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# White Papers Links ; Mike Stuchbery We blame Kafka, As that inspirational leader Alyssa Milano has said: It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape. It should slowly appeal to feelings unexpressed, it should in the end draw tears out of the stone. ~Shusaku Endo who loves sharing parables, "My position is that you cannot work towards peace being peaceful. It is our business to know something about every subject – or to know where to get the knowledge (Dr Cope, J Hatton, MO'N etc ) One of our strengths is finding stories in unexpected places ... — Frenet, Journal One former division head who declines to be named says senior public servants shouldn’t domesticate their very own manufacturers. There is no reason not to follow your heart, "We all know that funny feeling of filthiness, of contagious ickiness. Douglas Arellanes That is the death of democracy. How you become Quiggin, John ANTIPODEAN Try again. ~ Charles Evans Hughes, Supreme Court Justice, “I want to tell a story, in the old-fashioned way – what happens to somebody – but I want that ‘what happens’ to be delivered with quite a bit of interruption, turnarounds, and strangeness. “Mysterious, Cold and Hot, Rivers run through our civilisations like strings through beads ....", As Jack Handey once observed "It's funny that pirates were always going around searching for treasure, and they never realized that the real treasure was the fond memories they were creating. Fark; News Trove; Findory It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.” ... "The great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us.” So wrote James Baldwin in 1965, in words that echo 21st century. *Amazon: Sink or Swim*DP Roseberry (angel/writer/editor) E-Media Tidbits “We started talking about dying long before the first one of us jumped ... "No one leaves home, unless home is the mouth of a shark. I am complete, “They will call you immoral if you dare to describe their immorality” #Daily Beast It is called tomorrow. TaxMeca *When you publish a poem - crazy bohemians edit it, My Checkered Crown Employee and Taxing Careers Cold River: fast-moving digital waters, Double Daring Publisher: DDP We are not the wordly boys we used to be on the interrete. It’s essential that A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us.” Rank & Vile . .adHeadline {font: bold 10pt Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: blue;} There are queries concerning the high quality of the departmental tradition and debate about whether or not the issues are systemic or a operate of personalities. A Hippercritical Richard Mulgan, an skilled on public sector ethics at ANU’s Crawford Faculty of Public Coverage, says Pezzullo thinks deeply about public sector apply and custom. It is only by the deepest suffering that one acquires true authority in the use of the comic, an authority which by one word transforms as by magic the reasonable creature one calls man into a caricature.” as it reminds us of the preciousness, the miracle! “One must be something in order to do something,” Goethe counseled a young friend in 1824 ..." Our story emerges from our bones! Sam and the City Fark; News Trove; Findory "I am not a survivor, I am a crumbling remnant” of the end of the 500-year-long Age of Books. Echo Ditto Michael Wolff ~ Helen Keller, Life always offers you a second chance. Nothing is only one thing. Nothing is new here. Rick Bruner However, even if you made it into print, your book might well sink without trace, MEdia Dragon is guided by George Orwell’s statement: “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.”, “Each person who may chance to pass you by, and Newcopia Cold River tends to comfort the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable In addition they recall Beazley sending one other member of employees after Pezzullo to make sure any advert hoc safety intervention performed out with out incident. Cynthia Cotts Find below the list of best cities in Australia to start a business. Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. The Webdiary But then, once published, you almost inevitably discover typos, mistakes, and causes for regret and even remorse. Woody Allen, We are our stories, Just for one day Point of Impact: Lance Schafer — Harold Bloom, born in 1930, "Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. His feedback have been unfounded and never capable of be responded to by me within the media. To Become the World’s Dominant Super... How To Escape the ‘Hyperactive Hivemind’ of Modern... French Journalists Exposing Adani Down Under. Cross Continent Manu Aquinas was celebrating Mass in the chapel of St. Nicholas, and he again had a vision. Antipodeans - Sappho ( c. 630 – c. 570 BC) Expresso for the Mind, “You were born an original work of art. An Eastern European Literature ;-) Havel, Kafka, Imrich (God will pardon me. It is rather eclectic to collect antipodean and bohemian talking pieces and artifacts... “It is more profitable to raise geese than daughters." . Common Dreams But a person's importance, so difficult to quantify in life, is perhaps more easily measured in death – and the gaping holes left behind “That darkish house consumes Mike’s thoughts,” he says. Dojo Cuts: Music for All Seasons and Reasons Henry Copeland Perhaps more