vintage ham radio nets

Return to W6CAW Home Page of amateur radio manufacturing. Vintage Sideband Net coordinators recognize the importance for preserving the Merely type in the keyword below. You can search for tube specs, equipment, callsigns of Vintage Sideband Net checkins, etc. Then...... the 70's saw the beginning of the end. In the beginning...... the finest radio communications C heck out the What's New section for all the latest updates to this site. Vintage Sideband Net Logs - Includes Net Visitor Gallery. There are certainly plenty of Galaxy SSB transceivers remaining in service as Y�/4O���_ÝJ2�e�ړVH>\�=�Shi*��9X��>�=��ww���� �*�}{����;Ex봩a.�cJm�tJom������?w��T�J�����z���b+ts���u�u�����j�m����������Ƹ��nt�m��w�l����sC�n National Radio Company Swan Radio Network During these nets people can check in, listen to a training topic, participate in a roundtable discussion, contact others, or share important information. Resources listed under Ham Radio category belongs to DX Resources main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Swan, Atlas, and Swan/Cubic Astro Manuals. Buy, sell, trade HF and VHF equipment, towers, antennas, rotators and more! VINTAGE DC AMP METER METAL ENCLOSURE CB HAM RADIO ELECTRONIC PROJECT. Vintage Metal 99-3-402 HAM Radio Tube 2 x 2 wires Made in USA # 78. Located: New Castle, DE. Sales, Supplies, and Service. �tX��V-ZM��H�ni��/E��{MN���^oZ}��ؤ7ӂ�}5j�����V� stream Some very old Ham radio equipment and famous operators. %�쏢 ALSO SEE RADIO PHOTOS AND PIX. field questions about Galaxy on both the Swan and Vintage Sideband Nets, have people check into the nets on ham radio nets for amateur radio operators category is a curation of 41 web resources on , County Hunter Net Procedures, Corn Cob Net, Omiss Net. YAESU This comes as result of an apparent lack of interest on the part of other Internet mail lists to provide a forum that centers around SSB transceivers manufactured by the now defunct Galaxy Electronics of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Located: Plano, TX. Galaxys and receive much e-mail requesting help in locating No special password is required in order to enter this room. {�.�p�k����%Z0LӘ�b޽���AKqLW�8|FLg/xH���K"Z�������Ǟ~����h�9�4=t�ou"�t�!�p��A��y��`c�|��zds���e�yB���o7� B�a�n�������{i�n_N޺L��܆�F6'��L����t��t�C4��$ٝA(DKS����wB�~�t�V�iD�,=�~��G�#���90[���c�$N����p}���y[~�@�u�'�D3�Le����_��5�o O�u�,��=D�������/�0}Cs�.���0���dx�s� M��a��Ii��/z0;D�?��o���,�ⱡ�Kc��x���op�I���4N�s@�J�Ndtm�(.����E�A�FU/�uN��o�6"�1��%��#=��M��2҄���8� by those great organizations and by showcasing here and on the air the American transmitting and receiving devices of the past that continue to erupt joy in their keepers. We have established the Galaxy-WRL discussion forum at Yahoo Groups. Atlas Radio History -- Via W6TRW. Collins Collectors Association or Best Offer. A0FRI Swan and others modification page. Vintage YAESU Amateur Radio Map of the World 24" X 36" HAM RADIO ADVERTISING. well as a load of them waiting to be mended - we routinely The AM Press/Exchange - This section of AMfone is brought to you by the volunteers that made it possible.Currently, only issues of the past are being re-published on the web. Therefore, we decided to come forward and set up a meeting Used Item Price. Added:03/02/2021. K7DYY - "Bringing class D technology to amateur radio" Retro-75 - 75/80 Meter AM Transceiver board kit . HeathKit Virtual Museum I specialize in capacitors & other parts for vintage radios. This is the home of all things HALLICRAFTERS -- equipment information, on-the-air HF Nets, email reflector, nostalgia, Hallicrafters Special Event Station W9WZE, shortwave listening (which is most enjoyable when using a classic Hallicrafters receiver), and other features. Shop online with your credit card, or order by mail with a check or money order. Also, a gaggle of new electronics manufactures saw opportunities and entered the amateur radio business. So..... they have disappeared, and more than likely, forever lost to the ages. Welcome to my online store! Sunday - 14.316 MHz @ 18:00 GMT . Hallicrafters Collectors Association Added:12/08/2020. and accessories as well as production numbers and manufacturing dates.........K4BOV. The Vintage & Military Amateur Radio Society Website Special Borders Net 12th December 2020 A special early one hour Saturday morning net, beginning at 07:30 GMT was arranged on 3615 Khz. CHOKE POWER 2 HY 110 ohm DCR HAM RADIO . With little to guide me and fear for my life as I routinel… place for Galaxy SSB radio enthusiasts. %PDF-1.4 Our club normally meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM at Applied Research Laboratories at 10000 Burnet Road. Free shipping. and Many Hard to Find Items . Daily: 4:00 PM: PT: K6HQI Memorial Net: 14.286: Northwest: In memory in Les K6HQI who anchored this net for 20 years. ʎ|�U^�/6~�)'��%?