prometheus label_replace multiple

PromQL can be used not only with metrics collected from Prometheus endpoints, but also with Sysdig native metrics collected by the agent. Have a question about this project? A configuration reload is triggered by sending a SIGHUP to the Prometheus process or sending a HTTP POST request to the /-/reload endpoint (when the --web.enable-lifecycle flag is enabled). Grafana exposes metrics for Prometheus on the /metrics endpoint. I.e. Relabeling at indexing time is not really an option as we use a generic scrape job for multiple scrape targets. *_total"}, "metricname", "$1", "__name__", "(. For production use we suggest you check out Grafana Cloud, a fully managed SaaS platform. I'm against functions' return types and semantics varying depending on the type of input arguments, that's just going to cause confusion. This suggestion is invalid because no changes were made to the code. Prometheus's query language PromQL is one of the cornerstones of the Prometheus ecosystem. Only one suggestion per line can be applied in a batch. For testing purposes you can proceed to install and run Grafana server locally (instructions here. PromLabs - Products and services around the Prometheus monitoring system to make Prometheus work for you Fixes: #18455. *_total"}[1m]), but since this would lose the metric name, you might want to copy the metric name into a normal label as the very first step.Currently this is not possible with label_replace() for any functions that expect a range vector, as label_replace() only supports relabeling an instant vector. to your account. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the changes will not be applied. label_replace(vector, dest_labelname, replacement, src_labelame, regex) Combining label_join and label_replace you can do any merging and mixing you want of labels. Already on GitHub? Our use case: We are using cadvisor to pull in docker statistics. Sometimes, however, metrics are moregeneric, like standardized metrics exported by client libraries. privacy statement. I'd like to use avg_over_time with a certain time period but that leads to a result dependent on how many times the pod switched, so id like to ignore that pod name somehow. Not sure what impact removing the .focus(); part has. Prometheus's query language supports basic logical and arithmetic operators.For operations between two instant vectors, the matching behaviorcan be modified. Prometheus can reload its configuration at runtime. The following worked: label_replace(container_cpu_user_seconds_total_counter{image!=""}, "image", "$1", "image", "./(. But you would need this if you wanted to pass the result into a function that requires a range vector, as you can't specify a range selector ([1m]) after arbitrary expressions, only basic series selectors. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. ...must comply with the data modelfor valid characters. label_replace documentation) can add a label to, ... Because Ceph clusters have multiple manager daemons, this results in an instance label that changes spuriously when the active manager daemon changes. Prometheus supports two ways to query annotations. Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues. The following query is valid and addresses the problem in the OP: Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. But since __name__ is lost at {__name__=~". This helps to reduce disk space usage dramatically. Understand the time series associated with Sysdig native metrics. added missing cherry-pick needed label :). The alternative to having two functions would be to offer a way to use go templates, which I don't think is wise for performance reasons. VictoriaMetrics simplifies returning multiple results — just enumerate them inside (): The problem is our docker image names are fully qualified so they are on the long side and hard to read in grafana. You signed in with another tab or window. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. https://metrics:[WRITE_TOKEN]@prometheus. Another use-case: Ceph-mgr receives MMgrReport messages from all MgrClient processes (mons and OSDs, for instance) with performance counter schema data and actual counter data, and keeps a circular buffer of the last N samples. Data returned by Prometheus can be used to show annotations. The alternative to having two functions would be to offer a way to use go templates, which I … While you can do: label_replace({__name__=~". This will also reload any configured rule files. Please see the dedicated guide to use Beamium.. privacy statement. @Timed or @ExceptionMetered have inconvenient names. This means that there is a possibility that the cache becomes stale. Prometheus Module¶. I've tested Tabbing and suggestions. This document is meant as a reference. A regular metric query; A Prometheus query for pending and firing alerts (for details see Inspecting alerts during runtime) The step option is useful to limit the number of events returned from your query. Was excited, but now I get to live with unreadable grafana dashboards and management on my .... well you know. Might still be useful, but I worked around it. This suggestion has been applied or marked resolved. The naming convention is outside my control, so when I found the label_replace function I got really excited. Prometheus returns multiple values for a single query, thanks to the PromQL built-in “OR” operator “|” Instant Vectors. We developed an open-source tool called Beamium in order to scrape metrics in Prometheus format. ...should have a (single-word) application prefix relevant to the domain themetric belongs to. It's expected that you know your metric names, and all uses cases we've seen for this so far were where the user had encoded a label value into the metric name. I'd like to keep things that way, particularly as I expect that'll mess up optimisations that LTSes will be doing. As I stumbled upon this when investigating a user question, I'd like to add here that sub-queries allow a (slightly dirty) work-around since Prometheus 2.7. max( max_over_time({__name__=~". Ok, agreed for now - let's see if a more urgent need for this comes up ever again. Prometheus: Fix queries with