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UK government admits 294 deaths following experimental COVID vaccines. What is unfolding before us is not a revolution. Even if they get a large chunk of law abiding citizens to hand in their guns it would be that many people that would not rise up against them armed when the hammer falls. Read article here, Hunter S. Thompson | Multiple Quotes Of Truth: Life, Corrupt Politicians and Stupid Wars. Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. These events led Butler to publish a short book that today still gives us a realistic and truthful picture of the forces keeping this nation in a perpetual state of emergency, involving us in war after war against other nations, and diverting so much of our wealth and resources to military buildup. This is a real protest. Which brings us to the second development: the Pentagon has recently granted itself police powers on American soil. The plan that was stopped, aimed to use massive bloodshed to replace the Republic of the United States with a draconian totalitarian government. Please watch this film, it is disturbing but the truth is disturbing and warrants our immediate response. Watch the movie here, We cannot let the End of the Fed victory be a false one. If your looking to donate money, don’t. We must continue to educate and awaken the masses. The enemy is within the US government. He wants it destroyed on his watch. …and when they got food – the hotel price gouged the living hell out of those in quarantine. 6666 which will allow the government to enter your home, say you have covid-19 a fake diagnosis as the virus is a fake. Read article here, The combined US troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have now reached a higher level than existed at any time under the presidency of George W. Bush. His family’s opinion is that the US government murdered Dr. King to end his protests against unlawful US wars and his call to end poverty. Not just for one event but to act in unison as a collective making decisions for the collective. The plan calls for 3 million US citizens to be Covid-19 tested weekly, and the number should be raised to 30 million per week within six months. He targets Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, environmental activists, animal rights defenders, truth-tellers and whistleblowers. Read article and watch the movie The US vs John Lennon here, President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech. Truth11 Films 11th film discusses EHS ElectroHyper-Sensitivity and the growing issue of wireless pollution from WiFi and Cellular sources. Western mass media are complicit in the greatest ever public health crime against humanity. The top down pyramid control system of the few, favours those at the top. Read article here, An excellent film by Money talks, and it is corrupting politics and markets all over the world. We seek to reassure the public that the Queen is still the Queen, and remains the respected and loved figure they have always known. Secondary purposes of Geoengineering include controlling the climate/weather for warfare and profits, and destroying the natural world while furthering the transhumanist/synthetic biology agenda. Obamas drone program is CIA murder of innocent people and drones must be abolished. This film provides a list of issues that drive the 99% to form and to revolt. This data also helps us to spot bugs and develop new designs. If they are foreign leaders, their country can be invaded. Multiple update articles in one here. Perpetual war, genocide, and fascist rule continue because the masses live with the assumption that if they ignore the fact that their government is against them, that it will not affect them. ”We are a nation of laws,” he claimed. For all those still in denial that America is a militarized police state, this should be the ultimate cure to your delusion. As the film V is For Vendetta illustrates we have great strength in unity. The film also looks at the role wireless technology plays in our privacy and freedom. It is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. See film here, The Great Culling of the human race already has begun. We have entered into a new period political resistance. When you look at each way they are killing us daily, many feel there is no larger agenda. Read More Here, John F. Kennedy | Shadow Government Speech. Read article here, Obama Administration Orders World Bank To Keep Third World In Poverty, By preventing poor nations from becoming self-sufficient in blocking them from producing their own energy, the Obama administration is ensuring that millions more will die from starvation and lack of access to hospitals and medical treatment. Read article here, G20 meeting was a total defeat for the cabal, Bush and Cohen crime families on the run | Pentagon ready to take action as US Nazionist rogue regime now totally isolated | Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say | First the evil Pope, then the dumb Secretary of Defense, now Netanyahu, next the Bush clan | Torture Report Paves Way For Arrest Of Top Nazionists | US regime under unprecedented attack, black swan event imminent| Read articles here. He pronounced Bradley Manning guilty by accusation. The concrete pulverized into clouds of dust. Judging by the content of the food, it was certainly not worth $50. It also has information from interviews by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, with independent scientist Leuren Moret. That you don’t want to be liberated and democratized?”  “Then take this Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hanoi, Berlin, Dresden, Bagdad, and Basra…”   “Take that Vietnam, Tokyo, Gaza, Kabul, Pakistan, Tripoli, Belgrade, Egypt, El Salvador and Grenada…”  “And that, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Africa…”   Always bombing people to smithereens…  Of course, always in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “human rights” and “free trade”. Read more here. The Game Is Simple | All Economies Will Fail + The IMF Will Enslave Us All. The bill is widely interpreted as a way of preventing sensitive information about Fukushima (among other topics) reaching the Japanese public and by extension the rest of the world. ‘It is hard to resist the conclusion that this war has no purpose other than its own eternal perpetuation. When a president tries to effect one of his Executive Orders into being a national law, he is attempting to circumvent congress, and contravene our Constitution, and move us closer to being a country ruled by men rather than a nation ruled by laws…. See article here, Events such as the G20 have become a testing ground for new police state measures and a trial run for a military style occupation. They are solidly set against the concept of the nation-state and in particular, the Constitution of the United States. They promote mandatory vaccination (which is against the Nuremberg Code) and suggest it may be better to use coercion and fear to get employees to vaccinate first as they know mandatory vaccination is illegal | Yet they still suggest the employer may have no option but to terminate that individual’s employment without cause and incur the liability, Gordon Logan updates on Russia vs The Rothschilds, “Decoding Davos: The Global Endgame.” (Transcript), Whistleblower: 25% of Residents in German Nursing Home Died After Pfizer Vaccine – Global ResearchGl obal Research, Canadian Doctors Say the Covid Fear Is an Orchestrated Fear without Basis, Top UK Judge Calls for Civil Disobedience, Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Record Birth Rate Declines, HIV/AIDS investigation, and the parallels to the COVID hoax, Coalition to Protest SpaceX Satellite Program, Citing Radiation Threat, Grand Jury convened to indict Canadian police and prison officials with assault, kidnapping and torture – Governor-General, Public Safety Minister named as co-conspirators in Crimes against Humanity and “institutionalized criminality”, Gnostic Illuminati Targets Bloodline Elite 2021 Offensive Begins, Attorney Lin Wood on the Cabal child sex trafficking and pedophilia and fraudulent election, Trump Demands Public Confession from Pence, Clinton Shipped to GITMO, Awaiting Military Tribunal, Bond Villain Schwab and his WEF are Pushing the Internet of Bodies, Illuminati Planned to Use Vaccines for Genocide, Australian Researchers reveal In Brazil Gates Funded DTPa vaccine caused 3000 children to be born with microcephalia not “Zika virus”, No Forced Vaccinations In Canada | It is now federal law in Canada whoever attempts to force anyone to get vaccinated can be prosecuted in court according to the Nuremberg Code | Thanks to Rocco Galati who just won the case against forced immunization in Canada, If you die from vaccine, your life insurance won’t pay as it’s an ‘experimenta l medical intervention’, 25,212 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 1,265 deaths following covid vaccination in the US, Cannibalism and Hollywood Area Elites – Cannibalism is REAL, and It’s One of Hollywood ’s Deepest and Darkest Secrets, Criminal Correlation Between Vaxxtermination Roll-Out & ‘COVID Deaths’. Like the Great Depression, the even Greater Depression now on the horizon was scientifically created. New ones are planned. Read article here, There is no freedom, no democracy, and no government accountability in Amerika, a fascist state. Electromagnetic radiation breaks down the all-important blood–brain barrier, causing the death of neurons, which can result in early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Each picture says it all. The new boss has proven to be the same as the old boss, and the American people, the permanent underclass in America, has allowed itself to be so distracted and divided that they have failed to notice the building blocks of tyranny being laid down right under their noses by the architects of the Deep State. They discuss experiments showing after hundreds of attempts they could not infect a healthy person with a cold virus. ”War Is Over!, if you want it”. He represents the worst of rogue governance. (they should not) Here, THE REAL REVOLUTION = UNITYREVERSE THE CONTROLPYRAMID. Read full article here, Secret UFO Footage Released and several other clear videos showing UFO’s. For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm blows over, the source says. Informed, organized and connected using a system of self government with the goals of world peace and prosperity for everyone. Read article here, The Collapse Of Our Modern World + The Birth Of  A Better One. Lots of information that has been released by whistle blowers, doctors, nurses, and people around the world. It’s time to wake up. …In order to maintain the illusion of a democracy, we are still allowed a presidential election every four years; and no one president can serve more than two four year terms. Here is the Canada-Wide Declarations of Emergency For Covid-19| Understanding how the Declarations of Emergency have never existed, read article here, 9) INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS RELATING COVID-19, Each country has its own constitution and charter of rights and freedoms. Private Pensions, 3. Read article here | Also read 11 Articles On RF Exposure here, Liberty Was Attacked In Boston By the Nazis In Control. Their plan was to kill at least 4 billion people and permanently enslave the rest of humanity. World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, who collected nearly $500 million dollars in insurance on the basis that the collapse of building 7 was accidental, a 47-story structure that was not hit by a plane but collapsed within seven seconds on September 11; Was on the phone to his insurance carrier attempting to convince them that the building should be brought down via controlled demolition. Police Unions, 2. We need to scrap all forms of control by any few. Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference, which has been based at the Grove since 2007, immediately precedes the Bilderberg Group conference by a matter of days.” Bilderberg’s “being recast as ‘Google-Berg’ – partly because of efforts on behalf of activists to tear away the veil of Bilderberg’s much cherished secrecy, and partly as a means of re-branding authoritarian, undemocratic secret gatherings of elites as trendy, liberal, feel-good philanthropic-style forums like Google Zeitgeist and TED. In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. TSA groping at the airport. Read article here. From the news sources to which I subscribe the truth is clear and simple: we need to consume nutritious, whole foods that are grown organically. Meanwhile, alternative energy technologies are systematically suppressed while the threat of nuclear warfare continues to escalate – both for the benefit of the oligarchy. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health + happiness for all. We must not fall for this. Almost every grade in every elementary school in North America has at least one child with autism—a disorder that was nearly unheard of a generation ago. See also bilderberg quotes here. Via its International EMF Project, WHO is supposed to be protecting us from the harmful effects of this radiation—radiation that we cannot see, smell or taste, even though it penetrates and affects every cell of our electromagnetic bodies. Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that has been known about since 1932 and has been called various names in different countries around the world (particularly in Europe, Canada and the former Soviet Union). The Benghazi murders. Read article here, Nazis, Eugenics, Floride and The Rockefeller Foundation. The facts are in– terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. We must simply organize ourselves. Watch The Full Movie Here Or download it from, If you still don’t know what to believe about 9/11 or doubt the 9/11 truth movement and believe the official story, then please listen to the people that were on the 9/11 commission. Read article here, Google will meet this Wednesday with the Council on Foreign Relations to discuss ways that they can use their dominant search engine to penetrate and disrupt international crime. The plan involved a fake alien invasion, germ warfare, starvation, atomic war and artificially generated disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes. | Understanding how COVID-19 measures violate your Charter Rights, read article here, 10) BUSINESS RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, VIOLATIONS AND LIABILITY RELATING TO COVID-19, Each country has its own constitution and charter of rights and freedoms for businesses. This is a comprehensive list of subjects that control our planet. Hemp oil as a treatment for cancer and a host of other diseases and conditions was largely popularized by the efforts of Canadian Rick Simpson who cured his own cancer and tried to share the wonders of his discovery without seeking a patent or other compensation. We cannot continue to support the current system with our taxes, time and effort as it fuels the few, war, starvation, poverty, and despair. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it. There is only one way war will end. It requires absolutely no money at all, in fact, it will save you money in the long run and if you decide to replace them, you may learn a valuable skill-set in the process. A new documentary from Alex Jones definitively declares war against the attempts to control the population through a fear of false dangers. Powerful contacts for optimal economic efficiency. The ex-CIA agent, who’s also an experienced commercial airline pilot, has blown the whistle on the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, claiming that the three towers were actually brought down by controlled demolitions, and not by passenger planes that were flown by amateur pilots. Eliminating the entire Federal Government structure may seem to be impossible. The name which struck terror into the German people who still believed in freedom and wanted their nation to remain a peaceful, respectable member within the international community. As part of a North American security perimeter, Canada will always be at the mercy of any new U.S. security measures, regardless of the dangers they may pose to privacy and civil liberties. The film also provides solutions to this problem and explains what is necessary to stop this extermination process, Total Global Revolution. Read article here, Cell Phone Tower Hell On Apartment Roofs Springing Up Everywhere, Corrupt cell phone companies cowardly hiding their towers of hell on the roof of rental units. Covering the education system, poisoning of citizens, fluoridation, and over medication of the population. Tell others about and sites like Truth11 so they can find out what is really going on. In fact, it isn’t even close. In this new century, irrevocably harmed is caused by the phony domestic terror phobia. LIABILITY: All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code. We know that no plane hit the Pentagon or building 7, but what about the planes that we have all seen footage of hitting the twin towers. Read article here, The Connection Between Military Dominance + Planned Economic Crisis, The book Global Economic Crisis carefully ties militarization with the planned economic meltdown.The New World Order’s systematic destruction of the planet’s middle classes so as to concentrate wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer families. Instead the propaganda machine continued and with its perseverance the concept of peace was lost as being normal. They own him. Download document here, Microwave Weapons Designed To Kill Us= Cell Phones, WiFi, Cell Towers, Smart Meters… All Part of the Depopulation Agenda, Physicist Blows Whistle on Microwave WeaponryExposes Assaults on Populations Everywhere“We are irreparably damaging the very fabric of life”. Here is an 11 point summary of the big picture and some key focus articles. No information within these cookies will be given to third parties. Time and time again children have gone missing in many countries and the public are aware of the sinister blood bath ring that surrounds these lizard people. Fake News, Fake Journalism, Fake Entertainment, Fake PR and Advertising, Fake Medicine, Fake Scientific Research, Fake Acquired Immunity, Fake Food, Fake Water, Fake Choice, Fake Money, Fake Economy, Fake Free Markets, Fake Free Trade Agreements, Fake Accounting, Fake Welfare, Fake Government, Fake Republic, Fake Democracy, Fake Elections, Fake National Security, Fake Defence, Fake Education, Fake Law, Fake Rights, Fake Consent, Fake Morality, Fake Spirituality, Fake Clouds, Fake Lone Nutter Killers, Fake Boogeymen, Fake False Flag Attacks, Fake Crisis Actors, Fake Pandemics, Fake Moon Landing, Fake International Space Station, Fake Space Walks, Fake History, Fake Authority and Fake Universe. Attacking Syria is their latest provocation. Despite their planning efforts, technology, and billions of dollars spent on martial law training, a handful of activists can utilize simple  yet powerful tools to ensure martial law is never implemented. Others simply hear what he says and base their opininon on that. Truth11 Films | Goodbye Blue Sky | Chemtrails, Ignored Genocide From Above. Instead of massive bloodshed involving armed demonstrators (million man occupation of the white house) and the U.S. military, there was a small, peaceful march against racism. Unfortunately, the CIA, through LOOKING GLASS, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, PANDORA, and other behavioral science programs were ready to answer the call. Evidence of the Truth and graphical representations of examples of truth. ‘In a United States Department of Defense transcript from April, 28th 1997, then Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, shocked the public by admitting that weaponized weather has been created through the use of “electromagnetic waves.” The Weather Modification Association has admitted that governments have been altering the weather since at least 1950. Watch full movie here, The Fed Is The Biggest Ponzi Scheme In The History Of The World, The value of the U.S. dollar has declined by more than 95 percent since the Federal Reserve was created nearly 100 years ago. Read article here___________100,000 doctors & medical professionals oppose COVID-19 vaccineThe vaccine is now set to kill and cripple the seniors and the uninformed in the first wave of genocide, their vaccine induced deaths and disease states will be used as the excuse to force the vaccine on everyone else, as the evil media and corrupt government will simply re-label the medical genocide as COVID-19 or something more deadly than COVID. Global renditions persist on his watch. Would leave a steel core…, Lots more 9/11 pictures and links to articles below… scroll down. Here is how to navigate the site: On every page: the main menu is listed below the article you have selected. THRIVE is an documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Authorities claim that testing is important for public health officials to assess if their mitigation efforts – “shelter in place” and “social distancing” and “wearing a mask” – are making a difference to “flatten the curve.” Officials also claim that testing is necessary to know how many persons are infected within a community and to understand the nature of how coronaviruses spread. Read article here, The King family’s civil trial found the US government guilty of Dr. King’s assassination, US Corporate media refused to cover the trial or interview Dr. King’s wife. = NASA Has Never Been Into Space, In nearly 60 years of alleged space exploration NASA has never been able to offer us a single genuine photograph of the Earth from space—NOT ONE! Additionally, we can peacefully regain our liberty by becoming less dependent on the system for our basic needs. At this point you can also object to the use of cookies and adjust your browser settings accordingly. Read article here, Nearly a month ago amateur footage was released ostensibly showing a Russian clean-up crew at the crash site killing off the few survivors of the Polish presidential plane crash. Read Article Here, The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals. See documentary here, Food Rating Systems Discourage Consumer Empowerment, We have been hearing a lot about genetically modified food lately. “We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear—fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer.” Hunter S. Thompson. We understand that this was planned and carried out by the US government as a false flag event to enable the police state and fake perpetual war on terror. They do so repeatedly. Contact solutions for the future of mobility. (Manning) broke the law.” No nation spurns inviolable laws more egregiously than America. Watch all 4 videos to really know what is going on with this COVID-19 plandemic. Au contraire. High-quality connectors for medical applications. In addition, U.S. and Russian Special Forces teams went around hunting down and killing the financiers and Khazarian agents stoking the flames. …9/11 truthers and conspiracy theorists are the vanguard of freedom of speech in the West and represent the intellectual resistance to the