grafana group by filter query

Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team and foster a data driven culture. For users, with numerous dashboards or with a large volume of queries, the ability to reuse the query result from one panel in another panel can be a huge performance gain. I don’t understand this, you can query fields if that’s what you mean: In my case, the values are part of the message. datacenter=The traffic comes from Asia I can get a table with those values with this query. One of the most resource intensive queries for Zabbix API is the history query. Or do you mean you want to do a partial match? — Grafana … By default, Grafana displays the “message” values through the query. Hi everyone, I want to make a dashboard on Grafana for Web Service Monitoring. For example: "datacenter" =~ /^A/ would match anything starting with A. where "datacenter" = 'Asia' OR "datacenter" = 'Africa'. OS: Ubuntu 14.04 x64. For more information about using Grafana, see the Grafana documentation. Grafana displays the query identification letters in dark gray text. Filter— a filter specified in the entity filter syntax, see Entity filter syntax. Is there any variable (or something like that) to use in the query field? Why doesn’t a normal where clause work for you? Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Tags: I'm using InfluxDB to store values. I’m trying to get monthly data (max value) from multiple items to compare, ie. Use the plus and minus icons to the right to add/remove metrics or group by clauses. Has anyone solved or figured out a way to group data (influxdb >1.8) by month? But you can also monitor this on a monthly basis. ~= is the regex operator and can do partial matches. select message from logs The output of the above query is - “This is a test data created by john” “This is a test data created by admin” But I need to filter the query results here. For a SQL query, we do this by modifying the WHERE clause to filter out undesirable results. However, it does not order by the label values. eg. In the side menu under the Dashboards link you should find a link named Data Sources. How can i filter the results only for results contain “TIME” or “ID=12345”? This document is meant as a reference. It pulls the data successfully but we are unable to create a dashboard with the query based on the searching for a particular text in the query output. Recently Grafana team added a new query builder experience that allows business users to create dashboard panels with no KQL queries.. All that is needed to create a new panel, is using simple drop-down controls. eg name: hosts_with_interfaces filter.query=..* filter_index = 2. It contains these sections: datacenter=The traffic comes from America other log informatin. I’m in a process of migrating all persistence from jdbc/mariadb to influxdb but my biggest problem is grouping kWh data monthly (the max value monthly as I reset all kWh counters every month) and representing it in grafana. If you’re just learning Flux, see Get started with Flux. for eg. Go to Azure Marketplace and pick Grafana by Grafana Labs. thanks for the response. could you give a complete example of the query. I'm generating a JSON format from my application and sending it to Grafana to create the dashboard. If you’re just learning Flux, see Get started with Flux. Using __searchFilter in the query field will filter the query result based on what the user types in … Loki's design builds on its companion tool, Promtail, which scans the server and collects any available logs to ship off to Loki for storage. Available from Grafana 6.5 and above. This sounds like a normal InfluxDB query. This will give you a chart of the difference values per 30d periods (e.g. Pick a username. You have to set the query options to 31 days and the query select: field (value) and spread group by: time(1d) and fill(null) This works for me,using grafana 7.3.6 and influx 1.8.3 Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 07.44.50|690x231 To create template variable click the cog icon on the top navigation bar and choose Templating. # For a SQL query, we do this by modifying the WHERE clause to filter … “This is a test data created by john” The Elasticsearch query editor allows you to select multiple metrics and group by multiple terms or filters. When you click Newbutton, you'll see template variable editor. Grouping. This Grafana Loki tutorial features the LogCLI command-line interface and explores LogQL, the query language used with Loki. # Have a question about this project? TIME=2016-09-20T18:15:31.187GMT|Level=INFO|USER=XXXX|ID=12345|ACTION="XYZ" Grafana asks, “Hey data source, would you send me this data, organized this way?” If the query is … Grouping, also referred to as group-by, is the process of combining multiple time series into one using the required aggregation function and filters.By default, OpenTSDB groups everything by metric so that if the query returned 10 time series with an aggregator of sum, all 10 series would be added together over time to arrive at one value. grafana 3.1.1; datatsource: graphite; Use case: A query-based dropdownlist allows me to select a logical volume. In other words, If I select 24hs I'd like to use that data in the query. other log informatin I just want the only the rows with “john”, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. - InfluxDB 2 - InfluxData Community, I did not upgrade to influxdb 2 so can’t confirm…, You have to set the query options to 31 days and the query “message”/“This is a test data created by john” I'm running Grafana v.4.1.1. I assume Grafana is trying to do something helpful with the set line and screwing up the query when it runs it - because it can't be running the code that the Generated SQL shows it to be running as I've proved that code works fine. Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 07.44.50|690x231, Hm but that only gives daily values for a single item. Example (if all kwh items start the name with KWH_): I’m sorry I don’t know how it works in FLUX, I only know about the influxQL where I would use: last() difference() with interval(30d) on accumulating values. Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team and foster a … I'm trying to configure dashboard with table panel: My conditions is: choose memory metric, filter by role:db and group by role_host. Grafana is open source visualization and analytics software. Select InfluxQL or Flux from the Query Language list. Use this transformation in panels that have multiple queries, if you want to hide one or more of the queries. For example, kindly find the use cases below. Grafana: 4.2.0. datasource elasticsearch 5.2. and the “message” results to multiple rows like below in addition to other type of logs I’m trying to achieve a column graph that displays every item’s “max” kWh value last month (or monthly) by filtering on the item name. Bumping this thread a little as I still haven’t figured this one out, Could be? I agree with you but my use case is different. Open the side menu by clicking the Grafana icon in the top header. how much kWh has been used by each item in Jan and Feb (in a bar gauge/column). All of these data sources expose their own query languages. Set up Grafana on Azure through the Azure Marketplace. datacenter=The traffic comes from Africa. For example, Prometheus exposes PromQL for time series data, and MySQL data source exposes SQL query language. For eg. Some metrics and group by clauses haves options, click the option text to expand the row to view and edit metric or group by options. GitHub. i’ve a similar situation, i’m logging my airco usage on a daily basis to compare, only in a graph style and i stack the results. For learning, it might be easier tostart with a couple of examples. Here is an example from the Grafana Play site: Note that Grafana if not in raw mode, automatically adds a time clause to the query. I have table with a value solar production every minute, so to the accual produced energy every day is max() of the given day. However that does not work in grafana. Hello. Now I have a multi-select query list so I'd love to achieve that the size value for each of those selected logical volumes is … Not sure I understand. Web Scenarios are configrued in hosts and I want to filter the hosts that has web scenarios. Hi Daniel, do you have any comments for the above query? The idea of Direct DB Connection is that Grafana-Zabbix plugin can use this data source for querying data directly from a Zabbix database. eg. For long time intervals history.get returns a huge amount of data. Query and visualize data. I am trying to put a dropdown for each API end point which will show the QPS and Latency of http requests (RED metrics). select message from logs Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored. I know it's easier to create a host group and add hosts TIME=2016-09-20T18:15:31.187GMT|Level=INFO|USER=XXXX|ID=12345|ACTION="XYZ" We are working on the Grafana queries that pull the data from Influx db. I used Grafana's templating and used the following prometheus query. Sorry for not clear in my response. The new experience offers a n easy and intuitive way to select columns, aggregation functions and filter values to analyze and visualize your data. In your example query, for eg. To use the plugin's Azure Monitor integration, install Grafana version 5.3 or higher. Queries are how Grafana panels communicate with data sources to get data for the visualization. Application send json data(key/values) to Kafka They allow you to rename fields, join separate time series together, do math across queries, and more. WHERE (“datacenter” =~ /^Asia$/ , the value Asia, America etc. Query and visualize data. Click a query identifier to toggle filtering. Thanks. With your InfluxDB connection configured, use Grafana and Flux to query and visualize time series data stored in InfluxDB Cloud. “message”/“This is a test data created by admin”, The “message” is indexed Metrics — metric and aggregations used in the Query. are coming from KEY “datacenter”=Asia or America or Europe or Africa, In my case, the values are part of