label_replace remove the $1 match when loading query editor #18480 hugohaggmark merged 1 commit into master from hugoh/fix-prom-dollar1-matches Aug 9, 2019 Conversation 4 Commits 1 Checks 1 Files changed Sign in label_join is similar to label_replace, but joins multiple labels together to create a new label. You can filter these values by referring to labels within curly brackets. It will make it so metrics with names container_tasks_state and container_memory_failures_total are completely dropped and will not be stored in the database. I have such use-case: I have metrics like "command1_countRejected", "command2_countRejected", ... How to Push data. *countRejected"}[30m]) ) by (__name__) __name__is a reserved word for a metric name. The cache is considered stale when the time to fetch the … Multiple data sources and queries can be defined per dashboard. This would be a useful migration tool, as well. For metrics specific to an application, the prefix isusually the application name itself. Suggestions cannot be applied while viewing a subset of changes. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I'm against having a function of this nature. The label_replace function (cp. A metric name... 1. http_requests_total{account_id="124",handler="AAAAAController"...} http_requests_total{account_id="125", I don't think we should be adding features to work around bad data modelling - particularly as we already have metric relabelling. For operations between two instant vectors, ... Many-to-one and one-to-many matchings refer to the case where each vector element on the "one"-side can match with multiple elements on the "many"-side. If it matches, then the timeseries is returned with the label dst_label replaced by the expansion of … Prometheus is not such a system, and today I'm happy to say that half a year after it publicly launched, Prometheus is Turing Complete. It's unclear to me though whether we want functions to take varying argument types, or how we would solve that if not. Fix: Fixes stripping of $d in Explore urls, public/app/features/explore/QueryField.tsx, Explore: Fix loading error for empty queries, Merge remote-tracking branch 'grafana/master' into columnar2, Merge remote-tracking branch 'grafana/master' into anno-regions, Merge remote-tracking branch 'grafana/master' into reuse-query2, Fix: Fixes stripping of $d in Explore urls (. You can stack these functions after each other to create your desired output. 2. Use the label filtering to identify common labels between queries … Make sure anything else didn't break in QueryFields with this change. We have a metric that contains information that we want to extract e.g. Prometheus supports two ways to query annotations. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. It'd be helpful if prometheus would allow to transform such labels, so that the issue can be mitigated by creating an evaluation rule. Prometheus's query language supports basic logical and arithmetic operators. Get up to speed with Prometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used by tens of thousands of organizations in production. *_total"}[1m]), but since this would lose the metric name, you might want to copy the metric name into a normal label as the very first step. Without the cache, the Prometheus manager module could, especially in conjunction with multiple Prometheus instances, overload the manager and lead to unresponsive or crashing Ceph manager instances. Prometheus is using the pull-based approach to gather metrics. label_replace() For each timeseries in v, label_replace(v instant-vector, dst_label string, replacement string, src_label string, regex string) matches the regular expression regex against the label src_label. *countRejected"}[30m] step, I can't get stats per each command, only cumulatively. Hence, the cache is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Using label filtering helps you visualize the common labels between metrics, which is key when combining multiple metrics. Get Grafana metrics into Prometheus. I also have a use-case in which template variables represent applications, and these applications can be namespaced using / (slash) characters in a container orchestration platform (namely Marathon).. Get Grafana metrics into Prometheus. Sign in We will have a closer look at querying Prometheus for annotations. *)") What you expected to happen: The prometheus query should keep displaying the $1 character. The obvious ones: To rewrite the haproxy exporter to munge the names in a configurable fashion . For each command type, I want to see the maximum number of that command executions rejected within the last 30m, and draw it all as a rolling graph. label_replace(vector, dest_labelname, replacement, src_labelame, regex) Combining label_join and label_replace you can do any merging and mixing you want of labels. One state of Conway's Life. You must change the existing code in this line in order to create a valid suggestion. To do so, open the Grafana UI at localhost:3000/datasources, add a new source choosing Prometheus from the option list and fill in th… It's useful to be able to do things "wrong" in the new ecosystem for purposes of transparent porting, and worry about cleaning up the poor methodologies on the backend. to the app / API / … Applying suggestions on deleted lines is not supported. A key feature of Prometheus is the query language that's called promql. Add this suggestion to a batch that can be applied as a single commit. working with rabbitmq + kubernetes and a specific queue, the pod names are switching. Have a question about this project? Suggestions cannot be applied from pending reviews. I discuss some techniques for doing anomaly detection using prometheus queries and recording rules. We also bundle a dashboard within Grafana … You signed in with another tab or window. Suggestions cannot be applied on multi-line comments. Prometheus: Queries with label_replace remove the $1 match when loading query editor (dashboard & explore) 4 participants Add this suggestion to a … Sometimes you might want to do something like rate({__name__=~". What is the correct fix here? Currently this is not possible with label_replace() for any