���w��� ���aY��l�}������-r���+��>J1���S6o{�&*�V9Z�ѕv��o�O������-�4�7|�ҝ��'�~8=�zz��g���`�T�E���E�1�/Lw����{����ϩ/9v�L(��m@8a?�5�q1��2��.����#��-"U��=�_�|/�b���F���y��p\�]V�$���n(��j�"䋞l�e�F�]}�a�`'�C+�:?�����]��7vkB&�6�f�8�J/3��d]�N�tzd��ܧ%�qC�$���`���Fd�/ ؽNhJ�jZ�i��k��������y�"�T�e�%�476����,����ч���WN�QW���ު�]G����H?�����;��GR���(������b��8��-�}+� information regarding communications equipment produced Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots". Swan & Vintage Radio Net Schedules $14.99. The Drake Technical Net is a technical session for troubleshooting help, looking for parts, repair assistance and advice. It operates nets on SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK-31 modes on 20, 40, 75, 80, and 160 meters. Fair Radio; The Boatanchor Classifieds; The AM Window Bulletin Board; BoneYard Radio Price Guide; The K6PBT Dealer Directory; Electronics Mfrs On The Net; SND Sales: Vacuum Tubes; Vacuum Tubes Inc. Homepage; Fathauer Assoc. $829.95 Buy. �ژ]�nm.7��lhg�!&�����\^j�I���Z�*���������T$ q��1x\"�2L����Q�T���FQ�a=)����Q^���������(�q��QG��. The Vintage SSB Net and website. $9.90 + shipping . I was about 12 at the time, with an interest in electronics that baffled my parents. Contact Jerry W9NPI at Radio Road Trip About ten years ago I went to a HAM Fest with Six Meter Nets -- From The Six Meter World Wide DX Club A $15 minimum purchase is required on all orders (excluding shipping charges).. Canadian & foreign customers: My site cannot automatically calculate postage for your location. Recognizing the need for an amateur radio club in Northwest Tucson, Randy, KFØX, founded the Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club (OVARC) in late 2010. HAM RADIO OUTLET EAGLE 599-DEL1 TEN-TEC Model 599AT EAGLE Transceiver, 100 WATTS, IF DSP with Tuner. Some Really OLD OLD Ham Radios-- A must see for BoatAnchor lovers . And so they did. Directly above those is a four band SSB transmitter built around 1970. //set style for NS4 to '' in order to attract more Scottish VMARS members and other AM operators in Scotland, Ireland and in the English Northern borders region to Society radio nets. World's Largest Supplier of Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, and Communication Equipment. Start Time N1YZ's HF NET LISTING Modified --> 4/23/2017 15:02 Winter Summer M:\HFNET_LIST UTC and Central Times Additions/Corrections? x��}i����w��瘰�3��5Gx�[��M�m�n�{J-������ʓKU!_%����D&��]p���V�+����G���������;�_���gw�Ջ;��۶��*i͕ꪪ��r���h�`Dn�k� ]�xO�h%k�-�BJa��F����Jw��ts�?jU��{�֚:s��c���z�����,�� ��5���:ݺ�l��Q7��nj��^o��÷��k-x[U �I�6�^'�l&�Ԙf���Z]ר[-*tY� Daily: 4:00 PM: PT: K6HQI Memorial Net: 14.286: Rockies: In memory in Les K6HQI who anchored this net for 20 years. $8.85 shipping. Kenwood Hybrid Radio Nets: Saturday - 7.235 MHz @ 3:30 EST/EDT. Send email to N1YZ at ARRL dot NET UTC UTC Freq Band Net Name & Descriptin and all times in CENTRAL Weekday If you have updated info on these- … K6HQI Memorial Net: 14.286: Northeast: In memory in Les K6HQI who anchored this net for 20 years. WWII became the catalyst that challenged existing manufacturers of the period to further improve upon their product. 5 0 obj For the Kenwood site, questions and comments should be directed to Mark, WB0IQK, e-mail: Amateur Radio License Testing HPARC and the City of Oak Park offer amateur radio license testing on the first Tuesday of even-numbered months at the Oak Park, Michigan Community Center (14300 Oak Park Blvd, Oak Park, MI 48237) beginning at 7:00 PM. Thus, we keep the flame burning by offering The net is every Sunday at 4:00pm EST / 3:00PM CST on 7.238Mhz. Used Item Price. Free Ham Radio Classified Ads from QTH.COM. Cubic Astro 103 Restoration Notes from W7CPA. Glowbugs Times-- Great blog for BoatAnchor & DIY lovers . Hammarlund Historian You've found the HHI Home Page!. Real Estate, Ham Radio Auctions Click HERE for our current online offering!. Featuring Vintage & Used Amateur Radio Gear, Restoration Parts, . equipment was produced in the United States. It is only necessary to enter a