global totalitarian corporate state that got its big boost after the false flag 9/11 attacks. Read article here, Continuity Of Government | Suspension Of The US Constitution, The National Emergencies Act, one of the post-Watergate reforms that Vice-President Cheney so abhorred, specifies that: “Not later than six months after a national emergency is declared, and not later than the end of each six-month period thereafter that such emergency continues, each House of Congress shall meet to consider a vote on a joint resolution to determine whether that emergency shall be terminated” (50 U.S.C. Many ask why the 99% are rising up. The FBI spied on him and found that he was having an affair with his biographer, a woman 20 years younger than his 60 years. Biden Pretends to Be President as Trump Leads War on CCP, Which Manufactured Texas Ice Storms | Thousands of rounds were heard fired around Capitol Hill and other updates and Events from Capital Hill. They don’t see people shackled in chains or being ordered what to do by their owners. The battlefields are our homes, the grocery stores, the pharmacies. We Are Change » Feed / John Titor. This short film is a visual representation of the big picture of 9/11 set to Tool’s Ticks and Leeches. They hate us for our hypocrisy regarding democracy and freedom. Truth11 Films | Fuck Everything You Stand For. Approximately 300,000 people in Sweden (a country that officially acknowledges EHS as a functional impairment) are affected. As each country falls the IMF steps in and when they do the country suffers to no end. If we had freedom, integrity and personal responsibility, we wouldn’t even be facing the global collapse that has already begun. Read article here, Destroy The Globalists, One Fat Cat Corporations At A Time, Many may ask, “How exactly can we boycott the globalists when they control everything?” The answer is by systematically boycotting and replacing them with local alternatives. Haiti Video here | Articles by Benjamin Fulford here, | Articles on HAARP + Induced Earthquakes here, HAARP US Military Weapon That Can Cause Earthquakes and Alter The Climate, 13 reasons to suspect HAARP caused the Haiti earthquake here, The Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It, Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. It’s about challenging the comfortable world of official versions and established thinking by giving you access to the knowledge and information that will make the most powerful people, whether they are in government, business, academia, military, the judiciary, media, or the established church uncomfortable at the very least.It is designed for those seeking “The TRUTH” in this world of lies. The film shows a symbolic organization and unification of the populous to rise up at once to take control. Read article 300 members of the house support audit the fedhere, A private security force whose biggest role is helping the U.S. government to “combat terrorism” is now patrolling the streets of a town in Montana, acting as law enforcement but accountable to nobody and operating completely outside the limitations of the U.S. constitution in a chilling throwback to the brownshirts of Nazi Germany. Article Here. The ODU MEDI-SNAP® High Voltage guarantees reliable transmission of up to 1,000 V AC. Today marks the end of the pandemic”, “Our demand is to go back to democracy. The Big Picture When It Comes To Naked Body + Behavior Scanners, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls. Truth11 films presents its 4th short film Techno Revolution + Self-Government System. Won’t be long now before they tear us to shreds. RAND was instrumental in developing the strategy behind the use of nuclear weapons, and how they actively promoting nuking the entirety of Eastern Europe as well as China in case of problems in Western Europe, a policy that could easily have sparked off a catastrophic nuclear holocaust. New world order in full effect in police state Toronto. The police state is secured. Read article here, UK Government to install surveillance cameras in private homes. … The current economic crisis is being caused by the end of a pyramid scheme by the Federal Reserve Bank called the Fractional Reserve Banking System. He’s doing so on humanity. The previously described policies are proving effective in moving populations into densely populated urban centers in accordance with Agenda 21 policy. Få de seneste nyheder og bedste historier. To get simpler, we could just say lie-cheat-steal-kill. We are paid just enough to live and not more. All empires collapse. Read article here, The Hidden History Of The Satanic Khazarian Mafia | Rothschilds, This evil is trying to use COVID-19 Scamdemic to carry out satanic genocide. Simply boycotting the globalists’ corporations and replacing them with local solutions is something everyone can afford to do starting today. Yet this obvious pollutant from above is largely ignored. Perpetual War;  See film here, Plans For A Permanent War Against Terror | A War Against A Fake Terror Al-CIA-da, By declaring a global war against nameless individuals, organizations and nations ‘associated’ with the Taliban and al Qaeda, as well as those playing a supporting role in their efforts, the Detainee Security Act would appear to grant the president near unfettered authority to initiate military action around the world without further congressional approval. The forces of light scored a huge victory against the Khazarian Satanists as their long-planned 2020/06/06/06 offensive was stopped dead in its tracks, multiple sources agree. Read article here, Truth11 Films lastest film The Enemy Within discusses the fascist police state that surrounds us and is a wake up call for some to realize we are controlled by the same people who funded Hitler.

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