swedish midsummer festival

Sammilsdal in Leksand in Sweden’s central region, Dalarna, is known for having the largest Midsummer celebration in the world – it attracts 20,000 people. Learn traditional Swedish folk dances from Barnklubben Elsa Rix and join in lively dance around the Midsummer pole. Adults and children come together to picnic in the grass, decorate the midsummer pole, make flower wreaths, dance to traditional fiddle music, and play some customary Swedish games. Come Join Us at the 2021 Swedish Festival! It's held on the longest day of the year -- so long that the sun doesn't set at all in the north. According to Sweden’s Nordic Museum, Midsummer celebrations originally developed from a Christian holiday for John the Baptist, which took place on 24 June. Going back over 1,000 years, Midsummer’s originates from pagan solstice festivals. No Midsummer celebration is complete without Små grodorna , a dancing game in which people of all ages hop around the pole while singing about little frogs. Sweden’s cities become deserted during The Midsummer weekend. In short, Midsummer is a time to welcome the warmer days and escape to the countryside with friends and family to eat, drink, dance, play games, and, for many, take part in a bit of romance. Currently, the Swedish have the actual celebration on Midsummer's Eve. Currently, the Swedish have the actual celebration on Midsummer's Eve. Nowadays, Midsummer Festival is all about nature and "the coming of light," explains Yvonne Ericson, a visitor services associate at the American-Scandinavian Foundation. Yet, so much has been added over time, that the celebrations here have become distinctly Swedish . Midsummer Spelmanslag (Midsummer Traditions – Saturday 1:00 & Sunday 3:00, Bandstand — Saturday 2:15, Sunday 1:30) The Midsummer Spelmanslag is a group of local musicians who gather each year to share Scandinavian folk music with everyone at the Midsummer Festival. Jun 18, 2015 - Summer is officially here and in Scandinavia, the celebration of midsummer is a significant occasion that symbolizes the end of the long dark winters. Midsummer in Sweden – a cherished tradition, Strawberry cake and the taste of Swedish summer. In Sweden, Midsummer is even celebrated as a national holiday (also see Scandinavian national holidays). Sill is traditionally eaten on Swedish holidays, and there are usually a few different varieties, with many Swedes making their own versions rather than buying it. Today organized Swedish Midsummer festivals typically include exhibitions of folk dancing in traditional costumes, as well as ring dances and games for people of all ages to join in. It’s also common for people to make snaps, flavouring it with, for example, elderflower, lemon or different herbs. The successful midsummer never-ending lunch party formula involves flowers in your hair, dancing around a pole, singing songs while drinking unsweetened, flavoured schnapps. Hosted by Consulate General of Sweden in New York. At the Midsummer Marketplace, you find over 50 vendors wi… See our cookie policy. COVID-19 UPDATE: This year's Midsummer’s Festival, a traditional Swedish festival celebrated worldwide, will be presented in a unique way as we welcome the arrival of the summer solstice. This is a guide to making the most of it. The iconic midsommarstång, or maypole, which is at the centre of the festivities, actually originated in Germany, most likely in the late 17th or early 18th century. Midsommar is a public holiday for Sweden and since in 1952, after a decision of the Swedish parliament, it became a movable festival taking place on the weekend between the 19th and the 25th of June. However, the festival was traditionally observed on June 24th. The second most important festivity in the Swedish calendar, or perhaps for many the most important, is Midsummer… Midsummer, or Midsommar, one of Sweden's most important festivals, is celebrated throughout the country. Rather than having Midsummer always fall on a different day of the week, it was decided in 1953 that it should always be on the Friday between 20 and 26 June. It is one of the most celebrated holidays in Sweden. The next Midsummer Festival will take place June 25 and 26, 2022. Here, in a land wherever the sun is held captive for several months of the year, the arrival of summer is … Midsummer’s Festival is a traditional Swedish festival celebrated worldwide to welcome the arrival of the summer solstice. Must-haves are gravlax or salmon, new potatoes with dill, sour cream and chives, and, of course, sill (pickled herring). Be outside in the garden of a friend, or even better, sommarstuga (summer house/cottage), enjoy the sunshine, set up a white tent and a midsummer pole (that phallus thing) to dance around later. With its roots dating to pre-Christian days, the Midsummer Festival is a celebration of the solstice and is a great excuse for Swedes to leave their towns and cities and get into the country. SWEDISH MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Celebrating the midsummer dates back thousand of years, to before Christian times. Especially for the festivities, townspeople leave their homes and escape to the countryside. Why Dalarna? Midsummer Day is a public holiday.

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