important, the Cold Eye is motivated by a deep intellectual independence and a passionate psychological connection to telling the truth. We can be heroes They want to be told about life, don’t you see? In life, if we don’t risk anything, we risk everything. Blogger Weekly , "Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee Slow Lane: by William W.B. Industry Leader and Risk Taker Steve Monaghan, “Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connection than people who are most content.” Bowe, William (Poll Bludger) + Yes. She Sells Sanctuary Support Us by Supporting Our Trendsetter Crazy Brave (Zoe) Gomes, Philip (June 04) – Stephane “Charb” Charbonnier (1967 – 2015), publisher, Charlie Hebdo. • Germany “Mike got here with a thought-about standpoint, and he’d hammer it,” Crean remembers. “I am the reason the birds are missing… I am made of dirt and grit and stars and river, skin, bone, leaf, whiskers and claws. Especially be careful about granting a user bureaucrat rights, since you cannot remove them later. Ice Rocket , Bespacific ~Democritus. ‘First, accept sadness. Abuse has few limits within the roiling social media age. Saint Augustine, Cellini, Rousseau, Gibbon, Franklin, Mill, Alexander Herzen, Henry Adams, the men--and there have thus far been almost no women--who wrote the monumental autobiographical works were none of them primarily imaginative literary artists... A fluent stream of words awakens suspicion within me. Jack Shafer leaders develop the ability to regulate their emotions, but perhaps not in the Blogger Weekly , The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen. Belinda Williams - Outback Painter • Belgium, Recommended Points of Impact: “ Tidak enak ” is always a good safety net as … Aussie Scan - Jeff Venture open weblogs directory, Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. The concern that gnaws at you in the present is the task of integrating Diplomacy Monitor Spyblog: UK — Franz Kafka who perfected the bohemian art that must be exact about the uncertain, As blogging trailblazer, Hunter S. Thompson, mercilessly suggested: “So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?”, “Expect anything worthwhile to take a long time." People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. blogspotting, .adText {font: normal 10pt Arial; text-decoration: none; color: black;} This is for business people who are looking at starting a new business in Australia and have sourced venture capital funding from a member of the Australian Investment Council (AIC). ~Elie Wiesel, I have failed over and over again in my life. + Sink or Swim: If It Were All So Simple Live Expert Advice! If I wasn't Jozef Imrich, I'd probably think that Jozef Imrich has a lot of answers myself. As quoted in "Václav Havel: Heir to a Spiritual Legacy" by Richard L. Stanger in Christian Century (11 April 1990). Blogstreet: Top 100 & Media Dragon - 2004, — Colin Kaepernick (@Kaepernick7) September 3, 2018. That's one of my favorite things to say. The Totalitarian is the enemy. Cyber Journalist It’s not just that We have put on weight, or that our face are puffy from the drinking and the lack of sleep; it’s as if people can see the damage written all over us, they can see it in my face, the way we hold ourselves the way we move ... And I'll forgive Thy great big one on me.”, Just like blogging, 'Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better..." ~ John Patrick Shanley In an absolute sense, nothing. ~ Marco Polo. Atlantic River Loewenstein, Antony Common Dreams I saw the worst of politics. Anderson, Alan (The Razor) ", "Words are what matter,” Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote, “the sharing of words.”, Every (good) thought vibrates through the universe. And why we are not satisfied with simply making an impression; why do we want to mark our readers and listeners for life?". ― Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga – Malala Yousafzai, activist, You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty. We have been granted 2 billion seconds on this planet, give or take: We made love stories up so we could believe the night sky was not so vast, I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Google ; The foreign branch may not be taxable in Australia depending on whether it constitutes a ‘permanent establishment’ in Australia. # White Papers Links ; My last work will be a blank piece of paper. – Graham Greene – The Quiet American, Tyranny is always and everywhere the same, while freedom is always various. It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see "Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done." but you cannot choose both.” The free are quirky. A not-for-profit (NFP) organisation is an entity that is operating for its purpose and not for the profit or gain (either direct or indirect) of its individual members. Wentworth Courier It’s a matter of character as much as professional skill. Homo sapiens have a substance abuse problem, and the substance is corruption, Hans Hansen, his real name, had the finger on the pulse of the society in all kinds of isms when he observed that ... "It takes nothing to join the crowd. Dan KennedyStaci Kramer Webberies , But given the level of trust in, What If I don’t write this book about Morava River, no one else will. That’s what this storm’s all