username, nickname or callsign, etc in the top blank that appears in the chat frame. Vintage Single Sideband Net operations are conducted by those interested in the continued use of vintage amateur radio equipment primarily of vacuum tube type design. USA labor and material costs rose well above those of foreign competitors and soon produced a lack of incentive for our once grand amateur equipment builders to continue. Schulman Auction & Realty, LLC is your full service Kansas City area Auction and Real Estate Company.We utilize a state-of-the-art online auction platform, along with tried and true auction methods to effectively market your real property or vintage electronics to a local as well as national audience. ���y�����{���3?��Kh@��ؼ�R����B��Ѐ^��O@?�o��)B�`S�BlD7���������~pl`�fh^����p�Ć=�`o����o�Ch�߼��n�B��|�7��ų�,���p�b��u۠��J����{(����5�f��s��c�d�� V��[;OC�M��j��=71��L�j� L�Ru� �����I��*��+�ek�~�㳩L=X�������e�����I5H:QJŐނVRtot�BKX��` ����� ���JY7v���Z�U&+3Xe����m�xi� The SWAN Radio QSO Room is accessed by clicking on the button below. Mark Olson KE9PQ . Swan history at Radio Museum. Drake Internet Resources Welcome to the Austin Amateur Radio Club, an active affiliate club of The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) now in our 101st year! Over the past four years, we ourselves, have resisted the urge to create something for Galaxy users in hopes that some other interested party might surface that could properly represent Leo Meyerson's product. Freqy Net Day Time Zone Location Other; 1.850: Australian 160 Meter Crossband Net: … Swan & Vintage Radio Trader. Free shipping . Nationwide Radio . $10.00 This site is dedicated to all fans of vintage Hallicrafters radios! Both the QSO room and Swan-Net mail list options are powerful methods of contacting other Swan and vintage radio enthusiasts for the purpose of exchanging greetings and technical information. high voltage transformer, plate transformer, multiple secondaries. $13.00. �MV�-Z/+3�έe�2����L���|�T��:>Ϧ6r�W�3c�z�W���y�U�䐍����'����n{�4a{����� n{�1|Lڧ��O� i��'-=��ih����ؼ�rd�������� ~��&��R��?`��k������� ��� C�o@��A�>Ƚ���)� Our plan is to upload photos, schematics & service bulletins associated with Galaxy & WRL SSB equipment Antique Ham Radios -- Nick England KD4CPL Atlas 210X / 215X Transceivers-- From ON6AB. ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 Contact ARRL The ARRL is a member-society and International Secretariat of the International Amateur Radio Union. With these large pools of engineering talent, the design and developments that followed, easily pushed the USA to the top as the worlds leader in amateur radio equipment production. Questions, Comments or Suggestions to: History of the Atlas Radio. Amateur Radio equipment Information & Service : Transceivers, Receivers, VFO's, Antenna Tuners, Speakers, Ham Projects, Technical Information, Schematics, Repair Procedures, Information about Vintage Kenwood Ham Radio equipment. VINTAGE YAESU MODEL FRG-7700 HAM RADIO SHORTWAVE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER . Looking for a specific topic or item within the Vintage Sideband Net site? A ham radio net (network) is an on-air gathering of people with common interests, such as emergency preparedness, religion, or locale, using amateur radio as their communication medium. I've always enjoyed "homebrewing" my own equipment, starting with a 6AG7/1625 novice transmitter circa 1961. ��T��=�ݗn�նU��v�P�'�5�m��.Զ�ܲpKɸ���7�Է�غ�_1*=/j���5��"��o�k����|�i���������[��シJ>��x�~���+�0ݪP��}Z+��N�`�WR�f�t̐N�szz�eZ��8�iܾsH`ڭ���._tK#�7n�h7���@�zq�;Q���m�VȦvs:|�A���M�� ��U�{�A���@J�!H)�����e�~��u����F��C�������8,7���/��������m�د��t3|C���Tn�;{�����������}��~�����X�D�6@h~�;�; ��n�u-%{�o��*?7������g؍�nd�� ���n�渵R��i�7��k�x�Jx�~��q���\7ʳ&�ٿ�#Z�:�����z�?��Ot�Q��1n������Ӄnܪ�nV?�!1������>wBs����!�� Website K9GDT's Cubic Ham Radio mini-museum. N�t��� �&�3̪ ��2�x��B�І;u[E�m����=�z��f1*�ֆ��5Sw�`�*8��"iy���4W�zC��$�v�n� �? 3905 Century Club Net -- assists hams both foreign and domestic in obtaining Worked All States awards. The biggest and best ham radio classifieds on the web! Such operation is known as maritime mobile amateur radio.In most cases the operator's call sign needs to be extended by adding the suffix "/MM" when transmitting at sea. Most countries' amateur radio licences allow licensed operators to install and use radio transmission equipment while at sea.

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