the message and need to use something like ‘datacenter’ CONTAINS ‘Asia’: group by: time(1d) and fill(null), This works for me,using grafana 7.3.6 and influx 1.8.3 For example: SELECT sum (one) + sum (two) FROM "table" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time ($interval) SELECT sum (one) + sum (two) AS S FROM "table" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time ($interval) HAVING S > 0. The output of the above query is - Create a new resource group. Since version 4.3 Grafana can use MySQL as a native data source. This would result in all metrics matching the query, but only return the names at index 2. or, if my machine names look like: dns-dc1-01, dns-dc2-01 name: datacentre I would like to be able to define a filter which I can specify which index, or submatch to use for the results. For eg. For more information about using Grafana, see the Grafana documentation. Kafka sends the key/values to Influx DB for If the Endpoint type is Metric Query, specify: Group By — attributes included in the Query. other log information I think you have to set the query options to 1y and the different queries to 31d. In this step, we modify our query to use the variable we created in Step 1. But it should be possible with 2.0 and with Flux…, See this : Will InfluxDB 2 support "group by month"? Transformations process the result set of a query before it’s passed on for visualization. Grafana supports different storage backends which provides a variety of ways to query and visualize the data. Choose from Metric Query, Events, or Entities. other log informatin kWh usage per month) without having to reset your meter. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. “This is a test data created by admin”, But I need to filter the query results here. thanks for your time. My query config is: Table transform is Timeseries to rows. The singlestat then shows me the size of this logical volume. It allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics no matter where they are stored. I just want the only the rows with “john” Hope I am clear. What happened: When executing a query to InfluxDB 2.0 from Grafana, Grafana groups the results by their _field property, which is good and is a normal behavior. With your InfluxDB connection configured, use Grafana and Flux to query and visualize time series data stored in your InfluxDB instance. Grouping is simple in (my)SQL but I can’t seem to figure this out in Influxdb… I read some about it in this issue but I don’t get the syntax for this nor how to get it working in grafana. Trusted and loved by the community. Endpoint type — API endpoint used to perform query. And I needs to assign only the Asia, America, Europe, Africa to the 'datacenter" KEY. Query: go_info or grafana_info Correct: go_info{job="grafana"} or grafana_info{job="grafana"} Incorrect: go_info{job="grafana"} or grafana_info #14802 Problem: Filter added to range vector that is ending with : Query: avg(rate((my_metric{instance="foo"} > 0)[3h:])) by (device) The Query Inspector shows the real query sent to InfluxDB: SELECT mean("value") FROM "logins.count" WHERE ("datacenter" =~ /^Asia$/ AND "hostname" =~ /^(server\\5|server\\second\\slash)$/) AND time >= now() - 1h GROUP BY time(1m). #, InfluxDB: Grouping data by month in Grafana, Will InfluxDB 2 support "group by month"? If the query letter is white, then the results are displayed. Here is the flow: Grafana renders a handy preview of what values of "route" will be down in the drop down menu Step 2: Modify your graph query to use your new variable. select: field (value) and spread () Do you know how can I filter hosts with web scenarios in grafana variable section with a query. Filters are used to generate and send custom reports based on a single dashboard. By default, Grafana displays the “message” values through the query. Click the + Add data source button in the top header. In plain English, it provides you with tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into beautiful graphs and visualizations. datacenter=The traffic comes from Europe eg. - InfluxDB 2 - InfluxData Community, Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 07.44.50|690x231. Using __searchFilter to filter results in Query Variable. Fill in the names and details. To set up a local Grafana server, download and install Grafana in your local environment. New issue. Select InfluxDB from the Type dropdown. A query is a question written in the query language used by the data source. A much more durable solution would be for Grafana to explicitly set its MySQL session to "+00:00" when connecting. I'm using Grafana with Prometheus and I'd like to build a query that depends on the selected period of time selected in the upper right corner of the screen. As far as I know, this is not possible with Influxdb 1.x. Finally, in the GROUP BY clause, we supply the trip_distance and location variables so that Grafana can plot data properly. Filter data by query. As a prerequisite for this Loki tutorial, install Grafana.

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