functions that expect a range vector, as label_replace() only supports relabeling an instant vector. But then if you want to propose dynamic links in text panels for ex. what should be displayed in Explore UI: label_replace(http_request_seconds),"pod", "$1", "pod_name","(. This may be achieved with or operator. Data returned by Prometheus can be used to show annotations. Examples: 2.1. prometheus_notifications_total(specific to the Prometheus server) 2.2. process… Sometimes it is necessary to return multiple results from a single PromQL query. These characters are removed in the metrics collection process and replaced by _ (underscore).. Already on GitHub? By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and Multiple Labels 85 Child 85 Aggregating 87 ... label_replace 265 label_join 265 Missing Series and absent 266 ... Prometheus encourages you to have instrumentation liberally spread across your sys‐ tems, from applications all the way down to the bare metal. use a query like For learning, it might be easier tostart with a couple of examples. I discuss some techniques for doing anomaly detection using prometheus queries and recording rules. *)") Environment: Grafana version: all … We are showing the image name in a grafana dashboard. Annotations from Prometheus. Back in our August blog post, Comparing PromQL Correctness Across Vendors, we looked at several external projects and monitoring vendors that claimed to offer PromQL-compatible APIs.Using an open-source compliance checker tool, we evaluated each implementation by running a set of test … In my way of understanding this, the souce_labels should contain already known labels which exists in the origin (the 'team' label) and it seems logic, in this case, to have an empty target_label.So for me, this case seems completely switched. A regular metric query; A Prometheus query for pending and firing alerts (for details see Inspecting alerts during runtime) The step option is useful to limit the number of events returned from your query. I'm not sure if lowercase() and uppercase() make sense, or if we could come up with a more generic variant to replace any kind of characters (like tr). In case you need to push, we also support the PushGateway with the following URL:. In Prometheus I'm trying to merge multiple http request lines into groups using label_replace. Support label_replace() on range vectors? The prefix is sometimes referred to as namespace byclient libraries. Prometheus: Fix queries with label_replace remove the $1 match when loading query editor. Multiple data sources and queries can be defined per dashboard. Annotations from Prometheus. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. Sometimes you might want to do something like rate({__name__=~". Instant vectors can be queries simply by identifying the metric name. Special notes for your reviewer: *)") … Graphite doesn't support labeling (or rather it does - by extending the metric name), and if you're working on a large system that has been using graphite for years, it's inevitable that some tight tying of graphite's concepts to reporting code gets added. This supports calculations including aggregations, predictions, various math functions and joins between time series. As we can see source_labels contains an empty list and target_label contains the value 'team'. They are visualized in different colors and can be individually hidden by a toggle switch at the top of the dashboard. Grafana is a popular and powerful open source time series analytics software. Closing for now. We will have a closer look at querying Prometheus for annotations. Suggestions cannot be applied while the pull request is closed. Error executing query: parse error at char 106: expected type instant vector in call to function "label_replace", got range vector. They are visualized in different colors and can be individually hidden by a toggle switch at the top of the dashboard. )"), However our grafana dashboard requires a ranged vector(because we are doing an irate), and the the following does not work, label_replace(container_cpu_user_seconds_total_counter{image!=""}[1m], "image", "$1", "image", "./(.)") [region] : this seems to be currently completely impossible. Upgrade ... @suprememoocow Use multiple predictions... avg_over_time(job:http_requests:rate5m[4h] offset 166h) # 1 week - 2 hours + job:http_requests:rate5m:avg_over_time_1w - job:http_requests:rate5m:avg_over_time_1w offset 1w avg_over_time(job:http_requests:rate5m[4h] … n/m, wrapping the label_replace around the irate seems to work. Finally we currently have no functions that return range vectors. Provides a Prometheus exporter to pass on Ceph performance counters from the collection point in ceph-mgr. So the use case still exists where you want to change the value of a label, having nothing to do with a metric name. In this example it's intended to remove the 'team' label. label_replace(http_request_seconds),"pod", "", "pod_name","(. Posted on 24/01/2021 Categories Monitoring, Prometheus Tags Monitoring, Prometheus, PromQL Leave a comment on Using the label_replace function in PromQL Removing old servers from Prometheus Database Use a command similar to the following from a linux command line. Grafana too, like Neo4j, has built-in support for Prometheus, so you simply need to add a Prometheus source. For instance, the following query would return all the time series with names metric1, metric2 and metric3: metric1 or metric2 or metric3. Upgrade to Pro — share decks privately, control downloads, hide ads and more … Speaker Deck to your account, What this PR does / why we need it: to get Currently this is not possible with label_replace() for any functions that expect a range vector, as label_replace() only supports relabeling an instant vector. After an internal discussion with @davkal we've decided to remove PlaceholdersBuffer which fixes #18455, Which issue(s) this PR fixes: AFAICT there is no way inside of prometheus to align those two sets of labels in either the job label replace context or the query language because it lacks the ability to do a global regex replace on a label. Metrics generated from e.g.

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