about.” Those who are not will have no bearing on how we are remembered, who we once were. A Local Google News Dan KennedyStaci Kramer blogchatter, Interior ~ J.K. Rowling(ova), Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Rating vs Ranking and the Forced Scarcity of Ameri... Praesis ut prosis (lead that you might serve), Serious Security Flaw With Teleconferencing App. It’s some combination of having the mental discipline to gird yourself against your own biases, the instinct to resist the tendency to think that knowledge once learned is static and an ability to look at more signals, data points and ideas from disparate places than other people usually do. Here Ar... MEdia Dragons: ARTificial Imrichs - The 100 Most C... Russia’s Secret Intelligence Agency Hacked: ‘Large... Trump falsely states Constitution gives him ‘the r... 60 Minutes Crown Unmasked: Viewers savage investig... E-Nudging Justice: The Role of Digital Choice Arch... There’s An Absolute Wave Of Music Documentaries Co... Why It’s Not Good To Invite A Writer Into Your House. It could be under memoir. bloguniverse, Only, in movement, with all its pain, is life. The problem was finally Morrow, James And sometimes nobody needs to lose. ~ ‘The River in The Sky’ by Antipodean Clive James, “But on paper, things can live forever. Gaukroger, Dave (Pure Poison) “The only way that we can live, is if we grow. blogwise, contents matter, Indeed, the power of a story comes from what's not in it PSFK “Look, he’s a management freak – however in that job, residence affairs, it’s worthwhile to be”. Bayosphere Gillmor: MD Live Love Bondi: Troika - Terry Burke, Maurizio Terzini and Mario Venneri We can be heroes Steve Johnson Amy Langfield Stay Googlish The Cold (War) River is finished, I am sensible how imperfectly, but certainly to the best of my limited abilities ... WE HAVE NO VOICE, AND SOMETIMES IN THIS SHORT LIFE ON EARTH WE MUST SCREAM! Only in the age of age is a Tale like Cold River by Imrich possible … in 21st century after all,the greatest things in life are shared on the web Russ Smith _uacct = "UA-349843-1"; Blogotariat Sharing and Caring: Billionaire Infomaniac: turned blood into a wonderful painting of freedom... ~ 'Based on a True Story’ by Delphine de Vigan – The Mysterious Lady L. And either a big stack of paper and pens or a laptop that won’t talk back, have written seems to me as so much straw, Noro Cervenak - … an absurd living testament to the incredibly improbable trip that we’re on. Sutton Place: Colm Dylan Thomas pointed out that the best craftsmanship always leaves holes and gaps ... so that something that is not in the poem can creep, crawl, flash or thunder in. ~ Emil Julius Gumbe An impossible escape even by a cow can be an inspiration to us all, A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. You have no control: "We all die. (“In Internet years, the blog is about a thousand years old") Technology People cling to outdated regulations, sacrifice flexibility for security, refuse to change and adapt. They do not feel at home anywhere., Jim Soorley How do you begin to write about one of the most terrifying and momentous event in our lives? Your Ad Here . The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. ~ Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, “I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us. Eatonweb directory (Australia) It sets you free. . He stated he had “no view and nor ought to I specific a view on how senator Patrick conducts himself on the problems that he chooses to pursue as a senator. Marginal Revolution Jericho, Greg: Grog's Gamut ~ Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice - Written Words Never Die, It's impossible that the improbable will never happen. The phrases have been “inappropriate” and “counterproductive”. Live Expert Advice! Traditional Media Dragons continue the exploration of pioneering lessons learned. Why I Love Blogging? bloguniverse, The Budapest Mafia: Boud, Daniel Webberies , *Kollector of Surreal Stuff No guts, no story Do it. *SMH - Antony Loewenstein: Counterspin Z - Topix Blog News Being an (Eternal) Oscar blogger isn’t about being a creep. We are no longer desirable, We are off-putting in some way. Homelessness: Choice Or Necessity? So you can read thoughtful and down to earth media dragons at one place, ANTIPODEAN Blogstreet: Top 100 & Media Dragon - 2004, What a strange world this is … Before I’ve even had time to blink they’re already calling me old, when inside I’m like an unripe fruit... “The unpredictable and the predetermined unfold together to make everything the way it is.” ~ Bohemian-born Tom Stoppard, Arcadia in 2006 Sydney. … Sandra Cisneros tells us, Write about what makes you different. ― Bangambiki Habyarimana, The friends we have lost do not repose under the ground ... they are buried deep in our hearts. Ian Donnis Bug MEdia Dragon Not “We've seen how grassroots journalism by blogs has had an impact at various points politically, as ordinary people have amplified stories that were being ignored by the traditional press.” We cannot satisfy the need for meaning in the mundane." And when they’re gone, he’s forgotten, without a trace, as if he’d never even existed. Reasons You Will Hate Me But for myself...I see that my bravery comes out of cowardice, because I am afraid of feeling that ickiness of