Louis XVI facts

His father died early in Louis's life and Louis XVI became the dauphin. Edgar Cayce was a famous twentieth-century Christian mystic who regularly entered an altered state of consciousness from which he answered questio… Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, his wife were considered as the symbols of absolute monarchy and French aristocracy opposed by the lower and middle classes of France.The beginning of French Revolution took place during the riots of Paris when Bastille was stormed by masses in 1789.Louis XVI was viewed as a tyrant due to his conservatism and indecisiveness. While he was injured, the furs had cushioned enough of the knife for him to survive.For trying to kill the king, Robert-Francois Damiens was drawn, quartered, and had his remains thrown in a bonfire (allegedly while he was still alive, though how anyone could survive being drawn-and-quartered I have no idea). Insulted—because he’s really the one suffering here, right?—Louis could not forgive Marie’s (medically prescribed) rejection and he never came to her bed again.Louis appointed three sisters from the same family as his chief mistresses. Smushed between his magnificent great-grandfather, Louis “the Sun King” XIV, and his beheaded grandson, Louis XVI, our Louis XV’s reign often gets dismissed as the quiet time between the French monarchy’s height and its downfall. He was just five years old at his ascension and the first eight years of his rule were controlled by his regent, Phillipe II, Duke of Orleans.Louis wasn’t born to inherit France. After all, it wouldn’t do to make a last confession before God if you were living in sin.A lifelong nerd, Louis XV had a passion for the sciences, especially botany. Since In the year previous, his grandfather the Grand Dauphin had died of smallpox.

But where there are Bourbon kings, there’s sure to be drama. The constant refusal to violently repress demonstrations – which was a common way to deal with social unrest at the time – was perceived as a weakness and Louis XVI was soon seen as a King unable to make a decision. When Louis recovered, he took it all back and re-embraced his lover.To his embarrassment, the king’s confession had already been distributed amongst the people, letting everyone know he was a deathbed welcher and making the monarchy look really bad. However, the bread price was increased during his reign because of his implementation of grain market deregulation. A very respected woman was chosen in Paris to donate pus which was to be used for the vaccination process. Look, it was impressive for its time.In 1762, Madame de Pompadour convinced Louis to construct the Petit Trianon, a luxurious mini château within Versailles that would serve as their love nest. First came Louise Julie de Mailly, who served his wife at court. Years later, I was using her phone when I made an utterly chilling discovery. Queen Marie died herself shortly after on June 24, 1768, leaving Louis the most alone he had been since his ascension as an orphan.Louis’ reign saw the last enlargements to the Kingdom of France before the French Revolution: the Duchy of Lorraine was reverted back to the king in 1766 and the Republic of Corsica was acquired—after much fighting—in 1770.In January 1757, Louis survived an assassination attempt thank to the thickness of his winter furs. But it was all in vain: the Dauphin died on December 20, 1765.Louis’s neglected queen Marie was horribly impacted by the Dauphin’s 1765 death. An ironical fact of history, however, was that Portrait of Joseph-Ignace Guillotin – Source : Wikimedia CommonsAs I previously mentioned, Louis XVI loved the newer technologies of his time. Soon after this, his mother also died, leaving him orphaned.Louis XVI’s lack of decision making did not fare well for him. While his great-grandfather loved the ballet, Louis had no passion in steps.

Some believed the King and his advisors meant to deliberately starve the French to death to suppress protestors. He has 9 different names; He shares the same birthday as Kobe Bryant; Louis' death was the … Catherine of Aragon is now infamous as King Henry VIII’s rejected queen—but few people know her even darker history.

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