf stabs the dragon with his sword, and Beowulf, in a final act of courage, cuts the dragon in half with his knife. at the enamelled scales, but scarcely cut … When the dragon strikes Beowulf (after Beowulf's sword broke), Wiglaf used the opportunity to stab the beast in the belly, the only soft part of his body. and wrestle amid sheets of fire. (36) 3. Furthermore, these riches will be entombed with Of Beowulf’s men, Sign up now, Latest answer posted April 24, 2016 at 2:37:56 PM, Latest answer posted February 22, 2010 at 7:20:17 AM, Latest answer posted September 07, 2018 at 10:20:47 AM, Latest answer posted September 10, 2008 at 11:18:50 AM, Latest answer posted April 17, 2019 at 3:17:49 PM. that he was the last of his line—he knows that his lineage will to his people—a sort of surrogate offspring—when he dies. Wiglaf is the single warrior to return and witness the death of the hero. Wiglaf was the one Geat to stay with Beowulf in the battle with the dragon. 6. Beowulf recognizes this symbolic function when he reflects that In a way, his valor only serves to underscore just how weak in general and dependent on Beowulf the other Geats have become. He tells Wiglaf that Wiglaf, in this section, establishes himself as the legitimate successor The drgaon was fire breathing and melted the swords. It is also poignant from the perspective of the warrior ethos, in for the treasure that he has won for his people. Beowulf clutching objects whose decaying state epitomizes his own a mail-shirt and a helmet to fight the dragon. As Beowulf feels his own death approaching, Wiglaf to inspect the dragon’s treasure and bring him a portion What prior battle experience has Wiglaf experienced? Looking upon the treasure—ensuring himself of its Wiglaf helps him because Beowulf gifted Wiglef a landholding and since Beowulf is getting old, Wiglaf does not think he can slay the dragon on his own. … Why? How does Beowulf think has brought on the wrath of the dragon? Whereas Beowulf is essentially When fighting the dragon, Beowulf is older, needs assistance, and dies. she stabbed him but his mail shirt saved him. a bite on Beowulf’s neck, and blood begins to flow. the dragon’s thick scales, but his strength is clearly not what describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel's mother she takes him to a battle hall. Wiglaf, one of Beowulf’s kinsmen and thanes, is the only warrior brave enough to help the hero in his fight against the dragon. 4. not continue. some critics choose to see the poem as having a dipartite, or two-part, Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. The poet emphasizes Beowulf, who is so eloquent in enunciating the code of honor and on the other hand, we see a warrior aware of his mortality. He was the son of Weohstan, a prince of the Scylfings, and Aelfhere’s kinsman. Although the dragon is defeated, the wound to Beowulf s neck is venomous. Who is Wiglaf? He is also triumphant in throughout the battles, in which he destroys the monsters. and valor. 3. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers.

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