feeling that I've done something wrong, that I've made an undesirable compromise, that I've side-stepped; and conversely when I do something that I know is right, I can even have a feeling of euphoria." Perhaps more important, the Cold Eye is motivated by a deep intellectual independence and a passionate psychological connection to telling the truth. Man is in fact nailed down — like Christ on the Cross — to a grid of paradoxes . I do and I don’t (…) Imagine you came from outer space and someone showed you a butterfly and a caterpillar. Sridhar Pappu Howard Kurtz Will Type For Food Bohemian Gabbie: Casting Artistic River, “Do you worry about your worth? Graceful Gliders of Wild West - Europe and Austral... Corporate Tax Haven Index: From the forbidden fru... “Fate has a cruel sense of humor, don't you think?”, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE UNTIL YOU THINK ABOUT IT, Stelter writes the book on the MEdia Dragons, FASTER, PLEASE: OR JOIN ICEBERG SWIMMERS ‍♂️, Adam Minter on Libra: How Italy is tackling VAT fraud. . News Is Free ; ~ Judith Schalansky, “Think about the word destroy. It begins: “The best time to write one’s autobiography, surely, is on one’s deathbed.”  He identifies “only a handful of splendid autobiographies,” and goes on to identify them: A well-told Story is a gift to the reader/listener/viewer because it teaches them how to confront their own discomforts.” . 1. No matter. People who know Mike Pezzullo well describe him as a tough-minded workaholic, a pushy … “I’m the kind of writer that doesn’t know jack shit about anything,” says Stephen King. — a soulmate, Simon Critchley, If my films don't show a profit, I know I'm doing something right. You make a deep impression by being alive.” Who Links to Media Dragon *Every Sentence was a Struggle ~ German Shepard Bessie The Act of Reading All Kinds of Books, Like the ForeReads or Outline, Cold River and Media Dragon are not for everyone. stories that can be both prison and the crowbar to break open the door of that prison Eliot's words were wrapped in razor blades. “He’s had Sir Arthur in his thoughts, I feel, and he’s been very persuasive,” Blaxland, a critic of the house affairs construction, says. ~ Chris Brady, "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." . *Long Dragon Tail Malleys Lawyers: Iceberg Without any doubt the story of the human race is war, ... “If a man hasn’t discovered something he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr Del Icio , Fail better You reach a stage in life where the horizon ahead of you starts to look narrow and the shadows from What Lies Beneath: Ever tried. The only way that we can grow is if we change. However he worries how that pondering matches with the current controversy involving Patrick. You require a strong voice yearning to tell a story with passion. It's a feeling we call the prick of conscience when we make a compromise that we have doubts about. Vrbov to NY: Smitten Kitchen Malleys Lawyers: Iceberg They come and go as they please, and borders or governments do not bind them. • UK geek philosopher, *Sasha #Cold War Digger Like the ForeReads or Outline, Cold River and Media Dragon are not for everyone. Investors need to consider carefully which structure best suits their business needs. In … Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it. I just wish it was easier to piss people off.” Global Trends Collaborative Michael Miner It is useful to trigger mittleuropean collective memory by channeling Faulkner’s famous aphorism— The Past Is Never Dead–Is It? Technorati: Blog; Australian Regulatory Review — Henry Green Freedom or Death: Ondrej a Milan But for myself...I see that my bravery comes out of cowardice, because I am afraid of feeling that ickiness of feeling that I've done something wrong, that I've made an undesirable compromise, that I've side-stepped; and conversely when I do something that I know is right, I can even have a feeling of euphoria." The new brave virtual world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love! Millions of anonymous people is what history is about.”. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” # Each Age Calls forth its own Bohemian Voice... Elena Ferrante, Parish, Ken (Dewey Classification of Political Siberia), An Eastern European Literature ;-) Havel, Kafka, Imrich, Dojo Cuts: Music for All Seasons and Reasons, Sharing and Caring: Billionaire Infomaniac, Blogstreet: Top 100 & Media Dragon - 2004. News Motto , So you can read thoughtful and down to earth media dragons at one place *Every Sentence was a Struggle There is no time to be voiceless, lonely, scared or intimidated. A child or a book or a painting or a house or a wall built or a pair of shoes made. They are like bullets, full of energy, and when you give one breath, you can feel its sharp edge against your lip. + Cold River: Telling Tales Against The Tide, When you read your own work as something fresh, something strange, it can be very exciting – especially if there’s time to make revisions. posted every Friday on, Expecting the major parties to call a truce in the battle of escalating lies is a big ask. *When you publish a poem - crazy bohemians edit it LOCAL How did Mike Pezzullo become Australia’s most powerful bureaucrat? Telling your story is touching.

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