the beyonder powers

The Beyonders also engineered an accident that created a pinhole to a universe containing a "Child unit" Beyonder, inundating scientist Owen Reecewith some of its power, transforming him into the matter-manipulating Molecule Man. Believing that he must take what seemed to him the only chance he might have to save the multiverse from being destroyed by the Beyonder eventually, the Molecule Man destroyed the machine, thereby killing the infant within. In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality. Regeneration Systems:The Beyonder stated that the Orb will allow Tony Stark the power of biological immortality through indefinite cellular regeneration. The Beyonder is a godlike character from Marvel Comics, and the driving force behind the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars. Various adventurers based on Earth, most of them possessing superhuman powers, including the Hulk, Spider-Man,[6] and members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men, went to New York City's Central Park to investigate an enormous circular construct which had materialized in the park's Sheep Meadow. His cognitive capacity is such that he can assimilate knowledge from the entire Multiverse. "Give up." The Beyonder created a vast machine necessary to bring about this transformation and tested it by resurrecting the New Mutants that he had killed earlier. Next he gave himself a body identical to that of the Molecule Man. He is the embodiment of the Beyonder Realm, a place much bigger than the Marvel Multiverse, outside of reality. He gave himself wealth, good-looks and used his powers to endear himself to the masses, not mentally but rather just by passing himself off as a magical meta-human with power to spare and excessive wealth. However, he immediately sensed a strange mental presence and attempted to mind-scan the Beyonder, revealing him as one of the Inhumans previously ruled over by fellow Illuminati member Black Bolt. The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. He also saved Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, then known as Talisman, from entrapment in an other-dimensional world. The batteries are non-flammable and can be fully charged in two minutes and recharged up to 100 000 times, thus reducing the need for frequent replacement of batteries. Produced with clean energy and energy-efficient methods, our batteries have the smallest environmental footprint possible. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! [1], The Beyonder continued to experiment with experiencing love affairs with human beings. The Molecule Man, however, convinced the Beyonder that existence was meaningless without death, and so the Beyonder brought Death back into existence by using his power to kill the reporter Dave, who willingly sacrificed his life. 7: I can make an argument that the Ivory Kings are above him though I won't because I promised not to. [13], Months later, the Beyonder arrived on Earth to continue his study of humanity and of desire. The Beyonder later underwent another retcon, briefly becoming a mutant inhuman, and after a last retcon is now considered to be a member of the alien race of the same name and is referred to as a "child unit" by the Beyonders. He was capable of causing a multiversal wide destruction, and took over the entire earth with a mere thought. Even with his Transcendence and AEOE, he was unable to defeat these beings. After the Puma failed to kill him, he became convinced that he was wasting his time in trying to enlighten others. He attacked Scarlet Spider then bonded with a Carnage symbiote to become the villainous Spider-Carnage. He also had vast psionic abilities, which enabled him to scan the minds of the entire world,[24] neutralize psychic probes from powerful telepaths,[25] erase the memories about himself from every human being on the planet,[1] among other abilities. They can also shoot powerful energy blasts capable of harmings … As a consequence, he was naturally surprised to discover that Earth's beings were merely a part of a greater whole making up their universe; one that was itself but a member of a larger collection of universes, perhaps of infinite extent, called a multiverse! Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible, Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited, Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Several Forms of Combat, 31 Minor Appearances of Beyonder (Earth-616), Media Beyonder (Earth-616) was Mentioned in, 8 Quotations by or about Beyonder (Earth-616). [9] Too weakened to strike back against Doom, the Beyonder secretly took possession of the body of Klaw,[10] who had been resurrected on Battleworld[11] after his seeming destruction by Dazzler. The remaining energy of the pocket dimension apparently gains sentience and curiosity. Eventually losing hope, the Beyonder decided he'd be happier if the multiverse was destroyed, fighting against the Avengers and murdering the New Mutants with ease. The living embodiment of The Beyond Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse, he utilizes his powers over reality, space, and time to observe the neverending battle between good and evil, serving as both an ally and enemy to Earth's greatest heroes. [3] He was dragged to Earth by the super-villains geniuses group Intel by a tachyon beam meant to attract a Vibranium meteorite. The Beyonder then met an underworld figure named Vinnie, whom, seeking to make use of his superhuman powers, became his "guide" to the world. Additional powers include teleportation, flight, the ability to choose his own physical resistances and attributes, as well as the ability to move others from one place to another via teleportation, such as the heroes and villains he moved through space-time to his 'Battleworld' construct in the original Secret Wars. [16], Deciding he could not simply return to the Beyond-Realm and forget that he had ever experienced desire, the Beyonder remained on Earth but fell into despair. For this reason the Beyonder decided that the driving force of all sentient beings must be desire—an emotional state previously unknown to him—which manifested itself as a longing to grow; to be; to evolve into something that one is currently not in order to achieve a sense of completeness. Some were later tapped into by various beings, including Skrulls and Humans, to create reality-warping Cosmic Cubes. He is endowed with superhuman strength of such an extent that it is potentially incalculable. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation. (Discuss), The being known as the Beyonder is, in fact, a young member of an ancient otherwordly race known as the Beyonders. The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as The Living Tribunal and Eternity. The Beyonder then met an underworld figure named Vinnie, who, seeking to make use of the Beyonder's superhuman powers, became his guide to the world. Under Vinnie's influence the Beyonder sought wealth, pleasure, and power over others. He had never possessed a true form of his own before, but now he created for himself a physical form that resembled a composite of the bodies of various participants in the "secret war," in order that he could walk amongst humanity and fulfill his own desire for experience in this world. Indeed, upon the realization that he (as he heretofore thought) was not all that existed, he began to view himself as incomplete, and, as a result, found that he too now felt desire. Name: The Beyonder, The One from Beyond, Frank Origin: Marvel Comics. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Immortality (Types 1 and 3), Regeneration (High-Godly), Acausality (Type 5), Large Size (Type 10. Finally, the Beyonder was rewritten a third time, with Jonathan Hickman's New Avengers series. The living embodiment of The Beyond Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse, he utilizes his powers over reality, space, and time to observe the neverending battle between good and evil, serving as both an ally and enemy to Earth's greatest heroes.

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